Serious question..... Why didn't the US use American Indians as forced labor? They had no rights as well...

Serious question..... Why didn't the US use American Indians as forced labor? They had no rights as well, and were plentiful... Coulda saved a lot of headaches down the line....

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>doesn't know anything about the jewish slave trade
Blacks enslaved blacks in Africa and did all the hard work for the jews to come in and buy them.

Lurk for 2 years nigge.r

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nigga plz.. Jews coulda made money on the injun trade...

Native Americans weren't as robust, and their weren't being shilled nearly as hard as african slaves, though they were involved in the trade which is why deeply rooted black Americans pretty much all have native admixture.

there simply werent enough natives compared to places such as central america. Same reason why niggers were imported into the Caribbean and Brazil.

The US tried, but Indians knew the land so they were hard to catch if they escaped, the population density was very low from the diseases, and anglos just didnt like fucking indians like the spaniards did creating an intermediary halfcaste.

because jews already had ports built and networks running in africa.

good points.. Thanks

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Because they would have just walked into the woods and disappeared.
Blacks had no idea how to survive in America in the woods and they were afraid to run. And if they did run they didn't know where to go or what to do.

Injuns weren't tamed or enslaved. White Europeans who traveled to America were against slavery.

So what happened in the south? Give a few generations under the whip, would be cheaper to use injuns the africans..

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Not really native american's had self respect and would have fought back making them expensive. Blacks caved in rather quickly and the lower IQ made them easy targets

Sound like the perfect way to get your family scalped in your sleep.
>Enslave violent natives who are survival experts
>Be surprised when injuns raid your plantation and free everyone and create an army

Indians rarely worked or did it slow and their slaves were almost as free as them so nobody worked at the end, then euros were forced to import africans and this is how we're trirracial now desu.

It wasn't really a matter of "enslaving" per se, white colonials didn't personally enslave anybody, they merely already detained people from well established slave markets.


funnily enough, native americans used blacks as slaves, even after we abolished slavery since we let them have their own laws

Indians had a reputation for not being docile. They were known to kill themselves before submitting to slavery, fight back & resist at every chance, and on top of that even if you did find one that would submit they were not biologically bred to work out in the sun the way that Africans were.

Africans/blacks are resistant to malaria, skin cancer, sunburn, etc.... this made them suitable to spend all day, every day out in the hot fields of the American South.

You also have to remember that Indians remained as tribes & stayed in large groups together even after countless wars well into the late 19th century. Good luck just going to a tribe of 10,000 Indians and saying "Hi, were here to enslave you." It was a lot easier to just coerce them into moving west or fighting a battle. They just simply wouldn't give themselves up to slavery. They had an established social hierarchy & organization which added protection that Africans didn't have.

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This explains why Spainards could not use the central/south american natives as slaves too, I guess

This as well. It's a lot easier in the 1700's to go to the market and buy an African slave from established merchants, or from other people who had slaves that had children than to set out west trying to kidnap some Indians and get yourself scalped in the process.

>Hi we're here to enslave you.
Where does this meme come from where whites personally go into the african jungle and strong-arm niggers into slavery? They purchased niggers from established human trafficking rings.

European settlers at the time had a certain level of respect for the Indians. Sure, they hated them because of land disputes, scalpings & random attacks on people that were travelling west. But they also had a respect for them that was born out of fear. The worst fear for anyone going west of the Appalachians was to be attacked by Indians. If that happened, you knew you were dead. There was no mercy, there was no "h-hey guys, lets talk this out". You, your family, children, women, elderly were all brutally murdered.

Indians were, lets face it, looked at as a step above negros. They were most definitely more intelligent, but had a reputation for being incredibly violent as well. Not the kind of person you try to keep as a slave.

It's not a meme. Reread what i wrote. I'm not saying that it actually happened, because it didn't. What i'm saying is that if you have the intent to enslave people, say Indians in this case, think about what all of your options are to accomplish that. That is one option, and although ridiculous, i mention it to bring up the absurdity of such an idea.

aka stronger nigga tribes....

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White Europeans saw slavery as a threat to white labor and craftsmanship. Areas of the south which weren't controlled by plantation corporations always voted against slavery.

Also, pic

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An escaped Indian could get back to his tribe and get help. Where’s a runaway nigger gonna go?

Slavery was also a threat to all the white European farmers in America.

Natives had actual balls & wouldn't tolerate slavery on the whole. The vast majority would an her or force you to kill them or let them flee instead of live as actual slaves like blacks did.

blacks were enslaved first in Africa and brought ot America by jews. You have to remember this. Black african warring tribes already did all of the hard work in turning them into slaves.

Because all the natives died lol, and blacks were being enslaved by Muslims for centuries so they pretty much just learned to accept their fates when sold into slavery.

Are you implying there hasn't been NOT ONCE retaliation from niggers? That they just let themselves get used as cattle?

The story is that we tried but they just kept going home because they knew the land.
Blacks didn’t know the land, which is why escape was more difficult, that and blacks rarely travel a mile from where they were born.

But then that always leaves the Irish Question:
They didn’t know the land, or speak the language, but they still were the most impossible slaves to keep.

Niggers have never been seen as docile. Many of the slaves impossible were POW's of african jihads. Keeping control of this imported population and uprising fears, especially after Haiti and a very profound impact on the collective american psyche that reverberates to this day, which is why the government expends so much energy and resources on policies that "castrate" their communities.

Religious differences. The Spaniards saw it as a mission to civilize and Christianity the natives.

What they had in the spanish missions at the start looked a hell of a lot like slavery. But the long term plan wasn’t chattel slavery where people were owned forever.

Good luck getting an indian to do work

I don't believe that the nigs were THAT submissive,,,

good luck getting an average nig to work

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good idea but they were very smart and would not have made good slaves.

I never said that niggers were seen as docile. I said Indians were seen as less docile.

Not at all. Just that even with African slave rebellion it was still more cost effective to bring people from Africa than to use natives.

indians had weak genetics and also died from the plagues (so weak genetics)

They tried. Injuns are shitty slaves.

The founders had more respect for the Pure Cherokee and other tribes than for the (mexican) mongrel. Part of the reason Mexico was never fully annexed.

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Yes, but it's still a fundamental cultural mentality difference; natives were certainly well acquainted with the notion of slavery from the aztecs/incas/whichever groups it actually was so PC fucks won't REEEEEE at me. They just never adapted to it. Blacks did, relatively easily.

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American indians were actually a threat, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were mother fuckers; and all the bastards lived in tents so demolishing their holdings just spread them around all over the place.

Niggers did slavery, pic related.

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>Why didn't the US use American Indians as forced labor?
Indianans and Blacks owned slaves too.

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the better question is why did whites try to settle a hot subtropical sweatbox? should've let the indians keep it but claim it for america anyway. just think of all the rich indians that would've made their wealth from selling real estate in florida to boomers.

Some did, the Spanish especially. The problem was they weren't immune to old world diseases and kept dying.

Don't know ask the Jews adn the Monarchs.
My opinion: they are now anyway, but the pay exists.
Oh actual answer they maybe would have fought back and they definitely would have died in transit more, and they weren't dumb so they would've escaped more. Otherwise they're no different in the first place.

Indians you could say had a soul that could not be broken by physical punishment and enslavement.

Now if you make a half spanish half injun you can get him to work for slave wages at modern plantations, dairy farms, slaughterhouses, and meat processing plants.

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>Indians you could say had a soul that could not be broken by physical punishment and enslavement
Kill the culture, you kill its soul.
Merican Injuns have well past a place whites have yet to but someday reach; there's so comparatively few of them most will accept anyone as part of a tribe if they genuinely believe in and want to preserve and pass on their culture.
Pretty sad.

The easiest way to demoralize & subjugate people is by removing their group identity and cohesion. It's almost like making the entire world one mixed mulatto race with no shared identity beyond corporatism and enslaving themselves to the current authoritarian regime is a successful strategy. The Jews know this.

My history books from middle school and high school said that most indians died of disease, and they knew the land well enough to escape without fear of dying in the wilderness. It also said that blacks were better conditioned to working that kind of labor

whites settled wherever they could farm and was sparsely inhabited.
Florida was sparsely inhabited until infrastructure to withstand hurricanes was improved and far more importantly swamp drainage and land reclamation tech was improved. Florida was a butthole 80 years ago.
Due to tech Land was unironically cheap as wetlands were turned into buildable land.

They mingled with the natives in more tropical areas(Iberians)

There was practically nobody to enslave the injuns. White Europeans were against slavery. Almost all of the slaves were on big plantations run by big money-driven corporations, the same sort of people who use slave labor and sweatshops abroad.


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Natives had too much fight in them to successfully enslave plus natives would t sell other natives into slavery unlike blacks who sold other blacks. Blacks were also more suitable for slavery being of lower intelligence

ugh, they should've waited until air conditioning at least.

This too

Slave rebellions were relatively uncommon in the south

Natives didn’t have much of a concept of work as in an every day schedule. They lived with the land and unless food needed to be hunted or gathered or something needed repairing like a teepee that was torn they didn’t need to do something everyday

Especially the coastal natives. They could just catch a fuck ton of salmon with a big net and then basically just chill the rest of the week

I majored in history in college, and did a lot of research/study in the areas of slavery and the antebellum south. You are correct. Slave revolts, uprisings, and the sort were incredibly rare. The most you would get is every few years a negro would commit an act of violence, say rape, murder, etc... in a one-off case. But organized rebellion only happened a couple of times, and it was always quashed with relative ease.

true, but you would still not get the productivity out of a native american. That is a shared cultural/genetic trait

Many have been absorbed into the american consumerism culture. which is degeneracy plus bad financial decisions.

How did southerners survive before air conditioning?

I can barely stand the 30 degree (Celsius) heat of summer here

>then basically just chill the rest of the week
i think you overestimate the simplicity of life before the 20th century. There were no "chill" days back then lol.

Conditions must not have been that bad for the enslaved Negro then

buttfucking their slaves apparently

>He has never experienced 45 degrees of desert air
Count yourself lucky that 30 is the hottest you get

I feel you. A/C is only needed 3 months out of the year where I live. I dislike temps higher than 70F. But I work outside like most people used to.

>I dislike temps higher than 70F
Wew lad. South West are chad compared to you weak South East fuckers
70 degrees is a cold day here

Large fans on gears pulled by slaves.
Would have been based if it existed though. A couple mules would prolly work better.

Natives never really had a concept of financial decisions though they lived off the land until like 140 years ago

All they had to do was do things like follow herds of elk around or know what times of the year a certain area would be good for gathering food and then go to that area. With just some basic knowledge and strategy of being in certain places at certain times the land always provides for them

>Desert air
Wet heat is far worse than dry heat could ever hope to be. Same for cold

Accorfing to George LIncoln Rockwell:

It should be remembered that most of the Negroes here in America did not get
here because they were captured in Africa. No. The Arabs obtained the great
majority of slaves by purchase. Their own folks sold them to the Arabs, usually
for beads, salt, trinkets, etc. (And, in some cases, I think the Arabs got little for
their good beads.)

The kind of people who would sell their own children into slavery tells much of
the nature of these black men who now swarm in our streets demanding

But even more revealing is the fact that the early settlers in America were no
fools when it came to obtaining slaves. Why do you think they went all the way
over to Africa to get slaves, when the woods were full of Indians?

The fact is that they tried the cheaper experiment of enslaving the Indians
(instead of just killing them as they finally did).

But it didn't work. The Indians could not be enslaved. Think about it a moment,
and you will understand something of the nature of the Negro.

Would you allow yourself to be a slave - if you had all sorts of opportunity to
escape from the fields, plantation, cabins, etc.? Would you let somebody peddle
your kids and otherwise permit what the Negro slaves permitted?

You know the answer is a resounding, fighting "NO!".

Neither would the Indians. They could be chained and beaten and held. But
they were far too spirited and proud to meekly follow a master around like a
dog, the way millions of Negroes were taught to do. At the first opportunity, in
spite of risk, the Indian would attack, or at the very least, escape.

White men, Chinese and Indians cannot be enslaved (except in rare cases -
never as a whole race).


Pol ameritards hate to admit this but their current "nog" problem is 100% their fault. Instead not being lazy apes and picking their own cotton they got the niggest of nigz from African kangzzz and further more breed them to be more violent.

This is 100% white Americans no much jooooz shilling will change this.

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is a humid 80F worse than a dry 110F?

I'm upper midwest.

May, September, and October are the best months.
I love the snow too, but its a cloudy boi in winter.

Yes. You dont wear a dry 110


I havent seen a snowy winter in 16 years. It actually is depressing when Christmas day is warm and sunny
fair enough

They weren't. Modern fear mongers with political motivations overstate the conditions/brutality of negro slave life in the antebellum south. 99% of slaves lived decent lives by 18th & 19th century standards. Sure, they weren't plantation owners. But they lived about the same lives as poor whites (which also made up the vast majority of whites) did. The quality of life was almost identical, honestly. They had about the same amount of wealth & political power. They ate the same food, lived in similar housing, etc...There was no real middle class at the time, and what did exist was incredibly small and limited to say shopkeepers. Most people were either rich elites, or poor. Those were your options. The only difference between negro slaves and poor whites at the time really comes down to certain laws and rights, and those rights were often times given to negros by their owners instead of the government. Most slave owners were very respectful of their slaves and gave them basic liberties & dignities, allowed them to travel, own property, marry, buy their freedom, etc.. And a lot of stuff was provided to them by their owners as well.

People always imagine the worst-case scenario when it comes to slavery, but the worst case boogieman Hollywood theatrical shit was incredibly rare.

Natives wouldnt work for white man the same way Africans did. I guess they had tribes and groups of people to band together and knew the land better than their enslavers. They werent plucked from a different continent like africans.

Blacks are actually quite docile if kept in line. The Indians are wild at heart and not fit for slaves.

An actual answer is that 80% were killed off by disease and fighting. Some were enslaved but not nearly as much as Africans. Africans were also easier to keep track of since they didn’t speak any language and didn’t know the terrain well enough to hide, or get away as easily as an Indian could.

let them live inside your home, and the riff raff that demand to be treated like middle or upper class blacks. nigga, that's not how this country works anymore, blame your former antebellum larping ass masters.

scottsdale fags and their dry heat, try 90% unescapable clinging humidity.

That's not even body temperature retard.

Tribe dependent. Some even had advanced governmental form like the iroquiois and Cherokee. Agriculturalist had more formal forms of property than nomads/herders.

I have no clue how leaf first nations governments were, other than Huron and Chippewa.

The historical record frequently doesn’t match the hype. Egyptian exodus, Holocaust, comfort women, chattel slavery.

I would never allow a black in my home let alone my neighborhood. I was referring to them being docile with the proper societal influences. Allowing them to believe they were equal was a large mistake that had to be enforced by the end of a gun. I believe my parents and grandparents should have resisted harder.

:( snowy christmas is 60/40 here. We hope for it year. Light snow on Christmas eve/day is magical. Really sets a great mood.

>Indians were slaves
Holy fuck are you retarded.
No one had Indian slaves

Indians were a proud people, descended from Japheth.
Blacks are not a proud people, descended from Ham, cursed to be the "servants of servants".

I bet there are millions of white women who would suck that guys cock in OPs picture, Just because he's a busted up black thug. White women are so trashy and subverted by Jewish propaganda, they actually find it appealing and more taboo to go with the most thuggish, murderous, giant lipped low IQ blackest nigger possible.

There were attempts to "civilize" the Navajo by giving them a reserve, building them a school, letting them farm. This was after a years long scorched earth policy of burning food reserves, mind you.
>The river was alkaline and drinking it made you sick
>area wasn't good for crops anyway
>a study of the area said as much
It essentially became a vast moneypit from someone who loved the site (which was an Indian gathering place) and wanted "what was best" for the natives despite having no idea what it was.
A lot of them ran off, and eventually (after a bad drought with almost no food yield) they just gave up farming and collected handouts. Remember that the native Americans knew how to fight, track, hunt, farm, build, trade, speak numerous languages and diplomacize with cultures near and foreign. They were hired by fur traders, expeditions, and married into white society without much scrutiny or shame at all.

Could you handle a -30 winter though that’s the question

It’s not even the cold so much as driving becomes a potential death sentence

Actually, Mexicans enslaved natives and natives enslaved Mexicans back in the day. To the native's credit, it was more of the old-style rape a woman and put her in your own culture rather than forced servitude labor. Native Americans didn't chain people up.

natives waged a far more total war than europeans in the beginning. Usually peasants are seen as an asset and they didnt care that much who the lord was.