Absolute state of the west

>absolute state of the west

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>the wicked witch of the west


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wouldnt it be cute if we were edgy witches for a protest. thatll show them

>look at the calves on that whore
inshallah i must resist the western devil


reminder witch hats were originally a stylized form of the pointy jew hats


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The judenhut. Basically a fucking traffic cone to warn goyim that this was a Jew, who was likely to jew them.

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He is right you Know.

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>tfw these girls are just BPD-ridden tumblr goths into daddy-doms and would love for a chad nationalist to keep his bearings when expressing his beliefs and to pound their depressed vaginas.

Can't affect Christians.

We should show up with robes and masks too!

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look again there bud. those look like the legs of 5 dudes. Sure they may have feminine penises and all, but still dudes. Hell, one even has hairy as fuck legs showing.

Holy shit. Is everything from middle ages folklore a warning against Jews?

I could rape and slaughter all of those bitches in a single day
>Too bad they hangout at 2am-3am

>Now that white men have used their courts to ban witch-hunting we can appropriate the theme into our own modern puke and use it to protest white men.

infantilism in its purest form.

these people would not know how to deal with conflict or a real war. reciting Harry Potter doesn't work when bullets are raining down on you.


Maybe, but the majority of girls into witchcraft these days are girls into makeup, pastel shit, ironic pentagrams, and daddy-doms who just want their holes pounded.

God, I wish bullets would rain on middle-aged Harry Potter fans in Minecraft.

Yes. The old warning of the "hags" was a reference to keeping children good and away from the crazy kike lady who'd kidnap kids for blood libel and slavery. The cauldron? For making drugs.

You have to yell Malleus Maleficarum when you fuck them.

>in Minecraft.

wtf is this shitty meme

And I thought the Vampire metaphor was on the nose. Fucking wow. I wish someone would do a book on this.

Medieval witches used to transform into cats, sneak into childrens bedrooms, sacrifice and eat them, then sneak back out.
Throw dead stuffed cats into the ocean and inciting certain chants to cause a storm to kill the king and queen.
Modern witches go to dollar general, buy some candles and call trump a doodoo face over and over.

We have the exorcists on our side. Easy win.

Wiccanism and Witchcrastism is quite common here, especially in the north west. They protest around but mostly do outreach in schools and businesses through their union and associations/covens. I think its a good thing to follow the old ways.


Looks like we have the support of the Spanish Inquisition and all of out ancestors of the medieval era.
I'd say this is a war against good and evil now and we have divine favor.

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Hansel and Gretel. An old witch with a huge nose kidnaps gentile children through tempting them with candy and sweets, then wants to eat them. Come on, man. It's obvious.

>Witch gets pushed into the oven

What are these retards doing thats not how you do curses, fucking hell this is why I hate americans so much with their shit wiccan religion made by a jew who didnt knew what he was talking about.

Lurk before posting, also, obligatory


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The new way edgy white incels can openly say they want to murder someone or shoot up a school. Then if law enforcement wants to use their messages in court they can say

>B-b-but I was talking about shooting up a school in minecraft, I'd never said someone should shoot up a school in real life

Which is still retarded because any non special needs person can see you obviously want whatever you said "in minecraft" to, to happen in real life and not in minecraft

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>witch burnings were wr-

>Old ways

Not at all. It's a bastardization of old Celtic and Germanic traditions with a huge matriarchal core, and quite modern at that. The majority of the people into it, being women don't understand a damn thing about the occult and are either wannabe goths, or DnD girls into elves and wolves. Basically, they saw Germanic neo pagans and were like "I wanna play too."

yo, I was at this shit. I'll never forgot those gay ass Wiccan protesters. This was the Free Speech Rally in Boston a few years back, what a fucking absolute shit show that was.

Evil women are against us

Because we're the good guys

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I hope that nobody ever stuffs all the Jews into ovens, that would be totally awful and should never be done.

>We interrupt those who choose hate
>Places a hex on people they hate for hating them back
>thinking satanic witchcraft has any affect on a Christian

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Hexe is the German word for witch. "Hex" is used in some german dialects
Don't know if this is the reason why they used hex

Witches places hexes or curses as its also known as on people

it means curse in this sense


A bit exaggerated on the common diet and sanitation. The food really was not bad at all back then.


Where are the muslims when we need them?
Someone needs to Allahu Akbar them to pieces.

White cucks will still use burning witches as a knock against the Catholic Church / Christianity as a whole. It is now plain to everyone that not only are witch burnings necessary, they are morally justified.

I can smell the cat piss

Good luck proving intent like that in a court of law retard. What are you going to do, bring in a certified psychic from Mrs. Cleo's school of channeling to read the defendants mind and know intent?

Do you know why "White Supremacy" is "evil and hateful" but "Black Supremacy" is not even discussed?
Because one is based on fact.
The other is a meme.

It's ironic that they try to stop jate by being hateful towards people
>self-awareness machine broke

verhexen is the german word for cursing someone

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this rally was nuts, you had to be there to believe it. It was billed as a conservative backed free speech rally, with speaks from all over the political spectrum in attendance: left, and right. The radleft took issue with Augustus Invictus being invited, and literally thousands of people descended on the Boston Common to protest a group of like, 30 people and some speakers on a podium. You couldn't hear the speakers at all, the cops had to seal off their area with a mile wide gap of fencing, and the crowd just blindly shouted "NAZIS GET OUT" for like four hours. I walked around asking people, in more polite terms, what the fuck was the matter with them and why they didn't just ignore it and go do something else.

I've got a ton of stories from that day of leftist idiocy, and at least one retarded thing from an alt-righty, but I'll avoid writing it all out. Only thing I want to mention is some faggots wearing black bloc masks who I called cowards hiding under anonymity; they ran away from me while talking shit, over to a larger group of them, then pointed me out and followed me around for a mad long time. Antifa too scurred to go after real Nazis but will follow, in a pack of ten or twenty, a random dude who called them pussies.

I actually got my pic put into a Vox article from that day, where the reporter asked me what I thought of the event, and I said that the demonization of white people was leading to a rise in political extremism. Lmao they put that quote in the Vox article

A witch? Truly the most pathetic of all sorcerees

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Most of the witch shit I see also mixes in gods and goddesses from all over, Roman, Greek, Indian, etc; it's the most ridiculous little self made "religion" these fucktards are into. Just an excuse to have ritual without any meaning behind it. And all of them just happen to always be fat, leftwing sex perverts.

People in the middle ages were smarter than you would think

>I actually got my pic put into a Vox article from that day, where the reporter asked me what I thought of the event, and I said that the demonization of white people was leading to a rise in political extremism. Lmao they put that quote in the Vox article
post link

What? 2am-4am are the prime raping hours


>People in the middle ages were smarter than you would think
they had some stupid believes but they were definitively not dumb. In my opinion the average person today is dumber than the average person 500 years ago

damn, you goys are fast

I wpuld hang a nigger like you from a lamp post... in real life

Is the alt right real or is it all a psy op?

>Just an excuse to have ritual without any meaning behind it.
Bingo. They just find inverted pentagrams, deer skulls, and wolves cool. That's it. They think making weird poses holding said skulls as a ritual while mumbling nothing. It's Deviant Art-tier.

So they behave just like jew

“There’s a demonization of white people that goes on,” Lavin said. “It’s fodder for the other side who live off the idea that whites are discriminated against.”

user explain please

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>They were both adamant they had “no sympathy” for Nazis or white supremacists. However, they said the tactics used by protesters — shouting, name calling, intimidation — were counterproductive to their cause. Lavin and Falco said protesters were missing the point and making a big mistake.
>“no sympathy” for Nazis or white supremacists.
I managed to get snopes reporting on shit I did on the interwebs. Wuz fun

Psy Op.

Alt-right is a title used to bastardize actual fascists and NatSocs every time some prominent speaker does something immortal or hypocritical like fuck a nigger or be married to a Jew.

Loving white communities and doing anything that keeps them white, such as breed with other white people is called hate by the Modern Democrats and Left Wing in general.

Grasp that! These supposedly tolerant people are so intolerant of white communities that want to stay white, they call loving white people "hate."

this was back when I was evolving politically, before I believed there was really anything to the idea that whites were being discriminated against in media, when I was an annoying, centrist "Sargon of Akkad" type. Someone who always clung to the middle to feel superior to either side.

In that same quote, I think I said something about leaning to the political left. It's been a wild ride since those days, and that rally, ironically, had a lot to do with me abandoning moderate liberalism and changing my views.

>t.professional thie... palmreader


We used to burn those
Our ancestors were intelligent

its not user. its timothy

>We Interrupt Those Choosing Hate
That's the most forced thing I've ever read on one of those retarded posters

I am doing curses and different form of magic for over 15 years now so I know what I talk about.

yeah, I'm outed. oh well. I'd hope you all just leave me be, but who knows.

Only thing they succeed at is binding him to his office

>We interrupt this program to bring you...

i know a lot of people who abandoned centrism and liberalism in the face of the tactics of the Left. glad youre actually trying to see truth and not be blinded by superiority.

TFW no witch gf

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its not us you need to worry bout tim

>yeah, I'm outed. oh well. I'd hope you all just leave me be, but who knows.
nobody cares about you as long as you don't hurt kitties

>Wanting a girl with BPD who's gonna ghost you within a month.

Good thing I like to play Anti-mage in Dota 2.... these witches are all going to be killed.

then what are you implying? I shouldn't have given my name to lefties? I'm confused

Imagine thinking white supremacy was the problem or a popular idea? You really have to be retarded

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look behind you its a mossad agent quick!

haha. I have said so much anti-goverment, anti-illuminati, anti-Zionist shit over the years that no matter who is really in charge, they're on to me regardless

>Tfw you used to dabble in ancient sami and proto-swede witchcraft for fun
Fuck off thots, your hexes can't penetrate my defensive wards.
I'm even in preparation for strengthening them with a ritual culminating on the 23rd

Yeah todays people have barely any sense of danger and are so fucking braindead that they wouldn't be able to stay alive in the wild for more than two day except if there is someone to tell them what to do


It's just a boogy man's name used to demonize everyone who isn't far left

Except they fell for the christcuck propaganda.