If socialism doesn't work, then why is China such an economic threat?

If socialism doesn't work, then why is China such an economic threat?

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Everyone and their mom moved manufacturing there and came to rely on them.

China isn't socialist, user.

China is America if it were actually controlled 100% by Jews looking to make a profit.

because ((they)) have been rusing you.

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Then why do people say socialism killed 100 billion people in China?

Does that mean Capitalism killed all of those people?

Yes they are

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china is not a socialist country and hasn't been since mao's death.

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zoomers are too young to remember, but china was shit-tier economically until they implemented widespread free-market reforms. it was big news back in the 90s or so

their economy is still heavily state controlled, but the means of production arent nearly as locked down as they used to be

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How many manufacturing plants in America have suicide nets?

Fake And sage

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china is more of a national socialist state

>Thinking China is socialist and not fascist
user, I have some bad news

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Low wages are terrific, they won't even let you move there to enjoy them.

its national socialism

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China isnt socialist, its autocratic

how is life in china?

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>Then why do people say socialism killed 100 billion people in China?
That is because China used to be a communist country in which Mao killed at least 50 million but transitioned into one of the most capitalistic ones. The fact is China today is just communist in name only and not actually communist anymore.

Chine quickly realized that socialism will eventually starve them all, even the party leaders.
They kept the worst of socialism, the social policies, and embraced the worst of socialism: corporations and big business.

That's how china's still socialist.

China experienced economic growth after Mao’s death and more privatization.

because china boom began when they transformed from communism to authoritarian capitalism you imbecile
go back to plebbit

Because socialism abuses labor worse than capitalism and apparently that's a good thing.

Exactly which laws are different?

>My source is Wikipedia.


There is private industry now

They were shit until they genocided mostof the country.

When the labor force is stronger then the demand the people suffer.

>why are slave holders an economic threat

the fact is fake media never reports about socialist components in china.
i dont know if they have welfare , a free university system or free healthcare.

maybe they communist/socialist but in fake media they capitalists.

Its like lybia with gadafi. fake media allways talked it bad and never mentioned all the benefits people had there.

Honestly, do you want to live in China? If so, you very well can my fren. There are motovlogers who emigrated to China and make riding videos talking about living there. They are on YouTube


>Exactly which laws are different?
The fact that there are private industries in China while Communist countries don't have them. Or the fact that China has great wealth inequality now unlike Communist countries (which has everyone be poor except the government officials unlike now which has everyone be poor but the mega rich and government officials) etc.

>>what is history

But if it's Capitalism, explain

The thing about China is that if something bad happens, you get to blame socialism. But if something good happens, you get to say it's because of capitalism. At no point do you need to provide evidence for your claim, nor ever entertain the thought it's the other way around.

Socialism doesn't work in the sense that it doesn't equate to a utopia. The outcome is an authoritarian, censorious and brutal hellhole like China where the response to factory workers jumping out of the windows to kill themselves is for companies to install nets to catch them. Not to mention the complete and utter apathy for human life so many of their citizens seem to display.

>the fact is fake media never reports about socialist components in china.
The socialist components which used to exist but have been gone since the 90's unless you define socialist as what every other country has (like a government having police and military forces).
>i dont know if they have welfare , a free university system or free healthcare.
China is not known for its welfare programs and modern society still shows it (the reason girls get aborted is because girls will not support their parents vs boys). For education there is some socialist aspects but it mostly depends on grades (if you can't cheat well enough on the test then you are gonna be making iphones). As for healthcare China's healthcare is very basic and does not pay for all that much (the United states has a more socialist system).

anyone who thinks china is socialist is a retard.

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All of them you fucking retard.

It's not full socialism, retard!
It's capitalist economic policies(private business, corporations) and socialist social policies(no freedom, government mandated lifestyle, the party gets to fuck your wive and you get shot for treason if you disobey).
It's been said already.
Do you need it fucking drawn with crayons?

are you saying capitalist countries would prefer to have commies manufacture their goods? Sounds like these commies are pretty productive!

But without mao and socialism, China couldn’t have gotten this far, this fast.
Ironfist ruling is a must in shit countries. And once this process ends. Prosperity can begin.
You cannot go from huts to skyscrapers and democracy. It doesn’t work.

You obviously need chinas economy explained with crayons.
There is no real private industry. Its all owned by the state or by a comitte controlled by the state.
Their propaganda works so well, you actually believe otherwise

>But without mao and socialism, China couldn’t have gotten this far, this fast
it absolutely could have.
>Ironfist ruling is a must in shit countries
you are putting the cart before the horse mate; countries become (and stay) shitholes when their governments become tyrannical, and tyranny has NEVER, throughout the entirety of our species' history, led to prosperity.
>You cannot go from huts to skyscrapers and democracy. It doesn’t work
rome begs to differ.

>why is China such an economic threat?
because the elite have dumped tens of trillions of dollars into it over the last 40 years in order to destroy american power and create a global dictatorship. What, are you one of those adorable little buffoons that think the world naturally progresses?

Ok but who in their right minds would willingly move to China? If you wanna live in metal hut next to an air polluting factory, have a tyrannical government that censors the internet and the media, go right ahead, but leave me out of it.

You know that their model is called "maket socialism", right? It socialism, but then people started starving. Now, It's not really socialism, just a dictatorship that had free economic zones and spies on everyone.

Does the US even have geography classes? I mean, that's basic

Most of its industry is nationalized and beholden to the PRC

>Their propaganda works so well, you actually believe otherwise
>It's not real!!!
Why do you need to hit the rock bottom of self-humiliation, just to lose an argument on the internet when you could just look it up?

There are private industries. But the government has shares. They were initially private until being partially bought by the Party, like an investment company.
Still count as private

Good God stop with the Bait

>because the elite have dumped tens of trillions of dollars into it over the last 40 years in order to destroy american power and create a global dictatorship. What, are you one of those adorable little buffoons that think the world naturally progresses?
imagine being this retarded

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>If socialism doesn't work, then why is China such an economic threat?
because America built it up by moving production into china
if not for american jews china would be nothing

>If socialism doesn't work, then why is China such an economic threat?
because they use slave labor.
it's hard to compete with slave labor.


Because China is becoming a monarchy, slowly.