What was the American Civil War really about...

What was the American Civil War really about? All that bloodshed couldn't have been just for the ending of slavery right?

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If you talk to Southerners, they say sovereignty, which is just a cover up for slavery.

It was basically the second half of the revolutionary war.

Who has ultimate sovereignty, the States or the Federal Government?

It was about states’ rights, to own slaves

In the declaration secession of Kentucky it says it left because of slavery.

So white people in the 1800s were already so cucked and anti-racist the abandoned their families so they'd never see their kids and wife against so they could go free niggers?

It was a battle for the soul of america. It was the inevitable result of the unresolved philosophical debate between federalists and anti-federalists: were we to be more like the EU, basically independent countries with a common market and common army, or were we to be one country. They used to say "these united states". These as in plural, not a singular entity. The catalyst that sparked off the war was slavery, yes, but that is only incidental. It could have been over women voting, or banning guns, or any issue, the root contention was over the federal government telling (or the fear they would) largely independent states what to do.

It came down to a difference of Northern and Southern culture. This is extremely reductionist, but that's the primary footing for what happened.

>Northern Culture
Since the time of the Revolutionary War, the North was an industrial and commercial powerhouse. The majority of their economy, financially speaking, was based on manufacture and trade of goods. It was already seeing the industrialization and modernization which led to the urban economies seen there today, and was doing a bang up job of it. In many ways the US was keeping up with/exceeding the European nations at the time. Further, the Northern industrialists found that it was as cheap or cheaper in many cases to hire workers for dirt wages and keep them in line by being the hand that feeds them.
This bred a strong industrialist and pro-immigrant sentiment among the Northern population. There wasn't much opposition to taking on new migrant populations, as it meant that the existing Americans had fresh new workers that they could employ, which may mean upward mobility if you're already halfway established.

>Southern Culture
The South focused its economy on selling cash crops and agricultural products. Believe it or not, the South actually produced less agricultural products per person than the Northern States did, however most of the products that they did produce were ones that had a healthy profit margin (tobacco, cotton, and indigo, among others). As a result, use of slave labor was an better option for business. This led to a number of agrarian estates that formed the upper echelon of plantation society.
What this meant, was that Southerners wanted to focus on strictly export of raw materials in the national economy. Importing new equipment or purchasing the innovations of the North would cut into the existing profits, and be disruptive to business.
This made a population that wanted to maintain a status quo. The modernization of the North was antagonistic to the South.

This is quite so. The popular marching song "When Johnny comes marching home" celebrates Lincoln freeing the slaves with the emancipation proclamation

You can thank Christianity for that.

the civil war was about 700,000 wypipo killing themselves for jews...

the jews own the ship, the land and the cargo just 700k wypipo in love with their master lay down their lives to keep the status quote in place

the jews where on both side of the fence...it slavery ended cool it slavery stay cool...the only ones lose out where the stupid wypipo ...to this day know one can tell you the number of jews that die during the civil war

The original plan was to send them home. None of the soldiers on either side gave a shit about niggers.

Rothschilds couldn't have an independent country with its own currency. Especially not the CSA which was capable of feeding itself without trade due to their potent agricultural system.

>In the declaration secession of Kentucky it says it left because of slavery.

pretty amazing, considering KY never left the Union

It was about state's rights.

See the southern states were selling their crops to the northern states at a higher price than the southern states. The northern states started changing to manufacturing and less farming. So they began to import large amounts of crops from the south. Seeing the demand the south raised the prices on the North. The northern states went to the federal gov and said it wasnt fair. They said the southern states should sell the crops at the same price they sell them to the other southern states. The federal gov agreed and told the southern states they must sell at the same price. The southern states said no thanks we will leave the union. The federal gov sent troops and attacked the south.

The slavery issue was a side issue used to pull the heart strings of the north. In reality the nothern states didnt give a shit about slavery anymore than the south. The difference was Christians in the north were the ones actually pushing for abolishment. Seeing how much christians in the north there were they tied slavery to the overall issue. This garndered the Christian support for the several war.

It was about states rights to charge more for a good. Slavery was used as the heart string pull to keep the north in the war. The north wanted to give up after a while pretty early one.

The North and the South had very different interpretations of the role of government. The North feared the rise of the agricultural union which was inevitable as the midwestern states entered the Union. The South resented the North's control of commerce. The South needed free trade because of cotton, while the north demanded tariffs and protectionism for their burgeoning industry.

In fact, the North tried to exit the Union before the South. Then...it was mostly the South trying to exit.


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No. Four slave owning states stayed in the Union - and were promised to be able to keep their slaves. This is not debatable, the Civil War was not about slavery. Both sides had slavery.

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This is a good TLDR. One thing to add was that southerners feared the blacks would seek revenge after being emancipated in a similar way to the Haiti massacre.

The northerners understood that in order to pay their employees less and for their capitalist system to function, which is why they instituted Jim Crow laws after the war. They were more interested in a higher supply of labor to produce more shit.

It's the same reasons the British abolished slavery. It wasn't out of benevolence; but to make more shekels.

This one is fucking retarded. Northerners didn't give a shit about niggers and overwhelmingly voted for Jim Crow laws. They wanted 1. to make european immigration easier and 2. send the niggers back to Africa after the war was over. In fact, the "Confederacy" was anti white immigration.

The jews had no political power at this point in America; so blaming them for the civil war is retarded.

important to note thee south relied on foreign goods ,and congress wanted to pass huge tariffs and the north could gouge prices

It was about money. The far more heavily populated north was industrialized and also had a large workforce in place. They used their larger numbers in Congress to pass bills making it expensive for the south to industrialize so they couldn’t compete. They did this by fucking with the prices of the unfinished goods the south mostly created while imposing crippling tariffs on machinery which the south could have gotten far more cheaply in Europe. The south needed slaves both because they didn’t have the manpower available in the north and because the costs of mechanization versus paid manual labor would have destroyed them. This was the big reason the wealthy industrialists in the north supported Abolition. They didn’t give a fuck about the blacks. They just wanted to stifle competition by keeping the south poor and agrarian as long as possible. Had the south been able to buy cheap machinery from Europe they would have industrialized and slavery probably would have ended anyway in a couple of decades.

Slaves were the heart of the economy of the South. So the slavery thing had nothing to do with morals and everything to do with continuing the economic war the north had been waging.
Slavery was the last straw, but the war was about high finance. Like all wars since the Rothschild banks were established.

Thanks Nazi-bro. That's a good point about the jews.

For one thing, the South pegged its financial stability on cotton - which was genius. They didn't try fiat currency or some resource/staple that was traditional. At any time, there was a warehouse in Manchester or Liverpool where Confederate dollars could be redeemed for a given amount of cotton.

I have, however, been convinced that Jews were behind the influx of slaves - to make a buck, not necessarily coordinated.

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Slave pussy

Slaves = tractors. Best way to think of it.

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If you ask Southerners - they'll say states' rights
If you ask Northerners - they'll say slavery
If you ask any unbiased historian - they'll say tariffs and tax revenue