Anyone notice all the libertarians are just gone now? what ever happened to those guys?

anyone notice all the libertarians are just gone now? what ever happened to those guys?

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They realized their delusion

They ended up cutting their dicks off

I’m too busy reporting slide threads to post

Realized the market isn't as important as the nation and her people, and became a Fascist

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we all became fascist/white nationalist.

They became ANTIFA.

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im still here. though im not big L libertarian the way americans define it but still. i mostly come to this board to laugh at bootlickers now

What do you think?
We're all still here, just different now.

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They are the Gestapo now

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A fat guy started stripping at their convention, and they rejected his degeneracy.

Clown world became too overwhelming.

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Still here, mostly watching you fags slowly realize you've lost, and the real fags realize divine wrath will come if they don't change

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Mostly they were hit with reality when their NAP-obsessed ”movement” ended up being co-opted by gun-grabbing clintonites when it was still mainly made up of libertarian cranks.
Combine that with the rise of SJWism being enforced culturally rather than by law and a lot of them started to see the inevitable endgame of their contractual pacifiying pussy beliefs.

Now the only ones who cling to the label tend to be either autistic moldbuggers or thinly-veiled open borders-humping democrats.

I'm too busy mining bitcoins.

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Disassociated. We fucking hate Nazis , Communists , and authoritarian dirt bags. Many of us are regrouping in Ancap and Voluntaryist , and Anarchist groups because most
( not all ) in pol are just edgy whiny authoritarians with something to prove and yes that includes the damn FAncaps. So yeah we are tired of it.

God please rescue that child and euthanize the "dogs."

Libertarian turned facist here, can confirm as well. We want the world to be a playground for the competent. Facism accomplishes this in a more pragmatic way that is immune to subversion because it does not rely on the common man.

nah, people holding the position of extreme freedom rarely if ever simply flip on the extreme authoritarian side. youre either lying or npcs basing your politics on feelings

you do realize those two things are different right?
thats absolutely fucking disgusting and makes me want to ban that moderator

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still here,just don't post as often as i used to because real life and such.

Not really considering anarchists and voluntaryists made the party. The end result is a voluntaryist and anarchist society with maximum individual rights and freedom.

Most 2008 libertarians have become Ancaps. We love Ron Paul and the LP but our focus has changed from winning elections to going around the state through innovation and free market trade. The LP refuses to get their shit together so we just do our own thing.

Hopefully those useless idealist fence-sitters finally picked a side.

your political ideology doesn't matter unless you are a policy maker. Even in that case it matters very less. Shoving your dumb fucking idea that you watched a youtube video about, down every person walking down the street does not make you interesting. It makes you a smug retarded teenage dilettante. Which you probably are.

Fuck both sides. No difference. Lmao at the Trumptard and Hilltard supporters saying there is a difference.

Trump bans literally everything and uses socialism to maintain the state. Real difference. Ha !

>and the LP
Kek why?
Their only shot at being at all mentioned during an election and who did they chose?
A democrat-lite gungrabber whose VP told people to go vote Clinton.

Libertarians are too unwilling to conform even with one another so they can't form a cohesive group that matters.


what do you mean by extreme freedom

J E B 2020.

I'm still here. We're just at war and have to win first.

It's not the freedom, it's about the "opportunity to succeed".

Till I was about 18 i thought "people are generally good and will try to be successful if given the opportunity". I thought freedom was the key to success because I was projecting my competency onto people. Once I learned what average people are actually like, I learned most people need extreme structure to be successful. Once you get of your philosophical libertarian high-horse and start looking at pragmatic ways to offer people opportunities, you realize facism makes more sense.

I've often argued the founding fathers were extrme victims of this mindset as well. They were all well to do intellectual elites that seldom interacted with the common man and wanted for nothing.

the reason why libertarians disappear in america, it's because people learned that big business can be as awful than the government.

actually, they're are worse than the government imo

Because Libertarians are unaware clowns that have no problem with giant social media corporations deplatforming people based on their political opinions, completely supports open borders that jeopardizes the social and cultural cohesive integrity of a nation and its people, and are all for people being denied basic services from a private entity as long as it happens in a private setting controlled by private individuals, such as banks denying their services to NRA or to people like Spencer.

Which isn't how it works out in real life. I have seen people denied employment because HR couldn't find any info on them online via social media, despite the fact that it should be a voluntary action. Libertarians are jokes who are unable to see how the world works and offer no solutions to corporations and governments violating the rights of others because free market and the "invisible hand" will fix it.

We becomed NatSoc.

Here is the deal. The LP is infiltrated by moderates and commies. On top of that you have the completely corrupt election system and debates and on top of that you have a party with no real goal. Do Ancaps and Voluntaryists have plans to get the party somewhere? Yes. Are we allowed to make those plans ? No. Also fuck Weld.

>trump bans literally everything and uses socialism to
im starting to think maybe they arent here because they were all too retarded to remain relevant

Please clap

Any intelligent libertarians are white nationalists now. They're still libertarians.
They just know if we all get subjugated by a brown horde there is no freedom. So at the moment, there's slightly more important things to talk about, like the future of our race, than removing government hand-holding programs that they've abused like social security.

the problem is that libertarians despite believing in a social hierarchy, they, at the same time, believe in igualitarianism, thinking that everybody have the same capacity. so they don't understand how people are usually dumb and need to be guided into something, rather than 'free' to act on their mind

We followed the Libertarian to Fascist pipeline.

No. Not really any educated libertarian knows that corporatism exists. Which is a form of socialism. Educated being the key word here.

Nope it happened to me I ditched all the lolberg shit back in 2013


Graduated to Natsoc

I'm waiting to see if you can defend violation after violation of property rights and individual rights that trump has enacted.

You must be young. Libertariamism is transitional except for the absolute most autistic divorced bald brother of a cop generation X insuffersble cocksucker type. The first wave of libertarians here before reddits MIGA crowd came in all washed out and became nazis or in some rare cases marxist. These ones will too. Pick a lane or get run over.

the libertarians are sick of all the natsoc shilling on this board. it is the Jow Forums version of The Cancer That Killed /b/

Bongino's pretty prominent, as is Rand Paul.

Lmao muh white nationalism. Muh 34% white sacred blood line of multiple races. Wite powr !

true. business today they dont want people simply not talking "controversial" truths online, but rather people that explicitely is open in their social media and talk the same generic progressive crap as everybody else.

if you don't have a linkedin or a facebook or something, they dont think you're a "safe" hiring.

libertarians dont now how to separate individuals to billionaires.
they act like a baker is the same thing as bill gates

We're nazis now

Thank you !!! Fuck yes I love you !

>worker ownership of the means of production and democratizing of businesses is the same thing as a handful of multibillionaires lobbying for subsidies to outsource their labor and create laws that kill their competitors while they get exemption.
please stop calling everything socialism when its obviously not

and what's solution for that? giving their more tax cuts for them spend into supporting their own platform?

End welfare and a lot of problems will go away

People actually stopped being libertarian because of spergs like you

You're a mixed race meme that even hitler would have killed. You aren't a nazi. No one is.

This but unironically

ive been browsing this shithole since shortly after /new/ turned into Jow Forums, im not in my 30s but im not young or new to this shithole either. youre fucking delusional by the way

I dont think any libertarian ever actually work in a real-life job

but why did you do that?

Libertarians were a CIA psyop

Kind of telling that you couldn’t keep a small insignificant party free from co-opting by your direct political enemies but you think you can stop the same happening to an entire society.
It’s like a microcosm of the failure of NAP thinking.

More or less the only form of libertarianism that has a self-preservation instinct whatsoever is hoppeanism but he’s practically a pariah for telling people that excluding retarded cranks and culturally incompatible foreigners is morally correct for a group to do.

Government control over markets and laws enforced on businesses. Meaning you don't get say over your property. The state does. Oh wow the definition fits.

You ever notice how without the holocaust, nobody would really dislike Nazis?

we became fascists in the National Socialist vein. you cannot realize a libertarian utopia ever without first a fascist dictatorship. someone has to have the balls to do the hard stuff that must be done

none of that is socialism, everything hasnt been banned, you are overreacting

I went from extreme libertarian to paleo conservative / nationalist

Most of us get trades. We make that fiat and then invest in alternatives making us more money.

We became far right when we got pushed too far

>Libertarian here
>I'm a faggot that will never do anything
>Let's all cry and whine some more
>Let's all shill gold, bitcoin, and useless books
>Muh NAP... but muh NAP
>Muh 80 IQ niggers and spics will be ancaps after we beg them for the 20,000,000th time.
>Oh let's fry our brain on drugs... drugs should be legal.
>Let's bring in 50 million more spics and niggers... muh Keynesian GDP, but we're Austrian!
>Welfare state bad mum kay... millions of welfare people and diversity good mum kay.
>We need more affirmative action subhuman in the Movement!
Go fuck-off Libertarians (really ancap) scumbags. You are failures and do nothing shills. Go suck Jeffery Tucker's cock.

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you ancaps are literally just retards who were so retarded you out retarded people like the porcupines

They all became natsoc

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Capitalism breeds degeneracy. This is the conclusion I have come to.

>just run on a position that has absolutely minuscule constituency and hurts americans and all of our problems will go away. trust me bro just promise to get rid of everyones benefits

You're using a government created problem to justify what happened. Truth is there is no using their system. That's why most of us went Anarchist.

Summer vacation ended, dumb ass.

Mainly because I wanted to stop focusing on faggy ideology and rather on how not to become a minority in my own country


I'm a libertarian. Not an ancap, a libertarian.
We don't post much because natsocs are autistic spergs who don't understand what a false dialectic is and think only the most extreme of authoritarian ideologies are valid.

we were interacting with the rest of you back in the day, but since then both sides just drifted so far apart that it was best to engage mad max mode and fuck everybody else, just watch them fight each other from a distance, participation isn't worth it

Am Libertarian, but since the mainstream have come to consider us "alt-right" I have to keep it on the downlow. I think my father is the only person who knows my political opinions, because he is the ony one around me who I can have an honest discussion about politics with.

I'm 26 and most people my age I know either do no give a fuck about politics at all or are extremist on either wing of the spectrum. Can't have a decent fucking conversation with anyone anymore.

the truth in america: what's good for business owners is not necessary good for americans. much less white male americans, as the case in this forum.

while some small legislation prevents small business to compete, what makes such power concentration in america was the relaxing of government regulation, rather than the expansion of such powers: the main thing was the end of antitrust, once supported by both powers.
the end of banking regulation and end on the ban of cross-media ownership in the 90's are also another great examples

Banned bump stocks

Using state violence and coercion ( tariffs) effectively violating property rights.

" take the guns first "

Is trying to ban vape juice

Is looking into a social credit system

Can't make this shit up. He's a socialist and you're in denial.

That's quite an argument

Got redpilled. Evil human instincts are a fact, you need an authority to check them and their economic consequences.
The answers i was looking for are the natsoc policies.

national socialism is a leftwing, big-government philosophy. racism is a form of collectivism. natsoc philosophy is the polar opposite of libertarianism.

Lmao shut the fuck up boomer.

They came to Jow Forums and took the long, thick and pulsating red pill

>Can't have a decent fucking conversation with anyone anymore
The time for talk ended years ago

He's really not.
In fact this user made a great refutation but as we see, you won't resoind to that and instead ree like a fucking retard.

Libertarianism only works in a white ethnostate, and even then, just barely. The moment you let in another group, they will take advantage of you.

a question for libertarians: did the founding fathers intended that blacks and hispanics should own ar-15's?

Good on you. Not going to lie. I'm fucking tired of nat socs

>white nationalists
That's a stupid leftwing talking point. Most have moved to nationalism.

The open borders stuff really seems to have been the final straw for many I noticed.
>bring is as many foreigners as possible
>but won’t they vote for more welfare?
>lol so what you aren’t a nazi are you? / lol so what it’ll crash the welfare state (not like there’s still huge taxation of the working pop in shitholes like south africa despite rolling blackouts and ever-increasingly moving towards being a failed state)
Their arguments inevitably fall apart around there into liberal spergery about no human being illegal or some neocon pretense about ”natural conservatives”.

It's third position, brainlet

nah it's you mongoloid who are delusional

They didn't even think blacks and Hispanics were humans.