Another Successfull Jow Forums opperation!

After Jow Forums fueled memes and comments
Pewds removes £50,000, Donation to Jewish ADL, and give it to CATS! MAD LAD!

Celebrates 100million, and drops Atomic Red Pill on 9year olds Worldwide, Confirmed #ourguy.

Jews exposed, orchestrated by Jow Forums. Well done lads

Attached: 1547148623696.jpg (2546x1437, 243K)

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine being a gen z cuck and caring about faggot e-celeb cancer lol

why do we get blamed for everything?

Attached: child.jpg (1600x1167, 205K)

great work you made him 200k in views

fuck off ledditor

Jow Forums spamming the subreddit and the video's comment section was literally what got the PDP fans upset at the donation. They probably didn't even know what the ADL was, or thought it was some harmless anti-racist charity.

He wore a collar with natzi imagery in that video, OP's pic related. Dudes practically standing in the Benz throwing Roman salutes at this point

>Another Successfull Jow Forums opperation
no it wasnt
What (((paper))) are you going to feature this thread in as "proof" that IT WUZ ALL LE EBIL Jow Forums?

Wasn't an Iron cross, it was a georgian symbol. On his collar you can even see the Georgian script

Who cares?