Prove you're not a blind follower and name 3 criticisms that you have of trump

Prove you're not a blind follower and name 3 criticisms that you have of trump

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the omnibus thing

that he hired a few fucking scum bags when he got in for some reason

that he won't let me bang his wife

He’s Jewish, he won’t do much about dem corruption and he pretends he made America great again. Total phony

he's a moron

he expanded the swamp

he's an idpol peddling demagogue

He said "Video Games cause violence"
He doesn't believe in global warming
and he supports Israel

The only cons of this President

1) Fat
2) Pampered rich child
3) Didn't have more children

He's embarrassingly vocal and easily provoked, his step-son is literally a kike and he just said Israel dindu nuffin.

Cleaning out central America, setting up elections, creating a tourists paradise...

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He isn't active enough against shills and political researchers on Jow Forums
He is missing a presidential dog
We want to see him in shooting practice videos

he hasn't killed hillary personally with his bare cock

he hasn't build the wall tall enough

i'm still not a billionaire

Pathological liar.
Has no real policy ideas.
Has a shitty set of morals and ethics.

bad hair
sounds ignorant and talks like hes retarded or impared
never addresses the actual problem of legal immigration and population control


Cucks to Jews
Continues foreign interventionism
Hasn't stopped immigration

1. No big prosecutions
2. Wall being built too slowly
3. Hasn't redpilled the masses on 9/11 yet

Vape ban is useless and dumb
What ever is being added to the border isn’t as close to wall as I’d have like- should have said fuck it and overtake Mexico.
Not enough ground on North Korean denuclearization and integration. Seemed like a good spot he was in and now it’s kinda a flop.

Anyone saying Israel is just copying user’s homework.

well i hoped the fucker would ruin america faster but he is doing it so yeah. it's all gud.

next step, ww3. come on juju don. JU CAN DO IT

all enemies of the White race must die.

1. Hired a bunch of Neo-Cons and Old Guard Swamp Establishment
2. Constantly praising, and giving money, to Israel
3. Let his stupid daughter and her creepy husband have security clearances and any form of involvement in government

how dare you call the antichrist creepy you white incel haha


soon you will all suck satan cock. even more than you do now

lol fuck usa

He needs to make E-Verify mandatory.
He needs to make Real-ID mandatory to Vote.
He needs to get rid of all of BHO Executive Actions, all.
He needs to hurry up.
Oh sorry, that was four.

>didn't invade Venezuela
>didn't nuke Canada
>didn't carpet bomb Mexico

>Actively endorsing anything to usurp the 2A
>Vape ban shit (seriously, why?)
>Sucking Israel cock

Perpetuates the siphoning of wealth to the top.
Does nothing about illegals.
Furthers the poor image the country has globally.

Horrible gun rights record

Didn't prosecute career criminals in politics

Wants to increase domestic spying even further

>medical saving accounts are stupid
>i don’t give that many fucks about the wall (assuming all the wellfare bullshit could be ended instead)
>i don’t like the compromising stance on 2A; e.g. the bump stock ban (despite the fact that bump stocks are stupid)
Other than that, his administration is just about the only reason I’d consider moving back to the US.

didn't use military to close border
lies constantly
puppet of rothschild bankers
wants to grab guns without due process

wants precrime tool to grab guns too

He's a Jew
A tard.
And is doing a whole lot of nothing

>we won an election against jew york liberal kikes and dc rinos but he goes and packs his white house with both of those

>kavanaugh was a limp-wristed neocon faggot who now sides with democrats more often than not

>giving the demokikes their omnibus spending bills time after fucking time after fucking time after fucking time after fucking time

That said, I love the man and hope he continues to prevail since his knee-jerk political instincts are always great before his kike advisors get to him, especially that cunt daughter and her shekel-nursing husband. We've also had some big wins in the supreme court this week, namely all of his actions on immigration have been perfectly legal and most importantly: THE NUTTY NINTH DISTRICT COURT CAN'T KEEP STOPPING THE PRESIDENT EVERY TIME HE ACTS ON SOMETHING. Get shit on, Left coast satan worshiping synagogue of satan trash.

Good thread to be honest
1. He doesn't take any action against the monetary system driven by the FED
2. Hillary is still out there
3. Too muany links to Israel

Whatever you say about Trump, he's not a bloody socialist

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horrible? no actually skilled gun user wants a fucking bump stock. im okay with a federal law that says you MUST have your eyes open when shooting. is that infringement? fucking moron, seer drop ins, a file, or a rubber band all work. i am 100% 2A - but your no accuracy, slam fest trigger, shit is nothing i want covering my flank.

Gun control
Mass surveillance
Israeli supporting dual loyalist neo con
Big spender
Overall big government president

he keeps saying he has a loose butthole, why.

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>Prove you're not a blind follower and name 3 criticisms that you have of trump
1. Straight
2. White
3. Male

i wish he took more notice of his ego.
he does not have to make everything about how great he is. but i love the guy, that is his style, but a little humility could potentially go a long way with his base.
that is just one so far that i can list.

>he is too close to the enemy
>he is a dunce that doesn't read his daily briefings
>he's too damn nice to people that don't deserve it
I'm still voting for him.

He is against vape, he is not in favor of vaping, he does not like vape.

You got him there. Lock. Him. Up!

He brought me back to video games
He brought me back to Jow Forums
He brought me back to Jow Forums

Don't act like half the fucking dickheads here used to have lives before he was elected.

Unfortunately for me, I've learned in this clown world there really is nothing left but trumpian acceleration politics.

To all the glowniggers that have kept me in their cluster of lists honk honk mother fuckers. I will survive afterwards when shit hits the fan.

I could not be more excited.

Honk Honk mother fuckers.

He is the peer of Dubya.
He is a jewish puppet
His wife's son, he is a literal cuck.

Hasn't burned Israel in holy fire.
Hasn't burned antifa in righteous fire.
Hasn't scorched the border in overwhelming fire.

1. He's not hitler

2. He's not hitler

3. He's not hitler

I'm not a follower. I supported him due to lack of a better option. Though at this point I wish I had supported Cruz. He's just as much of an Israel shill than Trump, he didn't promise to build a wall (which Trump failed to build), and he probably had better ideas overall.

he's a douche
he's got stupid fucking hair
I hate how he talks

but i will vote for him because fuck beaners

No wall
Didn't lock her up
Didn't entomb her under the new wall

!. His wife isn't as amazingly hot as she once was.

2. He doesn't golf enough. If he had a little more practice, he could lead the PGA.

3. He's too dominant in trade deals. He needs to lighten up and give them a little something.

1. Hired Bolton
2. Took way too long to fire Bolton
3. Hasn't fired Pompeo

>dosnt send enough money for israel
>didnt send enough troops to syria
>didnt attack iran

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>sucks Israel's cock
>a bit mentally insane on the tweeting side
>full of himself

Hasnt arrested Hillary for treason.

Hasnt ordered INS to simply shoot illegal immigrants on sight

Hasnt pulled out of the UN

>Hates the Second Amendment
>Blames video games for mass shootings
>Supports "hate crime" (wrongthink) legislation

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CTR mining thread

>pic related

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Too much winning.
Too much mind-fucking of leftist retards.
Too much don’t give a fuck.

He pulled a "videogames bad"
He isn't deporting millions of illegal immigrants
He likes the kikes too much, but this one might just be because he has to lol

He dosent like me suppressors.

Bump stock is a technique in shooting and by banning it your really doing nothing.

Lemme smash wife.

1. He's filled his cabinet with neocons and establishment hacks.
2. He sucks too much jewish cock.
3. Some of his tweets are dumb.

And I will happily vote for him in 2020 because he is still 10 times better than anything the democrats will offer.

bump stock ban

didn't kill niggers yet

didn't kill wetbacks yet

He is a kike cock sock
That's all I need, the government is zog enough besides that.

Not controlling deficit/debt in this economy is malpractice
He needs to finish the job in NK before taking on the Middle East.
No offer in on the Bahamas when now is the time to land that real estate deal.

Borderline illiterate, possible dyslexia
Can't stop Tweeting
Constant hyperbole

Too early to tell, I think we're walking a pretty thin line here guys. The Overton window shot 100 miles in both directions since 2015.

I'm glad he isn't underestimating China like the rest of the country is. Few issues hold a candle.

1. He hasn't called OP a faggot.
2. He hasn't prosecuted OP for his incessant faggotry.
3. He hasn't acquired a pack of midget slaves to bludgeon OP to death with wiffle ball bats as punishment.

Bump stock ban, uh... fuck, I still need 2 more.

Red flag laws should be easy, they're much worse than the bump stock ban. And now federal background checks.

Fat, rich, circumlocutious.

>nails my list

Imma just sit back at this point and watch. Thanks user

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He's not as passionate as he was during the elections (totally understandable imho).
Limits on gun ownership as everyone else is mentioning.
He hasn't incarcerated the political establishment.

Personally I couldn't care less about the wall, which I see as mostly a symbolic thing, as long as border security gets stronger, which is not really his fault since Dem States along the border keep accepting economic migrants by the thousands (I'm looking specifically at the shithole previously known as the Golden State).
He's still by far the best presidential candidate.

climate change

He's crass (weak and personal criticism but still...)
He's a liar (as all the politicians, I just like the others even less)
He is trying to restrict young markets to help existing lobbies all while crying "for the children" as any leftist would do


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Imagine shilling this hard for the american president as a leaf.

Comes off as immature
Alienates our allies (gotta tell the EU to fuck off more diplomatically)
Terrible environmental policy. He allowed democrats to monopolize environmentalism/climate change when it shouldn't be a partisan issue.

>He allowed democrats to monopolize environmentalism/climate change when it shouldn't be a partisan issue.
Right wingers suck off corporations, which fund climate change denial

while I did not expect him to do anything on the Fed, this and the income tax are two reasons I don't tend to vote for Republicans as a rule.

1. Didn’t build a wall bigger than the great wall of china
2. Won’t stop winning
3. Didn’t pick a based black man for the Vice President position

banning vapes and bitcoins (not big on vaping), continuing the wars, record deficits, being anti-gun, being against actual conservatives, not auditing the fed, this trade war, not making friends around the world, restricting the export of some technologies, wanting to ban encryption, not reforming SSN and other government programs, and just being a general jew.

>Most Trump supporters in a nutshell including me

>Opening threatening nuclear war

>muh birth certificate

>wants to outlaw vaping

> no socialized healthcare

>still hasnt released tax returns

>trump university

>silver spooned failure. Had he taken his inheritence and bought the S and P 500 hed have double the money he does now.

Thats about it. Other than that I think hes doing a good job.

Is a kike puppet
Sucks israeli cock
Bends over backwards for jews.

>gun control
>big tech spying is cool, bro
>white supremacy is an issue
>hired the swamp
>his retarded daughter and her garbage husband
>my wife's sone
>the clintons are good people
and on, and on, and on, and on


Prove you are not a blind hater by naming 3 praise worthy things Trump has done

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his biggest weakness is that he says stuff without thinking and is HORRIBLE at dodging.

but its also his greatest strength, weirdly. he seems to fumble like hell but somehow he wiggles out of every little thing. its like magic.

His budget deals were terrible.

I find his trade war with China questionable though I completely understand his motive and the necessity of doing something with regard to China's trade practices.

Not strong enough on immigration although the house and senate really haven't been helping matters here.

His supreme court picks as soon as Ginsburg finally passes.

none, he is playing 14D chess and the only 'criticisms' of him are due to ignorance, not understanding how he operates, and being a low-IQ nigger.


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God Emperor is flawless.

Are you using "blind" as an insult?
Someone should report you to the police.

The kosher sandwich

1. Supports Israel
2. Gun control shilling.
3. Easily baited.

Anyone who becomes president is 100% guaranteed to be a faggot.

He's funny with his trolling but he's serious lol.

He sucks israels dick like all presidents will do because that's how you become president.

Anyone wonder why everyone seems to think the elections were messed with on both sides and all this time and money and we still don't know who?

One word "Israel"

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Explain his thirst for juju cum.

He needs to make the Democrats Angrier.
Clearly his wife has a son.
Jesse Ventura is not Vice President.