Why aren’t you a part of the #YangGang?

Why aren’t you a part of the #YangGang?

Attached: C917F37D-B7F3-49B9-A7E9-0040B9DAC4E6.jpg (1080x853, 100K)

>trusting a Ching Chong with the White House

>not wanting $1000 every month

>Not realising where it's coming from

Negative income tax would work far far better

>non white "people"

Attached: brazil pitbull.webm (360x640, 2.16M)

Holy fuck that's the most grotesque thing I've ever seen posted here.

newfag hasn't seen poopbaby.

we gassed the yang gang before, we'll do it again.

Attached: aD2.jpg (874x1024, 289K)

I think funky town is better personally, the sound to the pit bull one doesn't really add much but the funky town audio is GOAT

Attached: funkytown.webm (264x480, 1.98M)

$1000 a month sounds good, but will only be worthwhile if he also implements strict immigration and anti-illegal immigration policies to make sure it goes to the right people.

He won't.


Asians are usually good with math so I suspect this basic income is more well thought out then Bernies gibs. Sell me on Ching Chongs free money

Attached: e1d.jpg (640x852, 174K)

Is Yang willing to look the other way when Israel is caught spying on us?

I'd like to see yang win presidency, it would change the fabric of America

Because I don't support bugs running/taking over my country.

Because I don’t suck dick or take in the ass

>NEETs desperate for chump change have time to sit on twitter all day and shill their NEETlord
whoa, shocker

>asianz r smart
lmao no

Attached: bugpeople.webm (360x636, 1.05M)

The fact that other elected fucking officials had to drop out before Yang is pretty fucking based.

And isn't fucking Beto polling below him? Despite restarting his campaign 4 times and getting sucked off by media for like 3 cycles? Fucking lol.

If he manages to hang in after Beto/Bootedgeedge/Harris drops out holy fuck.

Can't wait to see plebbit seethe about it.

Attached: 1432317068202.jpg (600x656, 97K)

Attached: shovel-dog.gif (242x201, 1.96M)

because money can't solve the problem and enslaving yourself to the asians is no way to solve the kike debt crisis.

It's coming from the kikes. Of course JIDF is launching a full attack on Yang

Attached: noclick.jpg (250x250, 14K)

All of his social policies, his economic policies, his foreign policies are all really bad. He is a Democrat and would be their toy and do whatever his party wanted and at least with trump I can laugh my ass off from all the liberals on fire.

You idiots do realize yang can't deliver right? Are you naive enough to think executive order ruling is an acceptable thing? You know government is ineffective and inefficient because of partisanship and parties rarely come together on anything. God you kids are fucking stupid as shit.

Illegals will be priced out and forced to self deport.

He's Taiwanese

what is it 2008?
we're onto next level shit here gramps

Attached: dog eats chicken'.webm (400x300, 1.29M)

If you thought Trump is tough with China just wait until you see Yang

>what is this, 2008?
>video from 2009
Here's a video from 2010

Attached: 1512322620404.webm (480x848, 411K)

Yes so a Ching Chong

Dude free money lmao

Sam Hyde needs to stop and check if he's being filmed while he does this shit.

why is it always non-whites?

Attached: super hot chinese girl (male).webm (360x640, 1.35M)

We don't want demoncrats to getg the throne, nigger

is there some sort of backstory that gives meaning to this crap or is this just bs gore porn


Attached: iq rates.jpg (503x836, 71K)

he stepped on a cartel members nikes

It's also whites but there's less video about it since every non-white country is almost 85+% of the total population on this planet so of course there is gonna be more videos about it

>look at me i am the real tranny now

Saved :^}

the only one with a white person I can think of is the white girl torturing the mouse and cutting its dick off etc
Maybe white people are just too smart to film
Oh and I guess the guy who had the german shepard tied up and raped it was white, but theres no video

Attached: yangs economy.webm (434x360, 2.55M)

in 6 months Yang will drop out and endorce Biden or Warren
No thank you to all 3.

"Yang Gang"-- who the hell signed off on this atrocity? Cringe doesn't begin to say it.

Attached: Yangley2020.png (474x476, 255K)


Attached: sneeeed.webm (728x410, 2.88M)

Oh boy I've always wanted the social awkwardness that comes with Bernie Sanders support but without the political popularity or the chance at some fat cheesy libgirl pussy

Based goreposter. Trannies, shills and newfags BTFO

I'm going to guess it's a tourist/white filming. It's like the other Asians don't even see her. Like it's an everyday thing


I'm not a leftist idiot. That's why.

Attached: leftypolraids.jpg (951x599, 105K)

Because I'm not a nigger

>CABAL emails

Well lick my lizard.

>being this stupid
I wish idiots like you wouldn't get the right to vote.

Attached: redpill.jpg (2217x1618, 735K)

Is that a rapist / child molester being punished? Seems fitting if so.

>all this gore
why are the kikes so afraid of him?

I’m white

Your pic related is incoherent.

>trusting anyone with the white house
Might as well get $1000 out of it

I already make 12k a month, why would I want the federal government to start taking twice as much out of my paycheck so they can give 1k a month to people who think 1k a month is a lot of money, and then throw me back 1k a month as if they’re doing me a favor? No thanks. For me, it’s Donald J. Trump