Victims of Feminism #3 - "NO HOOKUPS" edition

Victims of feminism thread.

Going to continue this thread from last night since once again it went so fast I could not dump all my pictures. This time will be the over 40 Edition! Note how on all of these profiles the demands and the delusions get even stronger at 40.

Remember the idea of this thread is not for you to hold contempt for these women that would be a waste of time. Instead save these pictures use them as an example for your girlfriends, your sisters, your daughters, and your young friends naive to the dangers of feminism. If we arte to change things we need to use the examples of these women to fight the propaganda that they have been victims of. I believe we live in unfortunate times but the pendulum is about to swing back as these women's lives will not go unnoticed.

Some criteria for those of you who are new. These women are all in the New York City and surrounding area. The amount of roasties in this demographic is staggering and is about to get worse when the bulk of Millennials start hitting their late thirties and forties. You will notice a lot of correlation in their profiles such as "Want someday" "Must love dogs" " liberal" ...etc.

As always I will post some classics pics, conversations, and dating experiences with some of these women.

I have a 2 hour layover on work travel so feel free to ask questions as I have time.

Please remember use these examples not with malice but good intent to change the future.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Victims of Feminism #3
its #4. I'm a fag.

These threads are fucking boring unless you post conversations with these whores

Stop spamming your gay boring screenshots over and over.

>want someday

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Surely she's shaved at least twelve years off that number.

Yup top kek

Can you compile a list of Jewish ones? This is what entertains us most.

These threads hit the bump limit pretty fast. I'm proud of all of you faggots.

Have sex

> incels think women past 30 or 40 don't get dozens of guys every day begging us for sex

sorry to burst your bubble sweetie

Go dilate

Oh so a 40 year old former hottie is looking to finally settle down?

Thread theme:

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and have kids!

So you never fucked any of them?

damn what is up with her face?

Honestly this makes me feel bad. Women are retards. They’re barely more than children themselves. It’s not their fault. We failed them. We failed them as fathers, letting them whore around and do whatever and whoever they like. We failed them as suitors, drooling over thots and nearly worshipping them. We failed them as a society by not keeping them in their place when the Jews came to town. Where is our fortitude? Women are lost. At least I won’t miss much when I join the FSSP

She probably started using dating sites wayyy back when she was still fertile, and just never thought to change it since.

> women are never accountable

Womenlet thinking she should have happiness.

>want someday
I almost feel bad for these roasties

Imagine trying to keep up with a toddler in your late 40s. I was exhausted doing it in my mid 20s.

No, ALL MEN realize women past their youthful, fertile years are completely unmarriageable and doomed to die childless and alone.

>want kids some day
>”I want a friend, who will gradually evolve into love someday”
Women really don’t know what the fuck they want.

Im not original OP. He is the one who shares all the screen shots of these hags

>thinking this thread is about sex
You know, it's almost like roasties really are fucking retarded.

lol. go out dude there a PLENTY women past 30 who are getting all sorts of men chasing them.

fuck you and your guilt!!!

God these people are so fucking boring.
They all have the same vapid interests. Hiking, eating, going to breweries. So you're telling me that you walk and eat in your free time? Yeah, breathing and blinking is my hobby, I'm really into that. Sometimes I take a shit too.

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If you want a family you'll do whatever it takes 24/7. Unless you're a genius doing work that will positively influence mankind for hundreds or thousands of years, having and raising the next generation is your first priority.

How much you guys bet it's a roastie or at best a white cucknight?

>men have no problem fucking old women
Are you actually reading these profiles, user?
This thread is about feminism's destruction of family, as evidenced by the desperate online dating profiles of old spinsters.


Women need to be held accountable for their bullshit. We shouldn't have to apologize for every shitty thing they do. Looking back in hindsight over jews subverting women doesn't help.

This thread is extremely depressing, and makes me want to MGTOW.

Protip: just 'cause they say no hook up doesn't mean you can't make one happen. They just say it so they don't look like sluts to any family and friends that may stumble upon their profiles.

I don't. Every last one of them has had a hundred opportunities.



I fucking love these threads,I don't remember when was the last time Jow Forums was this fucking great.

>Montclair state University

Why even bother putting that on there when you're in your 40s. Yeesh


The priesthood is the only acceptable form of MGTOW.

Bumble is quite recent, user.

OP start posting shit you colossal nigger!

Some day.

I meant that she prob copy pastes one profile to the next, over any number of years.

Not we, faggot, I wasn't alive during the 60s, I didn't hand over every prestigious institution to the kikes.
I was born in this world, I didn't make it you fucking nigger.

>spend the first 30 years of life fucking random dudes
>nobody wants to marry
>"How could this happen??"
Why can't these roasties figure out that men only wanna marry young, fertile women? Is biology really that complicated to them?
They're so stupid that they think they can waste all of their sexual market value on hook-ups and still get some rich, hot, young guy to marry them when they hit the wall.

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>Looking back in hindsight over jews subverting women doesn't help.
Jews subverted their fathers then their fathers led them astray

can she even have kids anymore?

>men only wanna marry young, fertile women?
Men dont want to marry anybody that is the problem

>I meant that she prob copy pastes one profile to the next, over any number of years.

(X) Doubt.

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>MGTOWs don't want to marry anyone that's the problem

Why would they? What's in it for them?

Most men are looking to get laid not married
a family

It is a sad state that this country has been reduced to

Thank a Rothschild. With a violent kick to the torso.


We shouldn't be mocking these women. Many have been led astray, and are adrift and lonely in a hostile environment which offers no protection or natural place for them. Why take out your anger on women who are looking for love?

It is the solution.

As foretold in the scriptures.

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They've been shielded from reality from cradle to grave, even when reality is slapping them in the face when the eggs are raisins they're bombarded by anti male propaganda that tells them it isn't their fault. Imagine never having to grow up or face consequences for your actions for 30 years & that your brain runs on feel good emotions, narcissism & solipsism. Now take that easily influenced mind & imagine being brainwashed that entire time & having white knight orbiters telling you that you're amazing & can do no wrong every step of the way, then imagine the shock when you've hit the wall & the subsequent coping & the loneliness.
Thats the modern female experience in a nutshell.

What does not getting married solve?

I kind of felt bad for them, but then i remember that they did this to themselves, and they are good just for quick fuck until they kill themselves when they're 55.

The slut genes get weeded out.

>are good just for quick fuck
You are just as degenerate and worthless as they are

>a family

Do you trust the modern woman to stay with you after she has kids?

Old women who can't raise for their husbands at least a couple of healthy children of his own are worthless for marriage, regardless of marriage trends of the day. This is a timeless truth, and no amount of protesting, kvetching, or lobbying can change it.

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Plenty of blue pilled men wanting to marry, user. Plenty! That's why these women do things like this. They know there are suckers out there that will fall for it.

nigger you're crazy I know a number of engineers and money earners who are going insane because they can't meet a half decent woman. Most of these 30+ year old women can't even cook an egg and live off take out. It's disgusting.

A am not marrying a modern women because I am not a modern man

>Why take out your anger on women who are looking for love?
shouldn't do that but laughing at them doesn't hurt anyone.

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whatever point you're trying to make, you're doing a shit job of it. stupid toothpaste.

If a dog bites a stranger is it the dog's fault or the owner's for not having properly trained the dog?

The men these women end up married are divorced degenerates
>nigger you're crazy I know a number of engineers and money earners
are they virgins?
also having money does not make you a good husband you kike

Guys, we're 71 posts in and just one profile has been posted. We're better than this.

You're retarded, you don't "copy paste" a profile from one app to another, she filled this in, fully aware of the situation.
And before you kvetch, I'm a DIFFERENT TOOTHPASTE BITCH

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Anyone else recently learn how actually, legitimately evil these fucks are? I thought it was just a Jow Forums meme before.

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0/10 where are the pics.

you don't (re: can't) copy/paste different app profiles, dumbass.

Fucking nigger OP abandoned his thread.

In the 19th Century, one woman did get away with murder arguing that her husband should have controlled her behavior better.

What she wants is a high-school sweetheart typical love-drama movie that she should have gotten at age 16, instead she likely chose to whore around and bang 400 guys, now dried up and worthless trying to beg for the love she should have searched for initially.

>be 20 years old female
>mother is 60
>bring 20 year olds home to party and meet cool wine mum
>who's this, user? is that your grandmother?

it's the journey not the destination that matters or something.

>are they virgins?
>also having money does not make you a good husband you kike
nigger the women's complaint this past week was that there aren't "economically attractive" men. I know a bunch of guys in the 5'6"-5'10" range who makes 6 figures and it's a struggle for them to get a date because they aren't 6' and the ones who do go out are pure conceited trash.
women have made it a requirement you have to be tall, wealthy, and handsome in order to have a chance and it has completely backfired.

85% of woman walking around in modern western society today are literally compromised beings. We're talking an entire generation of ruined woman. They've become either fanatical idealogues (feminism) or have ridden the cock carousel for so long they've spoiled themselves, or both. Neither of those make for good wives or quality mothers, let alone being good for companionship.

And they don't even go hiking.

This. Holy shit. Have a Wonka Bar.

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Got a source? Sounds pretty lulzy

Its been over 45 min. Are you going to post any or what?


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>she still thinks this is about sex
god damn women are the fucking niggers of gender. It's so true. Look you stupid fucking cunt most of us can get sex. When i fuck a bitch i treat her like disposable property when i do it and it makes them so wet.

None of that matters in this context though and the only reason i mention it is because the only thing you know how to do as an argument is mention sex then try to deny sex by proxy when again....the discussion isn't fucking about sex you worthless fucking hole.

>nigger the women's complaint this past week was that there aren't "economically attractive" men.
You read too many kike articles
> I know a bunch of guys in the 5'6"-5'10" range who makes 6 figures and it's a struggle for them to get a date because they aren't 6' and the ones who do go out are pure conceited trash.
well are they virgins?
>85% of woman walking around in modern western society today
well you only need to find one

Don't. Feel bad for the hundreds of average guys that wanted children she turned down for not being Chad.


Holy fuck you idiotic cretins. Not literal copy/paste, copy as in she just fills it in the same way as the last profile she made, and the last and the last. Grow a fucking brain morans.

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God's work user,

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>Haha losers, I let countless men use my body any way they want all year long! I've had way more sexual partners in the last two week than you will have in your whole life, pathetic incels!
>Boohoo why doesn't anyone want to have kids with me?

Of course it´s the fucking dogs fault you dumb leaf AND the owners.

But neither are women dogs nor we allowed to "own" them in any way shape or form.

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>well are they virgins?
Nigger I don't know a single person who made it past 18 a virgin. Everybody has a pussy to fuck, the problem is finding a woman to wife.