Why are Millennial's so fucking pathetic? They have no pride in anything

Why are Millennial's so fucking pathetic? They have no pride in anything

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Unlike yourself... how?

Why is Gen X so sheltered?

Millennials don't believe giving your best years to a company that might promote you once and give you a watch is actually something to take pride in

why are boomers lazy fucks?

So many boomers at my workplace are lazy and incompetent yet act like they're the hardest fucking workers on the planet. It's really funny to see them struggle with anything more complicated than a spreadsheet.

As someone that works with actual boomers, I wish they'd fucking retire already so someone that actually needs the job can take their place.
They literally clock in to collect a check and do absolutely nothing but walk around and talk to other coworkers for 8 hours.

What is pride for? Why should i have pride in anything? For real.

Why are boomers such cattle? Why is GenX such a dead end? Why are zoomers such tranny faggots?

I have one that comes by my desk every 2 hours, even if I have headphones on, to tell me some inane fucking story or show me a stale meme on his phone. So sick of that shit.

everything is ten times more expensive than it was for our parents, I dont know what you expect to happen man

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Why can’t jews stop posting slide threads?

Or spending a quarter of your life paying off a house isn't worth the risk.

Can you change it by paying it off with a partner? Yes, while also increasing the risk of losing it drastically.

We was told by applecare that nothing really matters except immediate gratification.

Should be the other way around, Boomers using QE to take a loan out of the Bank of Future Generations

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Pride in what? Their work? You expect me to feel pride in making a really accurate spreadsheet that will be forgotten about in 1 hours?

Actually its a good point, i mean, if my parents had a relatively easier time getting an education, getting a good deal and support from a union, where I have to pay thousands of dollars for an education, cope with relatively outrageous rent, living costs, just for an opportunity in many cases.

Youre damn right im not just taking, I need that support to correct the mistakes my parents made, the mistakes their generation made, and who the fuck knows how this will end, i swear to god, good going baton passers

I figure I'm generalized either way so I have nothing to lose. I'm autistic so I'll always be at the bottom of the hierarchy anyways

Boomers are lazy and incompetent. They always imagine they have accomplished way more than they actually have and convince themselves that other people's ideas are their own. I'd almost always prefer a millenial over a boomer as an employee.

t. Managed both millennials and boomers

why so mad fed?

can't track my spending habits or send me bills when my employer who has no obligation to actually pay people living wages? I'm terribly sorry for your loss!

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That’s a really terrible way to look at life because even the most meaningful form of work you can think of can be broken down into a series of mundane boring steps

Why are you such a crybaby? At least us millennials work and don't spend our days whining like fags about "kids these days" while watching faggot e-celebs on jewtube

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The QE has also propped up all asset prices. The wealth effect has only benefited boomers (which hold most assets) and had negative impact on new generations who have to deal with massive home and rent prices.

Gen X best generation. We're waiting for boomers to croak and then we might throw millennials a few avocados on crumbs, those that haven't massed suicided by then

I'm at the bottom of the social totem pole for my generation and other generations because of my autism. Why should I care about impressing others who hate me?

Why would I suicide? I want to be alive to spite the people who don't like me.

i don't hate millenials for laziness. in fact all of my class mates finished school and got accepted by universities (no meme degrees, actually chemnistry, biology, tech schools etc., sorry don't know what all these fields are called)
my biggest problems with millenials is that they obey so much. when i was at school i felt like nobody gives a shit about freedom. i felt like being the only one who actually wants to have his own business. all of them seemed like they just want a good job and be set for life.
so they literally do exactly do what Jow Forums would advice them, i didn't. so how the hell did I end up on Jow Forums, not them?
i actually have my own business now but i only barely make enough each month to keep going and i get occasional financial help from my mother.
actually i fucked up, not them. but at least i don't have to obey a boss.

Gen Z here.
Literally this.
Millenials are so useless. They have no values or alpreciation to tradition and all they care about is minimalistic advertisement, subscription services for fucking everything and feeling special for not wanting kids.
And you know what? It’s better that way. I’m glad my kids will never have to deal with yours.

This is why I'm proud to be autistic. I'm numb to social norms so I never felt this magical peer pressure to obey idiocy.

Pride is a social construct.

But seriously, the propaganda is too strong on the globohomo side and time is loosing value each minute

As an autistic Millennial who values freedom I'm braver than you are. I can shout my views in public and smirk while debating while you hold your head down except when you get online. I've been kicked out of classes and it was fun.

>boomer bob isnt coming into your cubicle to fart

Because of the greedy boomers.

>With a positive connotation, pride refers to a satisfied sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging.
it's pretty fucking obvious why millennial take no pride in anything

And whose to say us millennials don't have our own businesses? I have one and work for myself. Obeying is a concept as old as time, you might as well say why do people obey cops and go to jail when they could just suicide by cop? Your entire life and generations don't have to be a never ending series of "disobeying the norms" because it's that idea which has brought about the thing you loathe so much today. Those people you respect so much obeyed far far more then anyone does today

The people who obey now are the SJWs trying to end free speech and gun rights. Most norms are idiotic.

>whose to say us millennials don't have our own businesses
maybe america is different. but in eastern germany it's extremely rare that young people start their own business. my town literally had an organisation that helped young people (taxes, laws, even making a logo and a website for them). 4 years ago they shut the organisation down because they barely could find 3 people each year. and these people weren't even big business. i was there with a photographer and two guys who did some handwork (not sure what type of work exactly)

Donald trump used mom and dad bank now hes a billionaire infact anyone rich used their parents to get rich

>Throwing shit at each other over some made up numbers
>Falling for the (((Divisiveness)))

Good goys, all of you.

By myself, as long as it's not a trans-nigger millenial I don't give a single shit.

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