Whats the best Islamic country to move to? I want to live under Sharia Law...

Whats the best Islamic country to move to? I want to live under Sharia Law. So sick of all of this degeneracy and don't want to be around when this country goes full communist. At least sodomites get the rope and niggers get their hands chopped off for stealing under Islamic law

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united kingdom

muslims are sodomites.

Attached: Quran written by Catholics.png (1605x1715, 2.36M)

>united kingdom

Mayor Khan is an apostate and would get the rope for being a sodomite under Sharia Law.


Turkey or Indonesia

One of the Asian ones.


Isn't it hot and humid af? No thanks.


Turkish seems like a hard language to learn, where in Turkey are the non-Kurdish areas?

Where are you from originally?

What language do you speak? It will be easier to integrate into cultures you know, and different ethnic groups may not want you. For example, Saudis aren't accepting Syrian refugees.

>wants to move to a muslim country
>"Turkish seems like a hard language to learn,"
It doesn't get much easier. Your other options are Arabic (which basically means learning two languages, colloquial and formal) and Persian.

>Where are you from originally?

Born in Jewmerica, leaf.

You'll probably be one of the first to be executed tbqhwyf

Go to the place that speaks the same language as you and has a similar culture.

>You'll probably be one of the first to be executed tbqhwyf

no, u

I would say just kill your self now before you don’t have a choice

go to dubai, so you can be cattle AND have extreme degeneracy.

Attached: tusi-zanj.png (916x898, 188K)

When you live this close to terrorism breeding grounds you'll understand your kind is not tolerated there, silly burger

You could try Lebanon. Israel fucks with them a lot though.


What will you do there alone anyway? We don't like foreigners muslim or not. Plus foreigners always spread degeneracy and the place is getting pozzed lately by (((them))). No place is safe better get married and create non pozzed generation. In the end of the day in Islam the only matters to yourself is you because if you did good you go heaven don't worry about others in priority then try to safe the close to you and your people then world.