When does it stop?

>Bolton fired
>100 million normies redpilled on the ADL, a shitstorm on their twitter while pewdiepie didn't actually give shit to them
>"Mossad spied on the white house" in mainstream media, kikes in full "oy vey, this is antisemitic" mode immediately
Hillary being thrown in a van like a sack of meat was a nice 9/11, but it looks like this one may trump it.

Attached: usvsthem.jpg (736x369, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shouldn't it be retarded obvious if you put up a fucking fake cellphone tower

Contrary to common misconceptions jews arent masterminds. They operate on pure chutzpah, which is why they are able to attain power quickly, but also find themselves perpetually being hated and kicked out. It's a high stakes tactic that is never built to last.

It is effective, they will take you down inevitably like they did with every civilization before.

yep, all they need to maintain that power is a livestock of high-ranking cowardly antisemites (all goyim are antisemites) who will give it to them on a silver platter. vid-related
ruling by being hated can never end well.

>like they did with every civilization before
I'm telling you niggers, Varg is right. Opt out of (((civilization))) before you go down with this sinking ship.

Attached: IMG_0891.jpg (800x800, 234K)

also dont forget ths US saying it had no agreement with bibi when he said US supported his annexation move


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The fuck?
Bolton was brought in to clean out the NSC. Dan Coats: Out. His Succubus: Out. August 15th.
Bolton kabuki theater with Trump notwithstanding.

Excuse you, "kikes" is OUR word. You can say kiggas. We'll give you a k-word pass once you destroy Hezbollah for us. Maybe we'll even give you a Holocaust debate pass if you do a regime change in Iran.

Bolton was let go so israel can take more land without having the US having to intervene.

Do why was Bolton fired?

Yeah, but just escaping to rural area while still staying so close to civilization seems a bit risky, isn't it? What does it solve in case of the fall?


Attached: IMG_20190911_184523.jpg (557x632, 69K)

Absolute madlad

Attached: IMG_20190911_184531.jpg (1353x632, 105K)

Attached: JEWJEWINGJEWS.png (1009x548, 769K)

>Never built to last
>Rothschild mafia rules the world for 200+ years
Ok user, ty for information.

Bolton was put in by the Zionist Orgasnization ofAmerican, formed by Louis Brandeis the first jew on the supreme court appointed by Woodrow Wilson because he was blackmailed, Brandeis was a Frankist, literal satanist that practiced a religion based around violating the 10 commandments. Bolton was there only to push Israels agenda.

You can't run anywhere. Where are you going to go?

our natural habitat is the forest

Attached: serveimage.jpg (650x337, 70K)

No that's Amerindians

maybe this time it's the ultimate happening

>100 million normies redpilled on the ADL, a shitstorm on their twitter while pewdiepie didn't actually give shit to them

i've posted comment on his latest video mentioning iron cross and dude responded to me with a metaphore describing how history is written by victors, I got 100+ likes and he about 50
Maybe not that great but I imagine there are people who are getting redpilled, not millions but at least thousands

Attached: heilpewds.jpg (6023x5474, 1.94M)

I am not a fucking ant

Open the image, it is literally huge

>Open the image
user I am not that retarded :/
I mean you can't read any of these Jow Forums posts

nvm I am retarded

learn to make better images
what the fuck is this shit?

A shite screencap done quickly. There are like 20 new images I want to add in there already

>comment from Jow Forums
>redpilling normies
okay buddy

Attached: 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg (640x628, 40K)

This will never get old lmfao

his latest vid. he's acting like a retard who didn't even know what the ADL is, was ill advised by someone else, and actually changed his mind about the shekels. 10/10 can't tell if troll or retard.

>that pic
Based and Prodigypilled. Still one of the best album arts.

I just want to engage in holy race war.

Attached: Race wars.jpg (1280x6827, 1.06M)


Attached: Rattlesnake Lake.jpg (348x348, 27K)

Fucking masterpiece. I get only half the references though

Attached: Junk (12).jpg (391x261, 64K)

In EU4, reformation protestantism rises up and you quell the uprising with swords and fire. 100 years later, it's the status quo. Now imagine that with Hitlerian National Socialism, but information and material production is ubiquitous. Maybe it stops in 1000 years, but I don't suspect we'll much resemble humans at that point . . .

You people keep playing the wrong game. It's great that we won't even be usurped. No chance. Not for another 500 years at this rate. You think Jews are some big boogey man. Ohhh boy keep getting played.

Threadly reminder that these events are insignificant and nothing will happen, ever. Enjoy work tomorrow.


I find it hard to believe he wasn't trolling, dude's not dumb.

ever heard of a fucking femtocell you literal assclown? its essentially what a stingray is you fucking brainlet and no it is not obvious i could set one up on the inside of your fucking wall with a batch script to reboot then device every 24hrs to maintain consistency remotely login and watch everything you on your phone match that with a rogue AP and ive got access to your fucking computers and other devices nigger

dont talk out of your ass moron

Seems you people are more optimistic than me.

I'm sure those 100 million 12 year olds will forget about this as soon as the next cool thing/game/fad comes around, and grow up to to be good goy consumers.

I think you have too low an opinion of zoomers. Sure they are constantly showered with stimuli, but more and more are currently questioning that existence, and besides all the edgy memers that literally every school is filled with today are doing jew-jokes on a daily basis (It's not long ago for me as well and we did too) and those guys do not really like it if someone comes along and tells them what to think or talk about. We could unironically even epect for this to become the most traditional and minimalistic generation in half a century. It could really go either way though.