how common is this in the usa?
How common is this in the usa?
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Fairly uncommon in shall-issue states.
around blacks...
to-be-expected/every-15-minutes in infringing cities
Based. Lynching and slavery wasn't a 1on1 fight so it's only fair we shitkick whitey how they used to shitkick us.
Depends on the area
It’s kind of funny though, those black dudes are fucking weak. They barely hurt him. If there was only two of them they probably would of gotten their asses beat.
Why he was around all those blacks to begin with shows how little he grasps of what is happening on a global scale... I would bet $100 that he PROUDLY lives in a gentrified area of the city.
The beauty of things like this happening, is that it brings more and more people to our side. If monkeys were smart, they would bide their time and wait for more minorities to invade the country... but blacks aren't exactly known for their intelligence. They are violent animals