Defend this. In Australia we had a mass shooting with 35 killed then immediately put in gun control...

Defend this. In Australia we had a mass shooting with 35 killed then immediately put in gun control. Look how many mass shootings we have had since. What is wrong with amerilards?

Attached: muhguns.png (881x343, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>immediately put in gun contro

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In completely unrelated news, Most Aussies shit-posters complain of living in a nanny state and are more black-pilled about the future of their country than just about anyone else.

Put it in context: ~45,000 white people are raped or murdered by diverse individuals every year and nothing happens.

Shall. Not. Be. Infringed. BFYTW

We've had a large increase since then in handgun murders and drive by shootings - all perpetrated by middle eastern immigrants. We don't need gun control, we need immigration control.

>Look how many mass shootings we have had since.
...and look how much Chinese infiltration you've had since.
When the rulers don't fear the people they'll get up to all sorts of treasonous perfidy.

Keep importing stone-age bulbheads and watch your murder rate go higher and higher.

we need 1 more amendment

* the government shall make no law infringing the right to buy lawn darts

Didn't you faggots lose a war to flightless birbs?

Not only that, you put them on your currency, lmao.

Australia is run by a shadow council of emus.

Gun crime went up though here and expanded in areas it didn't exist before.
Also home invasion is the most common serious crime here with no guns for people to defend themselves.

No, you need retardation control, your society is bogged down with braindead brainwashed subhumans.
We need to clean the white gene pool.

Human whites unite, we will retake Europe and then the world.

Not up for debate, don't care. Get rid of the guns and have hoards of niggers come down on me and my family with zero means to defend myself. NAH.

you people are spineless pussies who don't deserve guns or even knives...

now go suck some more kike dick faggot

do you share a border with mexico and Canada?
that's what I thought

african americans kill tens of thousands of people each year
african americans still legal


It was a terrorist attack disguised as a mass shooting.

Literally shut the fuck up nigger.


are lawn darts really banned?

Probably from a couple stores. Also vape products are not banned. We have stores dedicated to vape shit

Because we have a right to guns, there's other ways of controlling guns then banning them alright you Australian cuck

Your gun crime rate was going down anyway, something that you retarded liberal cucks never seem to mention. Also you’re aware that America has million sand millions of niggers right? Or did you not factor that into your retarded beliefs


defend banning this, cunt
>need a cat a/b license to own a toy
all gun grabbers are poofs

Attached: famas.jpg (1750x2500, 385K)

>says the niggerloving country that produces cuck porn

We've been over this, again and again, the answer is the same and will always remain.
>pic related

Attached: everysinglefuckingoneofthem.jpg (472x621, 57K)

Have they banned your knoifes yet cuckold?

>says the country with mandatory niggerloving and cuckold media

cringe and bluepilled

Australia doesn't have niggers.

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You're statistically safer surrounded by whites with firearms than you are surrounded by unarmed blacks. Blacks cause more deaths than any legally-owned weapon.

If you want to ban firearms, you first need to ban blacks.

Somebodies not taking population density and niggers into the equation

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Dgaf about 35k. Fuck off cunt.

So your saying if we give up our gun rights the government/3 letter agencies will stop pulling false falg shootings to subvert gun rights? No shit

And what happened to violent crime Rabbi?

Because you austrcucks are getting run-over by chinks that are replacing you boomerang chuckers.

It was fucking false flag you cuck.

Americans intrinsically understand that most gun violence is committed by a specific 13% of the population, and would rather not be disarmed against that visible 13% of the population.

>Look how many mass shootings we have had since. What is wrong with amerilards?
You've had multiple, and you'll have more when you import niggers like you're doing

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let see our economy is already shit and is going to get worse, we are more or less being invaded, our women are hypergamous whores and white men are vilified.

Same here. We had ONE shooting, in which 16 kids died. We then banned all guns and guess what, fucking firearm crimes increased by over 100% in the next 2 years. They then passed a new law which changed the definition of firearm crimes and they started decreasing for about 10 years, and now they're increasing again. Removing our rights did fucking nothing to protect us

That's because it was a psyop and you instacucked...hence no need for further psyops.
Get ready for the land invasion from China, against which you will be totally helpless and of your leaders will be complicit.
Yes, ozfag, hearty congratulations to you all.
Meanwhile, the terrain is being softened in new Zealand

1 post by this ID

No, crime was not the intent. Your leaders totally betrayed you, rendering you helpless in anticipation of the soft genocide you're presently suffering...and of which it seems you've passed the point of no return.

We have more gun crime now than ever before holy fuck never leave melbourne you cancerous stain on Australia

does she want them to ban niggers?

People weren't supposed to be killed by vaping or lawn darts. That's the fucking point.

Do you see any non leathal guns advertised?

>The right of the people to keep and bear Jarts, shall not be infringed
>The right of the people to keep and bear flavored liquids, shall not be infringed
>The right of the people to keep and bear IED shoes, shall not be infringed

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The Bill of Rights is exponentially more valuable than human life.

>tactually believing the government when they say they care about your safety
It boggles my mind how so many people can be so stupid. No one gets into government that isn't malicious.

Martin Bryant was innocent though.
If you're posting on Jow Forums you should know this.
It's braindead cunts like you that make me ashamed to be 'strayan.

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wasn't the Dunblane massacre to silence the kids that were being molested and pederasty-ed??? Weren't the records sealed for ~100 years?

You've been drinking too much VB tonight, ya cunt, go shag your Abbo wife and get some sleep for fuck's sake.

>39773 died by gun in 2017, not 46000.
>23854 where suicide so dont count
>37113 died in car accident in the us in 2017
>647457 americans died of heart disease 2017
>160210 died of respitory disease
>146383 died of stroke
>ban cars and fattening and sugary food we can save over a million lives
>ban guns we can save 16000 lives
>assuming criminals obey the gun ban

post the numbers of deaths from "medical mistakes" and "pharmaceutical(drug) overdoses,reactions" The numbers are staggering and sobering.

You guys banned Dayz for having weed in the game.

I would if i had them, i got bored looking up stats so stopped. Just proving a point there are many more death that are more preventabke then guns each year and no one seems to give a fuck.

Hundreds of thousands die more by attacks with blunt objects, car accidents, cancer, heart disease. So do we regulate hardware/sports stores, cars, high capacity assault food?
Also break down that 46,0000 figure. I'm sure its made of up self defence shootings, nog on nog shootings, suicide.
Violent crime (incl. firearm related) still went up, only mouth breathing retards think that NO MASS SHOOTINGS CAUSE NO AR-15's!

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They stop shooting once they dis arm the populace. Then you are at their mercy. Granted even with guns Americans are domesticated

>I am proud I have no rights and government can punish me for the crimes of someone else while I stand there mouth agape waiting for cock
Thanks for the giggle, poof.

And yet, people insist we have the best medical system in the world so we don't need regulation.

Glad the Aussie discord trannies could drop in Jow Forums and educate us on our constitutional rights.

> In Australia we had a mass shooting with 35 killed then immediately put in gun control. Look how many mass shootings we have had since. What is wrong with amerilards?

June 2019 Darwin Shooting
Osmington shooting
2014 Sydney hostage crisis
Wedderburn shooting
Hunt family murders
2011 Hectorville siege
Oakhampton Heights Shooting
Monash University shooting
Wright St Bikie murders

All of these shootings occurred in Australia after "guns were banned"

Aren't 30000 of those niggers killed by other niggers?

Majority of population are mouth breathing retards that will screech that no ar-15's or "assault" rifles were used.

>i'll take knife and clubbing murders are up for 100,000!

>one sloppy job
The Port Arthur massacre was an obvious false flag.
Fuck off

>What is wrong with amerilards?
Being free is fucking awesome.

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Argument relies on the assumption that banning any of those things is the correct course of action.

Besides, this is Jow Forums. We all know there isn't a gun problem: There's a nigger problem.

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Well you guys obviously lost your freedom now without guns and live in a communist, fascist autocracy.

See? That's why we need guns!

Hey you're the Alaskanon aren't you?
Greetings from the lower 48 down in KY

How's life up there my dude?

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>lawn darts, vaping, shoes are all covered by the Bill of Rights

>not realizing violent crime went up
>look guize, no guns
They are literally a fucking island dude.

Why can't we have politicians speak out like this?
>Australia's hard-right One Nation Party faced a barrage of outrage on Thursday after its leader Pauline Hanson was captured on camera suggesting the county's worst gun massacre was a government conspiracy.

>"An MP said it would actually take a massacre in Tasmania to change the gun laws in Australia," she told an undercover journalist posing as a gun lobbyist.

>"Those shots, they were precision shots," she continued. "I've read a lot and I've read the book on it - Port Arthur. A lot of questions there," Hanson added.

Attached: aus senator port arthur false flag.jpg (500x878, 92K)

>How's life up there my dude?
Life is great.

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How many Constitutional Amendments are there protecring lawn darts, vaping, and shoes? Whats that? Oh, your are a dumb faggot. Oh, OK.

Incredible read.
>All done by an intellectually handicapped young man with an IQ of 66 and the mental age of an eleven year old boy ? The whole event was planned and announced in Hansard 2 years earlier – Why – to disarm us. Bryant was never given a proper trial. Prime Minister Johnny Coward prevented it! All previously arranged. He should replace Martin Bryant in jail.

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How many mass shootings did you have before?

Texas reporting in.

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What a cucked nation.

A lot more people than 46,000 will die if they try to ban guns

guns are a hedge against tyranny, as is free speech, when both are under threat you should start to worry

we have niggers. they're a bigger threat

>assault trucks still aren't banned

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she's /ourgirl

No guns so you have to fight your wars with Jeeps

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Low T faggot lol

bait like these keeps happening because idiots keep replying

>what is irony
Just like you, dumbass nigger

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You can't even buy video games with mild violence in them, kys faggot. How many people die in car accidents there? Fuck ton more than 35 I bet, still allowed to own cars though right retard?

You had one mass shooting in how many years? Guns weren't the problem.

Based. If they had 10 more of him they would've won the emu war

>white men are vilified
How is this even possible, fuck, I can't stand it that the hate for the white male has permeated the anglosphere so thoroughly, these are our fucking countries god damn it.

Defend your lack of knowledge on the full picture. Through the 90's and 2000's despite all the PSAs that hurr guns bad, "hey look at me play with my dad's rifle haha! OH no! bang!" segments on tv, we didn't have all these damn fucking shootings one after another. So what's the real difference? Things in the world have accelerated towards globalism and with globalism you have increased conflict and tensions. What ultimately protects people from those who are being allowed to come in illegally? Weaponry. Guns. So then what is the logical conclusion? The increase in shootings is directly related to the powers that be trying to strip Americans of their ability to defend themselves.