18 Year Old Whore MURDERS Child, Gets off Free

I'm fucking done with this society...

-Bashed newborn's skull in
-Attempted to cremate the body
-Buried remains in backyard
-Bragged about gut being slim again online

She may get 6 months for abuse of a corpse, but it's offline. So she's getting off scott free with murder.

This whore had no remorse, she only feared the punishment. Hope karma hits her like a truck.


Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (2986x1572, 587K)

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they can't build the fake 3rd temple fast enough

Based. Fuck wh*te kids

It's just an abortion user, what's wrong?

Jews have made it so women are above the law.If the father did this he would be in jail for the rest of his life.

Good topic, but why, FUCKING WHY, choose this fucking kike sounding, nasally fuckwit.

He pronounced "gynecologist" as ginacologist for fuck sake.

If this is you Mr.Obvious, I hope your fucking PC explodes all over your face and body, melting through your skin into your nerve endings.

Welcome to modern Jewmerica

Attached: 5eaa2bc4a2615466b88e164b7d5928da3884cf528a995013030f1158941977f7.png (1184x629, 711K)

based schizo

If shes 18, I'm 18.
If she bleeds, shes old enough to breed

her post birth fetus her choice bigot

Attached: CHUBBLE.png (620x741, 855K)