Support the right to gun ownership and free speech

> Support the right to gun ownership and free speech
> Oppose the right to free healthcare, housing, college

Can Americans care to explain?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what are God-given rights protected by the constitution

>the right to purchase and protect yourself and say what you want
>Free shit provided by other people "guaranteed" to you by the merits of existing

Can you spot the difference between these two things?

Notice how quiet Amerimutts are....

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> Free shit provided by other people "guaranteed" to you by the merits of existing

OK, to own the libs why don't you stop breathing air (you literally described air)?

The first ones are actual rights and the second ones are merely wants.

the two that dont tax me pls

I can say nigger to the sun whilst next to a black guy then shoot him in the face if he tries to chimp me, what's the issue?

>right to free healthcare, housing, college
Those aren't rights.

why should i have to pay for someone's hospital bills after i shoot them for trying to censor me after they've gone through indoctrination at a college i also paid for?

Who pays for free healthcare, housing, and college?

air isn't provided by other people, are you even trying?

>the same song and dance
if you where proven wrong you would just make another thread, can you just repent and stop

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you want a gun? buy it. you want a house? buy it. want an education? buy it. you want healthcare? buy it. literally no logic problems there. we use the term "free" in "free speech" to indicate that you can say it, not that it doesn't cost anything, europoor brainlet

>gun ownership and free speech
One of those will cost money to buy into, the other is quite literally a fundamental human right without a cost to implement. The others, however...

lmao at all these cucks thinking they have natural rights. Nice invisible rights that you supposedly have.
>Maybe we all decide what rights we have and giving each other health care is a good idea....

You are not required to buy a gun or pay for others' guns via taxes


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>Check Bill of Rights
>no healthcare amendment
>its up to everyone else to ensure your health and not you

>human rights
the ones we agree that we have?
What do you say when people ask if you've been to school?

>free healthcare, housing, college
Memeflag education

Show flag , Nazi !

We dont think it is right to compel someone to serve another. Our government is corrupt and consistently mismanages money. Our society inherently distrusts authority and their neighbors, but we can't decide which is worse; currently the right favors neighbors over government, with the left taking the opposite opinion

>1 post by memeflag op

Is there anything that stops private and public healthcare to coexist?

>he doesn't know what individual liberty is
why are you shilling, you should be focusing on your salvation, you might go to hell after all especially when you deliberately lie

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>God given rights

Nigger what is wrong with you

They are natural rights because their infringement inherently leads to other totalitarian abuses and or rebellion by those whose freedoms have been curtailed.

So basic needs are wants then huh? LOL at Amerimutts conditioned to think like this. Pathetic.

Yes they are. Get the hell out of Germany and move to America then, you'll be better off there without college and healthcare

The government.

Nope, it is. Dumb Amerimutt

Healthcare and education is a natural right.

Your Bill of Rights is worth as much as toilet paper. Update it or give land back to actual countries

we think it isn't


>40% tax rate at the lowest income percentiles (northern Europe aka the Three Wisconsins of the EU)
>free* pharmaceuticals developed directly by the US (60%)-or funded almost exclusively through gouging US consumers-that wouldn't exist otherwise

kill yourself retard

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The right is under going a revolution. Used to be the faction of war hawks and corporate opression. Now thats the left's shtick.

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get off the internet

loling at your marble brain

>They are natural rights because their infringement inherently leads to other totalitarian abuses
do you actually think that this makes sense?

can you point to where your invisible rights are please?

They aren't natural rights, they're rights we won after we killed enough of you flaming faggots and sent you back to your shithole island.
You're our bitch, never forget that,.

Fuck off retard


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>they aren't natural rights
okay then. the majority of people can decide to make healthcare a right. Which most people believe in the US.

The majority of people can decide that the moon is transgender, it doesn't make it sane.

Personally I'd be fine with healthcare so long as it didn't extend to jobless niggers and fence hopping spics. Its the absolute duty of a nation to protect its people.

Except the two responses literally defining it for your stupid euro ass.

>comparing saying healthcare is a right and a planetary body has a gender.
wew lad

One has zero impact on the economy and taxes.
The other turns us into a marxist shithole like you.
Also weak cucks who want free shit and sit in their apartments smoking weed and watching dick and sharty and redditposting all day deserve to be sent to labor camps for extended periods of time. Brutal ones.

>Right to do things without someone stopping you
>Right to force someone else to do something for you

Just admit you want to bring back slavery

what a sentence to write. Just vote for universal healthcare.

wow, how many times has this happen?

Without recognition of natural rights, you get more bullshit like this:

>this same comment from yesterday
What do you say when people ask if you've ever read a book?

>marxist shithole
''Marxism is when the government provides you free healthcare.''

I have a right to protect myself and live my life. I also have a right to not have to work so that another's life gets lived through mine. Fuck freebies and the freeloaders that can't live without them.


Make me. Oh yeah you can't I am armed.

Come back to me with this argument when the government pays for my guns for me.

It goes in all fields.

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Every body has a gender identity and you will respect it you bigot, I'm reporting you to the ADL

Why don't you read up on the concept of fundamental human rights instead of claiming that they're all social constructs you fucking William?

Because the boomers in power are retarded.

>recognition of natural rights
can't recognise something that doesn't exist. Please point at your imaginary rights.

don't complain about me making fun of you in a similar way. stop saying stupid shit.

why do europeans get so upset about americans not having socialized medicine? why even care if your own system is so great?

If we're going to play that game it works both ways, and then you can choose whatever you want those "rights" to be, so let's talk about the actual effects instead. The purpose of all programs like this is to transfer wealth from productive, successful people to unproductive, unsuccessful people. It rewards failure and stops improvement, and countries that operate this way will stagnate and fall behind globally which I think we can see happening pretty clearly right now

You will recognize it by the bullets that enter you.

>All these (You)'s
The reason they make these threads is to slide legitimate threads and disrupt actual discussion.
You mongoloids eat it up every time.

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You know that wont happen. It will be used to pay for degeneracy, decadence, and decline, at the expense of hard working, honorable people

>concept of fundamental human rights
please tell me where rights come from apart from being recognised by society and put into law.
Where do they come from bong boy?

Lenin said medicine was the cornerstone of socialism

I love this. Thank you.

I'm just offering friendly advice, you know you're not supposed to look at this stuff

How is education (pro tip: modern universities and colleges are a complete joke and serve as nothing more than indoctrination centers) a human right, I can understand healthcare but even then it should be a right in the sense that communities can come together and pool their own resources to provide themselves with healthcare without the government forcing them pick the government mandated, DMV tier health providers. Yes that’s will end up happening, we will not get efficient healthcare through the government and anything else is wishful thinking and that’s not grounds for forcing some kind of federal universal healthcare

"Free" healthcare, housing, and college would be paid for by taxes. Taxation is theft. Guns are a necessary tool for self-defense. Anyone denied adequate self-defense tools is not a free person but rather a slave. Guns are not "free" though. We have to purchase them for ourselves.

>transfer wealth from productive, successful people to unproductive, unsuccessful people

Considering the huge wealth inequality in the USA and that the top 1% of households owns 40% of the wealth. It's fair to conclude that these people own a disproportionate amount that is not due to them being 'productive'. You are not a aprt of that group and redistributing that wealth to benefit society is a good thing.

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well i guess that makes it so. Socialism: the democratic control of the means of production by the workers and a planned economy. Can't see free healthcare in their

If communities were willing to release itemized budgets and prices, I think you would see more traditionally conservative people willing to fund charitable/socially covered medical care

Lmao stop using cognitive dissonance to attempt an argument, this isnt reddit you fucking cuck bong.
This. Fuck commies and marxists.

Dunno why you dumb assholes are arguing with a memeflag.

Democracy is tyranny.

right to them and the government paying for therm are different things. why dont you idiots understand this. you pay for guns the government doesnt hand you them.

that group will just fuck off and leave while my taxes go up to 40%

I'm healthy, relatively young, and work, any kind of socialized medcine scheme will target me with increased costs

>> Oppose the right to free healthcare, housing, college
None of these as rights make sense, guns are just objects, not services

sage it lads

The explanation to both lines of greentext you posted is niggers.

>cognitive dissonance to attempt an argument
both times now you have said something stupid. you should stop posting.

shut up ancap.

Because they know that the days of their living under the most artificially favorable market conditions in history thanks to US military hegemony and political weakness in trade relations are rapidly approaching their end as the US' grip over world affairs loosens and the immigrants from the near east and africa continue to pour in.

The deficiencies of their system are going to be exposed bigly within 10 years' time. They are already paying half of their paychecks so they can get two year degrees in poo poo pee pee studies, despite getting drugs for free from the US or on account of the US consumer their spending on pharmaceuticals makes up 10-20% of their total healthcare spending. Their system is a shell game of fraud, the government doubtless pockets hundreds of thousands of EUR per local by the time they croak.

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Confirm thy soul in self control
Thine liberty and law.

One doesn't requires the Estate to spend tax payers money. Fuck you.

death to the EU
death to EUnionists
that's all the explanation you need, you filthy piece of shit

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you do know that bernie sander's healthcare plan will mean you pay less right?
And fuck off and leave? Pass laws to stop them looting the usa

> I support the right to buy something with your own money
> I oppose people getting free shit on my time
> in the fluoride addled mind of a redditor, this is somehow a contradiction

Literally everything in OP is drawn from marxist socialism.
Your poor dental hygiene must be rotting your brain, go see your free marxist gov doctor and get help.

You're delusional if you think they can keep their large businesses functioning comfortably with all of the expenses and employees they have to pay. Not to mention having backup funds in case anything unpredictable happens, whether that being several lawsuits or employees making expensive mistakes.

On top of that, if their wealth is going to just get taken and spread to people who don't work as hard, don't take risks, or neither then why even bother with the risks and the headaches of having a large business to make money?

Shut up subject.

>actions that you can take
>things that you want to be given
there you go

I have zero confidence my total costs wouldn't go up, especially after obamacare more than doubled them and then tried to fine me because I couldn't afford insurance, you're saying the solution is even to be even more aggressively socalist? Not interested. And yeah, I'm not sure what you can do about internationalists but marxism has been pretty well proven to not be a successful way of dealing with them

you are not making much sense.
>people who don't work as hard, don't take risks
yes they own 40% of the wealth because they take 'risks' and work hard. Just pick yourself up by your bootstraps right?

what is marxist socialism?

Reminder that this chart is in spite of the fact that European companies such as Novo-Nordisk and Sanofi (76% global market share in their industry) sell their wares (in this case Insulin) into Europe at a very small fraction of the price they charge those in the US (if any They are being brazenly robbed by their politicians and have the good fortune to be able to brag about it, for now, just because our situation is made worse by extreme misfortunes that would have already sent their entire economies past the breaking point. People literally went to war over this kind of shit in the not so distant past, here's hoping there's a diplomatic solution.

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Our tax dollars pay for blacks and hispanics to have free healthcare, housing and college right this very fucking second and we are 23 trillion in debt you criminal fucking psychopath. We pay as much in INTEREST a fucking year that we do on DEFENSE OF OUR GOD DAMN COUNTRY.


All require labor.
You don't not have the right to some else's labor. That's theft/slavery.

You clearly have no conception of what "rights" actually mean, outside of leftist propaganda.

You have the right to own a firearm - you do not have the right to a government issued firearm at someone else's expense.

You have the right to healthcare - you do not have the right to government issued healthcare at someone else's expense.

You have the right to housing - you do not have the right to a free house at someone else's expense.

Do you see how this works yet?
>only communists will disagree

You seriously think that larger taxes on the rich and companies is not enough to pay for healthcare for americans?


>but marxism has been pretty well proven to not be a successful way of dealing with them

yeah, no.

>that's theft/slavery
government laws decide what theft is. Miss me with the natural rights, please point to your invisible rights

I grew to hate then