Defend this. In Australia we had a mass shooting with 35 killed then immediately put in gun control. Look how many mass shootings we have had since. What is wrong with amerilards?
Defend this. In Australia we had a mass shooting with 35 killed then immediately put in gun control...
>immediately put in gun contro
In completely unrelated news, Most Aussies shit-posters complain of living in a nanny state and are more black-pilled about the future of their country than just about anyone else.
Put it in context: ~45,000 white people are raped or murdered by diverse individuals every year and nothing happens.
Shall. Not. Be. Infringed. BFYTW
We've had a large increase since then in handgun murders and drive by shootings - all perpetrated by middle eastern immigrants. We don't need gun control, we need immigration control.
>Look how many mass shootings we have had since.
...and look how much Chinese infiltration you've had since.
When the rulers don't fear the people they'll get up to all sorts of treasonous perfidy.
Keep importing stone-age bulbheads and watch your murder rate go higher and higher.
we need 1 more amendment
* the government shall make no law infringing the right to buy lawn darts
Didn't you faggots lose a war to flightless birbs?