Korean is Judas Iscariot for democracy world.
South Korea is Enemy of democracy side already .
Thy are already the side of NK and china.
Do not be fooled by gooks anymore.
South Korea break the General Security of Military Information Agreement.
This is just benefits for NK and China so much.
And this will destroy doramatically the nfluence and power and benefit of USA in east Asia.
South Korea is doing whatever good for NK and China right now
U.S. expresses disappointment over S. Korea's decision to withdraw from military information ...
Also korea is beggar of endless compensation. This anti Japanese statementscate works help units of South Korea China and noth Korea.
And destroy the relationship japan USA and South Korea.
Everything what korean do is benefit for china and nk.
Japan and Korea is economical war right now.
Korean President Moon is a libtard
He is openly pro communism activist at past and strong supporter of NK and he never even hide it.
and korean beginning to seize Mitsubishi assets in Korea for reparation. Japan now threatens to stop semiconductor export to Korea.
>Japan paid the money to the people and said apologize.
>Both party sign the contract said that everything is over and done.
>Gov instead paying those who suffered in the war, spend on stupid projects and shit.
>People ask why no money
>Gov lying to the people that Japan is evil and did nothing to help.
Its that pattern over and over again that it starting to annoy Japanese.
>Koreans started the trade war. Japanese companies will be forced to give the protesters money endlessly in Korea if we don't take action.
And president moon is openly saying as official statements that "japan is not ally of korea without apologies and compensation again "at 2017 infront of PM Abe and president trump.