Pewdiepie never gave the money to the ADL

Pewdiepie never gave the money to the ADL

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>We never got the money, goy. Now it's $6,000,000 plus interest. Better pay up soon or you're an anti-semitic hate group.

>trying to extort more shekels
They just can't help themselves.

I can sing like Chris Cornell. Fight me.

>pewdiepie gets his fans to think he's being blackmailed
>millions of 9 year olds now hate the ADL for trying to screw pewdiepie

Literally 4D chess. Good job Felix

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>pewds trolled the ADL and his fans
he knows he cant speak about the evils of the ADL but if he claims to donate to them there will be mass truth bombs in the chat

/ourguy/ made assloads of cash AND redpilled tens of millions with one video, brilliant.

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This only means that now he will need to donate $100,000 to apese the jews, and he will do it because he's a Swede

is this the swedish redemption arc?

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Teasing Jews with Money....
Thats the most based thing ever

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Come on.

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He confirmed it in this new vid. he's not donating to them now

>watch muh new vid
>gib moar subs
>buy muh book
This fagot is the worst kind of jew.

>fans learn he lies
>now they think the ADL is the good guys

Nice 1d chess

>t. cutdick brain damaged burger doesn't know what fans are
well aren't you a special kind of stupid

this but unironically

The jew cries out as he strikes you

LMAO. Imagine being a mormon and saying this shit.

Mormons are cultists