The absolute MAD LAD

This motherfucker dangled his shekels right in front of those kikes faces, and then said SIKE.

There is no debate now, this is /ourguy/.

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Other urls found in this thread:

we must harness the momentum

racist ADL like usual.

glad he found about them beforehand.

This could of been very embarrassing for him.

Why do people care about this guy again? I see a shit ton of zoomer memes about him but cringed out

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>the iron cross on his collar
holy fucking kek, imagine the kvetching at ADL headquarters right now

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is keemstar /ourguy/? he always do based posts

It did have a brand attachment to it which maybe wasn't the most fitting place, but it was a cool product so I thought it wouldn't matter. (cut)
When we were planning the collaboration we thought it would be nice to donate to a charity as a way to celebrate. (cut)
I made the mistake of picking a charity that I was adviced instead of picking a charity that I'm personally passionate about, which is 100% my fault. Usually when i pick a charity I take my time. I find a charity that I'm really excited about and actually passionate to donate to

So when I uploaded the video talking about the charity it was, very breif and people could tell something was off. The whole internet just didn't believe it. Like, "Why is he donating to this charity?",
"Look at his face" Full conspiracy mode. Uhh.. and.. it was very interesting to watch that unfold (laughs)

Attached: was like Why is he donating to this charity.png (1063x598, 361K)

>When "we were planning the collaboration" we thought it would be nice to donate to a charity as a way to celebrate
I imagine Honey said "Hey You have lost advertisers We will give you 250K for a commercial how about you donate 50K to ADL to clear your name or something like that

technically it is a Georgian Cross

If you want to use inter-generational terminology I suggest you read up on it a bit. lad.

Seems like damage control, why then were our comments deleted?

its hard to overstate the ripple effects of whats been done today... PDP uber alles

Pewdiepie is a bitch for doing this. Fuck him.

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>this got so many (you)s in the other thread

Alex is a fucking nigger

the largest reach in the world. Liking his content is completely beside the point.. hes a white male swede who refuses to cuck, despite all aggressive efforts to compel him to do so. It's a question of whether or not (((certain parties))) are able to wholly monopolize internet communication.

>could of
It's "could have" or "could've." Don't be a nigger.

Keem seemed to help push him into this. His tweets were very much naming the seething jew (several of whom seem to be in this thread)

They are obsessed with that swedish cuck.
He donated already he just said he was going to donate to another charity.
There's no way this isn't planned even adl is playing with him saying he didn't donated just to save face.
Money matters to the jew and they already have control over pewdiepie so there's no point in arguing over this

Because Gen Z has the IQ of a retarded nigger and they're all gullible retards

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I'm surprised no one has taken him out.

did he get rid of the mod on his subreddit who was deleting anything talking about why the ADL is bad?
if not, he can fuck off

>Plausible deniability

Gotta give him credit. He's one of the biggest channels on JewTube on a site where every other major channel is owned by a major media company or music company, whereas pewdiepie is a "self made man". That fact alone most likely enrages the media establishment. Especially considering, that makes him a wild card.

not gas lighting but it had to be youtube deleting would have taken (((small army))) or algorithms to delete so many so fast

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I am confused ...
I have followed this thread and the other dozen ADL threads.
So who is jewing whom? And most importantly, is the jewing intentional or just a coincidence?

saved. i think my 3yo daughter has a crush on him. we watch his minecraft videos together, and all his marriage stuff with marzia. he's the only one anons....god help us

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We must channel our reeeez to dismantle the ADL and their crooked organization.

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Jow Forumstards are idiots with a memory worse than a goldfish
you fuckers should all be lined up and shot

Kikes are now going to kill him.
Say goodbye, Jow Forums.

crying is for here user

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He's JewTube "alt-right"
Got involved in some of the internet bloodsports around the time it was becoming a cringefest.
He's okay. Nothing special.

>marrying two male dogs and making them frick
Pewds has so many retarded libertarian messages in his videos too, that i am refusing to call him redpilled yet.
He is a ok guy, but thats it.

>A bitch for doing a 360 on being a bitch

Hope you like hemp neck ties schlomo or we might have to fix you up with a South African Goodyear bolo tie.

Look on the bright side, people who don't know about the ADL will now have heard of them in a negative context

Yeah it's not like he has 100,000,000 subscribers or anything. He's a literal nobody

>Yes we all are hive mind
Not at all contradicting one another, challenging each others views, in a natural and organic way

>He's okay. Nothing special.
they dont go together anymore user

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he right though. You tards are behaving like kids ... autistic kids.

ADL is a racket.

Can he?

>You tards are behaving like kids ... autistic kids.
we're autistic ADULTS user!

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This x a fucking billion

Who gives a shit? It doesnt matter. He produced a mass redpilling event, and whether that was on accident or by design is entirely irrelevant.
What is important is using this as a gateway to show people what Jews are by example of the ADL, the racket that is exemplary for all things jewish.

The ADL an the new left in general can only survive if they control the narrative. That is impossible with the internet.

hate is not politics
politics is not hate
Hate is not politics
Politics is not hate

Stop the antisemitism for fucks sake. Of course Jews are fucking crazed, we almost erased them from existence! Once they feel the white threat is no more and we unite as one people we can all target nuggers and muzzies. Jews are our Shepard's and protectors and we have turned on them for far to long. ENOUGH!

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short answer no
maybe he could pull strings, but that mod is also a mod in other subs

yeah, by playing vidya, screaming into a mic and making silly faces into a camera. Talented

#1 cause of antisemitism is Jewish behavior


>Once they feel the white threat is no more
we are finished

Is this really fraser? Jesus, he let himself go. I really liked to watch his early movies, but seeming him in this condition is heartbreaking. Golddigging whores need to be hanged.

>fans freak out of donation
>BASED Pewdiepie does his research
>rescinds intention to donate
/ourguy/, he's probably even more redpilled on the tribe now

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And? Drawing attention to the ADL in front of his huge audience can only be a good thing

he killed the dog's boyfriend

hes just a useful idiot, every video he makes has millions of views so hes a tool to redpill people.

Cope rabbi

>that hoodie
effay af

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It fucking bugs me when people say that shit. As if there is any issue that every single poster on this board agrees on.

did it ever occur to you that this is a psy op started by him and finished by us?
he threw us a ball and we knocked that shit out of the park

Thanks keemstar, you nigger, I could have never figured that out without you

i think we all can agree on the earth being flat at the very least

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>we almost erased them from existence
I feel like you probably wear a smaller hat than most other nazis.

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Pewdiepie is the most significant historical figure of the modern age.

>we almost erased them from existence
yes, that 250k that died due to starvation and typhus comes dangerous close to the tens of millions they slaughtered GLEEFULLY in eastern europe.
I agree with this kike completely, and like the cut of his kike'ish jib.


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Not our fault you spend your time an autistic kid ;)

The attention of who? My 10 yr old relatives? I should strike up a conversation with them on their take about the Israel-Palestine situations

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He has actually recovered pretty well lately, and is getting work again, he is a main character in a decent show called doom patrol, his payments to his ex have also finally stopped, and his hair has come back.

Based indeed.

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No-one gives a fuck about your sand wars, Chaim.

ok boomer

Now can we get Pewds to endorse Bit Chute

except he still hasn't chose the next charity yet you low IQ muppets
can't even wait 2 days before flip flopping again

I think deep down hes redpilled. But the only reason he doesnt show it, is because youtube is full of sensitive fags

>based kjellBERG
>if you dont agree you must be a jooooooo
>*clap* *clap* *clap* I love minecraft videos so much
>*clap* *clap* *clap* I dont even care about western civilization anymore
the world would become a better place if you died

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Alright Charles Smith. "No one". Maybe stop caring so much Mr "I'm 1 of the only 5 veto votes at the UN"

Learn 2 sarcasms

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poor little Gamer

Berg is German for mountain.

nice try, kike

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Fresh OC

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of lies

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>American education

Just watch this short clip and you'll know he did it on purpose.

Just a zoomer embarrassed about their generation tbqh

Attached: 1566566792919.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

He makes that kind of money while sitting on a Jew platform? He works for them all along you dildo's.

trolling the kikes. jesus they love their extortion rackets. good effort by our lad.

nice catch

He addressed that in his follow up though

Circular logic betrays the hatred rotting your small bigger like mine. Return to Christ and his chosen for a golden age awaits.

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Your use of “joooo” means you’re probably a heebosaurus. Go beat off to pictures of banks you kikel

>donate to another charity.
Let him donate.
Donate to some inner city ghetto to prove he's not racist.
He brought attention to one of the US's biggest Jewish supremacist organizations not on their terms and gave them nothing.
That's enough.

What's a Jewish girl have to do with Christ?