Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House

TThe U.S. government concluded within the past two years that Israel was most likely behind the placement of cellphone surveillance devices that were found near the White House and other sensitive locations around Washington, according to three former senior U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter.

But unlike most other occasions when flagrant incidents of foreign spying have been discovered on American soil, the Trump administration did not rebuke the Israeli government, and there were no consequences for Israel’s behavior, one of the former officials said.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump is a zionist as expected

Pretty sure Trump said on or really soon after 9/11 that explosives must have been used on 9/11
>What happened to that goy?

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Take your meds schizo

yeah ok faggot

hires guiliani as head lawyer
hires Bolton as his NSA
hires Pompeo
friends with Silverstein
friends with Bibi
Lewis Eisenberg was his best man (melania wedding)
friends with Charles Kushner
friends with Dick Cheney
campaign manager Michael glassner (gave control of WTC to Silverstein)
friends with Adnan Kashoggi (bought the flight school)
real estate king of NYC
his financial building rebecame the tallest in lower manhattan

said airplanes and jet fuel brought down the towers at :45

do you really think trump's best fuckin friends pulled the 9/11 false flag behind his back? why would they?

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I saw this on The Hill and about shit a brick.

Eat a dick, foul kike.

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Someone should tell the NY Times and MSNBC.
>Isnt it bad for Trump?
>Oh, but we can't ever expose Israeli crimes, we're the "free press"


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The comments are entirely too woke. The goyim definitely know.

inb4 another post that has a q in the last character of the id that says saving israel for last

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Skip to 6:30

And consider becoming less of a fucking douche.


The media Jews have ranted and raved their fever dreams for years and now that there is an actual scandal, crickets. Trump provably not standing up to a country engaged in espionage against us would be the best narrative for them in 3 years. But it's Israel, so silence.

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^this goy gets it.
The media will spend days on whether Trump 'lied' by using a slightly outdated map showing hurricane threat to Alabama...
But this makes him look like he gives ZERO shits about basic nat security.

I realize there are no better options (Gabbard, but-for her weakness on gun rights) but anyone voting for Trump again is just voting for the ZOG.

Hey glowniggers:
How much is enough?
Trump was never a Russian puppet, unless you mean the ((("Russian"))) mob, whose head lives in Israel - unmolested by LEOs.
Trump is their guy

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>Read the comments
Israel Accused Of Spying On White House: Trump Ignores While Bibi Denies

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>Trump was never a Russian puppet, unless you mean the ((("Russian"))) mob, whose head lives in Israel - unmolested by LEOs.
KEK the more you know.
>Russian collusion

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"the Trump administration took no action to punish or even privately scold the Israeli government" after being informed by US intelligence that Israel likely planted the devices."

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You no say Daddy you Snow gonna blame?

Shady Companies With Ties to Israel Wiretap the U.S. for the NSA

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NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel
• Secret deal places no legal limits on use of data by Israelis
• Only official US government communications protected
• Agency insists it complies with rules governing privacy
• Read the NSA and Israel's 'memorandum of understanding'

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Not really related, but something some plucky boy or girl may want to look into.
>Its worse now. The parasite is planning to leap to the next superhost

The stupid fuck doesn't use a secure phone! A trained monkey could "spy" on him.

I love how they are already whining its anti-semitism and despite Pollard, Dancing Israelis, AIPAC spies - they want us to believe its unpossible because they have a 'rule' against spying on US
>The Jews control the media and anytime someone cries 'anti-semite' tou should say 'that is a smear, not an argument."

He's gonna get us into a war with Iran before the next election. Just watch.

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REALLY INTERESTING HOW THIS NEWS DROPS AROUND 9/11. I don't think they could actually pull through, and cucked out on showing it DURING the day, and debriefing oh my god what if they actually plan on taking action, and exposing it ALL.

Israel is, literally, not an ally
I dont blame Israelis or Joos for acting in their perceived interests..
I blame Evangelical Protestant Judeo-fake- Christians, who lost the plot long ago

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It's antisemitic to catch a Jew spying on the President

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Yeh and? I'd do it again. Stop me. It's that simple. We will keep doing it until you stop up. Welcome to reality. Fucking hell.

What's the issue with that? Are you trying to argue white people SHOULDN'T take over the middle eats or something?

You people wanna go "ooo da JOOOSS' but you aren't even consistent with your own philosophies. So Jews or Muslims. Which are you wanting to own the holy land? Last I checked, most Jews are whiter than 99% of europeans. Ohhhhy wait it ISNT about skin color? Because Skin color is just a sign of being a loser who sits in doors all day? Woah weird how that works it's almost like the people who invented Europe, Greece, were darker than all the Jews.

jesus christ you are one dim, whinging kike.
fuck you.
Really - fuck you for being so dumb, and such a whining, missing the point faggot chickenshit cunt

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Again. Stop us. hymie shut the fuck up already. Literally no one cares that's why we have to confined to a forum ranting into dead air where no one will hear you and productive value of your efforts amounts to exactly fucking zero. Build a legacy like the Jews jealous cunt. You lost. 2500 years behind and you'll never catch up just like the niggers. Alright "Charles" mind as well change your name to Unbungo.

You really are a fucking dumb cunt, though. Holy shit, Jew - be more obvious that you are just here to poison the well. Fucking bitch.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

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Israel did nothing wrong, fascists

You literally are a spam posted who changes their IQ to seem like you aren't arguing with yourself hahahah dude holy fuck get a life. again this is why you lose. Come. Get. Us. Or. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Faggot.

Come. I'm waiting. Sitting right here with my Jericho 941 IWI

You'll be stopped, little Kike.
It is known.

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That's checkmate.

Give address.

Oy Vey!

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Don't forget BILL BAR who wanted IMMUNITY for the FBI murderers who killed RANDY WEAVER's wife and son at RUBY RIDGE

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Trump plays a longer game. As long as he knows he will use that info to our advantage. The mere fact those cell spies were allowed in the news is a subtle warning to Israel. Let's hope they are feeling cocky.

well worth the read during your next troublesome poo:

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>Sitting right here with my Jericho 941 IWI
You were asked for an address, Mr. Internet Tough Guy.
>What happened?
Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have fucked with?
>that's me.

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109 countries

I honestly come on here to watch the schiziphrenics cause my job is a psychologist, and you literally cannot get a better case study than this forum.


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Because a Psych PhD would study schizophrenia by reading obvious shitposting on Jow Forums.
>Nigga, you work at Burger King.

I bet Trump's kike son-in-law planted them himself

>slide it

nothing to see here goyim just business as usual for greatest ally evar

bump because Jow Forums is full of slide threads.

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>Huawei: does nothing
>Israel: puts spy devices in the White House
Trump: Israel is our greatest ally

Remind me why we voted this Boomer into office?

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And they all rallied so hard against Ilhan Omar...


Fuck you.

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Israel doesn't need mysterious devices set outside the White House to spy on Trump, Israel has Jared Kushner inside the room. and HAD Bolton but he's gone now.

Political Zionism is literally fascism you fucking public high school graduate.

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>zionism is fascism
all autoritarism doesn't mean fascism dumb mutt cunt.

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This is why I think its possible Nutty Yahoo was actually telling the truth.
- I think there's a decent chance the judeocorporate media ignores this, by and large, unless/until they can blame Russia.
WaPo's editor, (((Marty Baron))), who is a stenographer for CIA and ADL, is likely working on that now.

He turned around two days later and started spewing the official line.

listen, nigger - 'fascism' is one of those words with 10,000 definitions.
Its essentially used now by the left *merely* to mean ethno-nationalism... but only by 'whites' - ie ethnic Europeans.
And any ethnonationalism by Europeans, but mo one else, is also called '(white) supremacy' ad nauseam.
So in that sense, 'Zionism' is 'fascism' because the idea ethnonationalism is okay when its non-Whites is Anti-White
- fascism as merger of corporations and state?
Israel fits that bill too
>read this, user
Racial supremacy and the Zionist exception

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NNOOOooooo only WE can spy on our 'allies'! They aren't allowed to do it to us! MOM!

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>"Look, a hammer and sickle! Must of FaScIsM!"
t. all boomers.

let’s see if I can get a Q

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wtf I don’t believe in Q now!

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Has Ben Shapiro tweeted about this? I want his sub-zero take.


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Shapiru is still waxing Bolton’s mustache with his asshole.

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the hubris will be your downfall. your 6 gorillion stand no chance against 100 million 9yo antisemitic autists.

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