So is she just gonna do nothing tonight?

so is she just gonna do nothing tonight?

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just like a woman, to do nothing

She's (((CFR))). It's all a LIE. Politicians will say ANYTHING to get your vote. THEY ARE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS

I was a lifelong democrat until 2016. Trust me its a fucking cult. The overt move to communism woke me up and made me switch parties. They're communists, every last one of them.

it's over for her

literally none of them are communists
not one single person in the democratic party gives a shit about worker rights or labor in general
they're neoliberals

She's banging Tucker while his wife raises the white babies. They are very rich, you know? Tulsi is fine being the concubine. The Swanson fortune is very attractive.

Shes jumping on me if you know what I mean.

She dyed her hair blond but has the same red dress on

Masturbate or get laid. I'd imagine she's getting drilled by some Hawaiian surfer guy or whoever she met on the campaign trail.

she's fucking tucker

>the choice is communism or Zionism
This is what they want you to think

What are the cons of each?

She left CFR months ago and has not been on good terms with them since 2016. I guess you didn't see that did you?

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Zionism makes the US an imperialistic ZOG slave to the machinations of the international jewish and Israeli interests.

Communism is designed to destroy countries in order to eventually have a zionist greater israel ruling a giant communist one world puppet government

She's probably rubbing her clit reading shitposts on /pol.

She should have been on the stage with Yang this is bullshit

Proletariat is a farse

that's hot to think about

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unironic dem here

if Tulsi is not on the ticket, my friends and I are voting Trump

nah she's gonna be cuddled and comforted by her artist husband and eventually given the dicking of her year to make her feel better.

Why bother voting for him he’s guaranteed a second term if someone besides Bernie,Yang or Gabbard are opposing him

Me also. I was for Bernie last time but I'm tired of the DNC picking who they want and not us.

I want mommy on that stage. The DNC rigged their own election again.They saw mommy's meteoric rise and they had to move the goal posts around to insure she didn't make it to tonight's debate.

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Bernie will lose, trump will just play up him being a commie, everybody but the far left hates communists still.

i'm okay with this

God I wish Daddy and Mommy were king and queen

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tucker nailing that brown booty

she needs to offer more tulsi toffee. that's how mommy makes frens.

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>why bother
the same reason most people voted for him in the first place; to fuck it all up so bad that it can never be mended, and to replace it with something humane

Trump may actually be the key to leftist utopia! Sure as hell won't be a Dem

she said some of the realist shit of any politician when she went against Beneath the Planet of the Apes who was joking about smoking pot while locking up offenders

then the dems throw CoCo the Signing Gorilla a spotlight tonight and not Gabbard, so they obviously give zero fucks about our basic rights

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Tyлcи Гaббapд - плaтный poccийcкий aктив.

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