EAT those BUGS

That's right, you fucking goyim. You eat that meatless burger.
You will pay me for the right to eat it too.
>You fucking sheep
Next you will be paying me to eat bugs.
Oi Vey! I'm going to be the talk of the Temple for this one.
>I actually got amerimutts to BUY MEATLESS burgers.
How fucking stupid are you?
You know we call you cattle right? Because you will eat anything like a dumb cow.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bugs aren't vegan

So they made a vegetable-based burger, i.e. "fake meat." Honestly, as long as they're still selling their regular fucking burger, and I guarantee they're heating this thing up on the same fucking grill, who gives a fuck?

neither is your moms pussy but you still eat that.

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Vegetarians who rub it in your face are annoying but I genuinely don't see the problem with "veggie burgers" or whatever. So what?

Mark my fucking words, in 2-3 years you need to ask specifically for real meat at the drivethrough (at an additional cost of course). In 5 years, real beef will be a luxury item not available outside high end restaurants.

I’ve had one, if I didn’t know it was a fake burger, I probably wouldn’t have known.

Why can't I just get a couple big slices of tomato, pickles, lettuce, and mayo on a fresh baked bun instead? Why does it have to come with weird bean patties full of fake blood?

This patty in particular isn't bugs as much as it's 90% onions concentrate and 10% bugs.

You can order a whopper with no patty, user. If your brain wasn't deprived of fats and protein you would know that.

I actually like the meatless whopper.
Eventually, humans will learn that animals are not their slaves to do with as they choose.
Humans will opt for moar meatless options.
Also, animal meat will be produced with printers. You will literally eat 3D printed meat like on Star Trek!
Get into the future!
Slaughtering innocent living beings is not the RIGHT way to think!

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Yeah idk as long as i can get some cow who gives a fuck

Oi vey! You got her fast Bernard. Did Beth message you?

someone's gonna slaughter you someday glowfriend, I hope they at least have the decency not to eat you

I eat enough beef to sustain a large portion of the industry. Try 50 years you vegan jew.

Not interested.
I want fries that stay fresh longer and don't make me fat from eating a reasonable amount.

take off that ten cent mask, little boy

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ahaha this "buddhist" has claws. what happened to peace and love man?

I’m pretty sure that that burger is plant based.
I would really eat it, but still.

i'm not OP, faggot

whats the big deal about eating bugs? They aren't particularly unclean especially if raised in a bug farming scenario and they are very high in protein? Is this some kind of entitlement thing where you think you are somehow less for eating a create with more than four legs?

lol forgot to hide flag, rabbi

glow moar


>0% beef
So instead of slaughtering 1 cow, they genocide
6000000 bugs?

Nah it is just cope because jews and shitskins fuck everything up.

Yeah, I don't get the whole "anti bug eating" or "anti vegetarian/vegan" thing people try to do.

Personally, I like eating moar vegetables (I am not vegetarian, btw...I just don't eat lots of meat).
And if insects are done right and made delicious...I would have no problem eating that shit!

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insects aren't kosher

It is decay cope and nothing you brainlets say will change that.

>Imagine wanting to LARP as David Rothschild

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>I would have no problem eating that shit!

fucking ironic.

why would I need a memeflag from that post?
low IQ mutt.

It’s plant based, not bug based. Who gives a fuck if they have this as an option? Just buy the regular whopper.

Or better yet, don’t eat fast food at all you fucking incel

lmao glowniggers mad


The only bugs that should be cooked and served are Jews in ovens, baking at 1488 degrees.

Exactly, shoot up your local consumerist drone facility today!

because I wrote would instead of wouldn’t accidentally?


Stop being a bunch of mcfaggots when it comes to your shit diet.

so much glowing on this thread.
I didn't know they cared THIS much...

>this tread
>On Jow Forums and not /ck/

I really feel sorry for "normal" Americans.

excellent attempt at bait

3 years? Definitely not but 10 years, absolutely. As a former hardcore vegan of 3 years I got to meet people in the agenda and see everything it's about and I can easily say this shit storm is moving very fast.
A vast majority of the big players and talking heads at the top are not actually vegan, eat lots of meat and get paid shit loads of money to shill this agenda 2021/ 2030

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Doesn't matter people don't get what they want and the response will be to kill what they don't like. So at the end of the day I win.

Hello, fellow vegan apostate!
I still work in the natural products biz, and can tell you that they're going all-in now, but that's because of who has been funding most of this shit.
They have what's estimated to be 2 years max to get the public fully acclimated to wanting vegan fake meat garbage, otherwise, it's likely to have a negative effect and lots of backlash if it doesn't hook.
There are billions being poured into this, and when Beyond Meat likely crashes hard in 2020 as so many analysts are predicting (they're trading at such inflated values that it makes Amazon's early days of overinflation seem pale in comprison), watch the market tumble for these things, watch as people abandon the idea of paying 200% more for fake meat, and all will be well.

All of you yellow fever fags will be happy to eat bugs.

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This is why this thread is dumb. lol

The nazis were pro-vegetarian and OP wants to hate on jews using this but it's not great bait.

Next time, make it a thread about actual bugs.

Vegetarian is a lifestyle choice.


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>a new option made of processed plant proteins nobody is forcing you to buy
>equating this to a Jew forcing you to eat bugs

Take your meds schizo

Same. It's not bad. Wouldn't have known if I hadn't specifically bought it to try it out.


who the fuck cares

What happens when schools nationwide begin replacing meat with fake meat in school lunches, subsidized by a new federal program?

They definitely have more than 2 years imo. Even though most older generations will never fully be plant based, they've already convinced 90% of the population that greens, fruits, grains, rice, etc is the healthiest thing you can eat and should be most of what you eat. And looking at most people's plates, it's 25% meat best case scenario.
Even if beyond meat dies, there will be others that take its place, and regardless the food system is completely centralized, they will force more plants onto the plate than ever before

>eat bugs
>eat human flesh
>eat shit
This is what they think of you. You are vermin to them.

The fuck is she dunking them in?!

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hot oil

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At least those bugs are dead and cooked. Saw a thread with them eating baby mice live, like a fucking cat or lizard would.

Most insects eat each other after winning a fight, I don't see how that webm is special

10 years and 30 years are more realistic timelines

>And if insects are done right and made delicious...I would have no problem eating that shit!

Well, that's because you're an amoral fucking deviant, user.

Meatless burgers aren't real burgers, fuck off
Who is going to buy this shit?

Lol owned and checked

Imagine being this seething over a fucking burger you don't have to buy

>Most insects

fucking kek!

What a fucking waste, that lobster was at least a few hundred years old.

GOYIM SUBHUMANS will enjoy it too

Indoctrinated youth, the last 10 years for example, it's piss easy for them to change opinions of the mass majority of the population. Our children will be dirt poor, only the 1% will own houses or property, the rest will be renting, eating bugs and living paycheck to paycheck.

Shut the fuck up about bugs you low brow retarded nigger

ok monsanto

I guess they really were insects not deserving of more since they wouldn't do a thing to change this. You are what you eat!

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6 months ago my local (upscale) supermarket offered Beyond Meat™ burgers right next to the sausages.
Never seen anyone buy it. Never seen the stock anything but complete.
It was gone after a week.

Dumb cunt overcooked it.

>hurrr durr meat good


go back and re read the post you replied to. the guy was disparaging the bean patty saying that if he wanted veggie hed omit the meat. which is stupid because if you omit the meat from a whopper it has no protein. the bean patty has protein. but like a typical meat eater he doesnt understand nutrition and thinks eating vegan means just eating lettuce

Exactly. When we got a big one, crabs too, we put them back in the water. That big boy has good genes and will enable us to better lobster in the future.

>Dumb cunt overcooked it.
She did a nigger thing by killing an old lobster. You're supposed to release the big ones back.

Didn't we just discover that meatless meat contains DNA from aborted baby livers?

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Burger King is dogshit why do people still eat there. Even fucking McDonald’s is better. I’ll give Burger King there nuggets and fries but thats it.

I worked doing new construction for hasidic jews for years. You are the last people that can speak. You are all hideously inbred grotesque soulless distorted ugly fucking things. You truly are the sons of a bloodline that was spawned by satan.

You aren't meant to exist. You are an abomination and the fact you aren't meant to be is shown by your physical features. Not to mention you do the exact opposite of what normal humans do. You are horrid

There is more meat than ever on the planet right now, it's not going anywhere.

Listen to Rabbi ABHEY FINKELSTEIN speak to pastor James wickstrom and talk about putting the children they sacrifice into mdconalds. He said they mad sausage a breakfast staple to feed us our children they abduct and ritually sacrifice.

It was removed from youtube but it has to be online somewhere

If you knew what shit they grind into those burgers I bet you'd opt into the meatless instead!

false info, id break it all down for you but im sure youre retarded

My point exactly....are they cooked separately than their shitty fat burgers?
Burger King is disgusting on all levels.

Cock doesn't have any of that stuff either, but you still eat lots of cock.

Bugs are like a last resort if youre nutrient deficient. They don't belong in my fuckin burger.

there's more protein in insects than in cows.
the amount of food we give to cows just to make them edible is a waste

Lol I live in Alaska and meat hangs out in the field in front of my house every morning. I'll never eat this shit.

I watched a video of some lardass Amerimutt taste-testing it, without even getting a regular Beef Whopper mind you, and his wife said it tasted like a regular hamburger that was reheated in the microwave multiple times before being served.

Someone in the comments also claimed to have worked in a Burger King that was serving these and said that the claims they make of not even cooking it on the same grill... because they are literally microwaving it.

Not going to happen in the next few years, so it's unlikely it will ever come to be.
The companies making the fake meats are NOT nearly as well-prepared to scale nor as able to give the huge discounts that real meat suppliers are UNLESS the government gives them HUGE fucking subsidies, and there's no talk of that coming through the industry whatsoever.
Fake meat doesn't have the lobbying power that real meat does, which ensures it stays in the back seat for a long time to come unless we get some veganfag president who wants to see it in every home.

>Shill activates VPN to talk to himself about people not wanting to eat bugs

HAHAHAH caught the samefag

Here's the thing - I've seen shit come and go in my 20 years in the biz, and fake meat does NOT have the full broad appeal due to multiple factors, including:
- minorities will never take to it due to lack of care for vegan shit + higher costs
- lower class whites won't be able to afford it more than as an occasional luxury
- most middle-class people who have tried it and been polled afterward generally say "It's okay, but nothing I'd eat more than once every few weeks/months"
- Upper class don't usually give a shit about fake meat stuff and can afford real meat
In the food biz, NOTHING has unlimited time to keep moving forward and gain popularity once the hard push has began. There's a BIG line drawn already on both sides, and few who haven't already given such things a try are going to do so in the near future as they just don't have the interest.
If you spoke with the people I do who are involved in nationwide purchasing for Whole Foods and other large chains, you'd know that none of them are talking about this as the "new future to replace meat". If the industry insiders are considering it a passing trend that will dissipate, and with their track record of being correct 9/10 times, I believe them and what I'm seeing from my perspective so far.
Also, Tyson Foods, etc. will soon be launching their own shitty but cheaper options, which will kill the faggy vegan companies off and just keep the money in the meat industry pockets regardless. I'm fine with that.

I remember Taco Bell years ago facing a huge scandal because their ground beef was only like 40% beef and the rest filler.

When I saw this Burger King ad, it just made me confused as to why they're advertising a 100% filler burger.

Don’t these insect people realize that bugs are having the biggest population decline right now?

Also, of interest, Burger King already cut off all commercials for their vegan Whopper in my area more than a week ago. Looked through my weekly newspaper coupons/ads as well, only for real meat shit and no mention of this at all. As I said, it won't sustain itself, there isn't enough money behind it (yet) and the goyim are rejecting it much more than the financiers had hoped.

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bugs are high protein low fat and easy to produce, idk why you think its bad