Korean is Judas Iscariot for democracy world

Korean is Judas Iscariot for democracy world.

South Korea is Enemy of democracy side already .
Thy are already the side of NK and china.
Do not be fooled by gooks anymore.

South Korea break the General Security of Military Information Agreement.

This is just benefits for NK and China so much.

And this will destroy doramatically the nfluence and power and benefit of USA in east Asia.

South Korea is doing whatever good for NK and China right now
U.S. expresses disappointment over S. Korea's decision to withdraw from military information ...

Also korea is beggar of endless compensation. This anti Japanese statementscate works help units of South Korea China and noth Korea.
And destroy the relationship japan USA and South Korea.
Everything what korean do is benefit for china and nk.

Japan and Korea is economical war right now.

Korean President Moon is a libtard
He is openly pro communism activist at past and strong supporter of NK and he never even hide it.
and korean beginning to seize Mitsubishi assets in Korea for reparation. Japan now threatens to stop semiconductor export to Korea.
>Japan paid the money to the people and said apologize.
>Both party sign the contract said that everything is over and done.
>Gov instead paying those who suffered in the war, spend on stupid projects and shit.
>People ask why no money
>Gov lying to the people that Japan is evil and did nothing to help.
Its that pattern over and over again that it starting to annoy Japanese.
>Koreans started the trade war. Japanese companies will be forced to give the protesters money endlessly in Korea if we don't take action.

And president moon is openly saying as official statements that "japan is not ally of korea without apologies and compensation again "at 2017 infront of PM Abe and president trump.

Attached: ECD858CE-9952-43D9-BD8D-D9189CD127CF.jpg (381x1350, 128K)

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Korea is enemy of democracy side already

Japanese economical sanctions on Korea
is basically purpose of attacking supply chain of strategy materials from Korea to China.

Everyone who stand for korea for this issue is standing for chinese aggression.

SK is already enemy and betrayer of USA ,japan and western democracy.

SK was the big supply chain of strategy materials for NK and China and IRAN.

>So USA got huge anger right now about it and let japan to do economical sanctions on South Korea.

Iranian official says oil-for-goods deal planned with South Korea


Big amount of sensitive stuff just vanished in South Korea that could be used to create nukes, poison gas and so on. Korea sold that stuff to someone or "lost it" .


Those economic sanctions on Korea is part of attacking supply chane of communism nations. which is connected the USA economical sanctions against China.

>Strategic goods illegally exported from S.Korea
Data from Seoul point to over 150 cases of illegal exports of strategic items by South Korea that can be used to produce weapons.

South Korea's trade ministry had compiled a report on the number of such cases last October and another this May, following requests by parliament.

The reports found 156 cases during the four years ending this March.

>After that NK was started to rebuilding nuclear weapon.

""''>Korea seized after illegal export was happned.
>So it did not prevent at all the outflow of strategic substances all over the world. """

>It's pretty obvious that the SK gave north korea the illegal export from Japan. Moon is pretty much an appeaser to Kim, and will do anything to be the one to reunite Korea.

So economical sanctions on Korea is unavoidable.

Why Japanese hate korean is simple.
South Korea is endless beggar of compensation about ww2 fucking 70years ago and helping Chinese aggression and NK behind that attitude!

Korean says that Japanese compensation and apologize is not serious so japan have to pay more money or such complite crazy shit.

It’s nothing but a excuse of endless beggar act of gooks.

Korean is perfect beggar of Asia

How many times must Japan apologize?

And how much of money japan have to pay as compensation?

Are gooks beggar?

>1965 in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty , japan paid The total amount of 800 million dollars [currently converted 4,500 billion yen] to south korea.The total amount of 800 million dollars is 2.3 times the Korean national budget at the time.
>And Japan's private assets in Korea amount to 5.3 billion dollars (1.98 trillion yen, about 15 trillion yen now converted) was given for free.
>Also at that time , Infrastructure improvement introduced in Korea by Japanese tax was【60 trillion yen】. And japan give up all of those investments and private assets in Korea.
and 1994
The Asian Women's Fund
"$40million" was provided by the Government of Japan.
and "$5million"was donated by the people of Japan.
And 2015 ,
the Japan-korea agreements made over comfort women.
"Japan paid 1 billion yen again in 2015."

Korea is just whining and taking advantage of victimhood status to swindle Japanese corporations. Japanese today are not responsible for past atrocities. Korea is acting like a spoiled child, stop begging for money , Japan already paid stupidly huge money and apologized so many times, how many times do the Japanese have to apologize and hand out money? Korea needs to get over it

Why Japanese hate korean is becouse they never stop asking ton of compensation money from japan endlessly even now.
Korean is beggar and we japanese outrage about it right now

Korea is too annoying with their MUH APOLOGY AND ETERNAL JAPANESE SIN and that kinda stuff, and Zainichi did have fucks who collaborated with North Korea and South Korean Anti japan movements that endlessly hate Japan and refuse to naturalize despite living here for several generations. And asking ton of compensation money from japan even now every year.

Korean is beggar of Asia

>>At 2018 again the Korean government decided to force Japan to pay $24 billion with the money coming from the 245 Japanese companies operating in Korea. Korea tries to force this as compensation for WW2
Each of the "220,000"of korean people is asking at least "$89,051.50 = ¥10000000".
South Korea already forcefully seize the property of some of Japanese companies in Korea at 2018.(crazy but this is the reality.)
>korean is always saying what they need is apologize from japan, then why they are keep on asking such a stupidly huge amount of the money again and again even at 2018.This is the hypocritical act of them
>""They fools the world, to get money and advantage from Japan endlessly.""
The only reason? Money.

Korea is just whining and taking advantage of victimhood status to swindle Japanese corporations. Japanese today are not responsible for past atrocities. Korea is acting like a spoiled child, stop begging for money , Japan already paid stupidly huge money and apologized so many times, how many times do the Japanese have to apologize and hand out money? Korea needs to get over it

Attached: 553D5DD9-BEBC-4603-9B29-45E08D1E752D.jpg (750x1161, 674K)

Korean is Judas Iscariot for democracy world.

South Korea is Enemy of democracy side already .
Thy are already the side of NK and china.
Do not be fooled by gooks anymore.

Korean is betrayer and they will do biggest catastrophe for the democracy world by being side of Chinese aggressions.


You already posted this exact same thread yesterday, nigger

>A lot of people is saying japan never apologized about war criminals.
>If these are not the apologize then what is the apologize means?
Example of Japanese apologizes 1
The Asian Women's Fund also abbreviated to アジア女性基金 in Japanese, was a fund set up by the Japanese government in 1994 to distribute monetary compensation to comfort women in South Korea.
Read well here

Example of Japanese apologize 2
2015 agreements of comfort woman.
Read well here
>(1) The issue of comfort women, with an involvement of the Japanese military authorities at that time, was a grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women, and the Government of Japan is painfully aware of responsibilities from this perspective. As Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister Abe expresses anew his most sincere apologies and remorse to all the women who underwent immeasurable and painful experiences and suffered incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.
"Japan paid 1 billion yen again in 2015."
Also We can see Japanese government apologists so often, and the government of Japan itself never denied the existence of Japanese war criminals of the past.

in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty, the following words are written. "Confirm that post-war processing will be complete and ultimately resolved" (Article 2, Article 1 of the Agreement)>>

and in the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty , japan paid The total amount of 800 million dollars [currently converted 4,500 billion yen] to south korea.The total amount of 800 million dollars is 2.3 times the Korean national budget at the time.>>
Also Japan's private assets in Korea amount to 5.3 billion dollars (1.98 trillion yen, about 15 trillion yen now converted) was given for free.

>However, after the conclusion of the treaty, South Korea utilized the money from Japan for national development without paying individuals for compensation. And never informed about it to the own korean people.
Japan insisted that would pay reparations to the Korean individuals, but it was the Korean government back then who rejected it.
There is no doubt that the economic growth of Korea was made with the liquidation paid for this and North and South Korea as the driving force.>>
>Also at that time , Infrastructure improvement introduced in Korea by Japanese tax was【60 trillion yen】.

>And the Korean government surprisingly, has not informed the people about even this treaty itself. Is it to conceal what was diverted to national development without paying to individuals? Or maybe it is to aim for an increase in Japanese hate within the Korean people? Or perhaps both?

That’s not a very good look for South Korea, who only seem to be thinking of the money.>>

Yes South Korea is very bad, evil corrupt society rune by feminist cults. Japan and US should stop supporting them completely.

Seoul is centre of corruption of the world, it must be cleansed.

Not only like that!
Why USA got huge anger to South Korea right now and let japan to do economical sanctions on korean

Because South Korean was sending core materials of nuclear weapon to China NK and Iran

South Korean the one who supported Chinese aggressions movement for the back to destroy western democracy !!!

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