My child runs the whole gamit. Trans, demi-pan fluid whatever. Two "personalities...

My child runs the whole gamit. Trans, demi-pan fluid whatever. Two "personalities." Both are animals like some kinda furry shit. Self harm, hallucinations..

How is a man supposed to raise a child in 2019? We are forced to send them off to be indoctrinated where all the above is encouraged.

It's fucking hopeless.

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>literal blogposting
Fuck off whiney loser

You failed.

Why dont you teach them to play sports and hunt , if they only experienced metropolis living they'll be shit humans

I am stuck in the damn city too.

Take the redneck pill and make them degenerate barbarians with no tolerance for outsiders.

At least they'll still have a cock

Beat your child and take his JewPhone

You're a shit parent and your child is a shit child

You should take them, then yourself out of the equation

You mean runs the gamut right?

You failed as a parent.

No wonder your kid is retarded

Put a moratorium on hormone therapy till they're 18.
Hopefully they grow out of that shit.
Chin up, and godspeed.

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also,how are we supposed to resist the brainwash? please help, the jews are fucking up my brain real good

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If you don't have children, don't speak.
If you do, let's hear about them.

Yes that is what I meant. Thx.

It may do you some good to logoff for a bit fren.
Redpills bear the fruits of truth, but too many will make you insane.
Go find yourself a big assed dumb bitch, and get out the poison.
You're in Brazil, they're practically everywhere.

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Bumping to annoy

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fucking nigger, go train with your children.
Get innawoods and hunt animals. Force them to forage and hunt what they eat for a full month. Show them life.
This is just them finding an out in a channeled society wherein they are currently caving to a loud braindead minority.

Actually, bumping on Jow Forums is good. Some user/entity has either created an anti-Laura bot, or they manually go after my Laura posts. Bumping helps as they lie in wait for me at the bottom of the board.

hallucinations? if not faked it is Psychosis probably, take your child to a doctor, the ohter Bullshit might be related to that to

Just say no to liberalism.
And i'm sure it's the mother's fault. All women are NPCs, who follow the latest trends like they are gospel. New liberalism is basically a religious movement to replace Christianity for women. They get the same thing out of it as their mothers and grandmothers got out of going to church. A feeling of moral superiority, and the ability to shame and guilt people who do not conform to their beliefs.

Couple of quick ones (probably too late for OP if he's going thu that shit a dad - be there, regardless of work, social life etc. The no. 1 thing kids with absent fathers say is - I wish dad was there when I needed him...
2 do sports, activities etc. with them - I coached all of muh kids lives - it kept me moderately fit & involved
3 teach 'em young - waiting for some stranger or social media to teach them their morals and what ethics they should hold fast is too late. Goes hand in hand with "being there"
4 have a consensus with the missus about what you both want out of the kids (preferably BEFORE you fuck and have them) - more couples break up over child raising than you'd care to think

For OP - it sounds like there's deeper shit than just xim wanting to be a modern day lefty sjw. I'd take them to a gp to get a referral because all the liberal symptoms are just fitting in, hallucinations are probably borderline psychosis.

>t. middle aged dad of 2, married for over 20 yrs

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>what is a day trip
no excuse for not making time for your own children

Make them browse Jow Forums

Jow Forumsitards would like you to believe that parenthood can be wonderful, if only you try hard enough;
and that if it's not wonderful, then you failed to try hard enough. That absurdity is the modern "Parent Trap".

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What city OP? I'd like to keep an eye out for the next murder suicide.

Get him a 2 stroke dirtbike you faggot.

>Both are animals like some kinda furry shit

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Sounds like it’s too late. If a boy, push for full transition and then push him into women’s sports...

You shouldn't have had a child out of wed lock. You shouldn't have sent the child off to be indoctrinated. Your lazy! I raised 3 independent human beings. I didn't get to drink or have a boat or motorcycle bullshit. I worked the wife raised the kids and I was a father and not their buddy. Did without for the betterment of my children that is what real men do. We don't whine and give up.

>The no. 1 thing kids with absent fathers say is - I wish dad was there when I needed him...