This goes double for you dumb women

Dogs do nothing but satisfiy your inherent need to have children. Dog ownership has become a rampant disease in America. This is why everyone has them because PEOPLE ARE NOT HAVING ENOUGH CHILDREN. So instead they push their nurturing instinct onto these animals.

And guess what, I'll tell you a secret, Dogs are genetically engineered animals, someone messed with the genetic code of wolves and made fucking dogs. Dogs are the ONLY ANIMAL ON THE PLANET THAT IS 100% DEPENDANT UPON HUMANS. Dogs are a "fuck you" to God by the Jews, I guarantee it, which is why dog is "god" spelled backwards.

Just think about it. 90% of all dogs cannot function on their own. Yes there are wild dogs but they are few and far between. This is a rampant disease across America and part of your historical programming with the ideal family having this handicapped animal attached to it.

Dogs are just like eternal children, You feed them, take them to the vet, clean up their shits, all for fucking nothing except your own personal enjoyment as a surrogate child. Except they are not a child, you are not doing your duty to reproduce, instead they are a net drain and there to comfort you as White nations collectively commit suicide. This is why so many dumb roasties actually start clothing the damn thing, putting it in dumb STUPID FUCKING OUTFITS designed for children.

I cannot go out for 5 minutes for a walk without someone walking their godamned dog around the block, usually a dumb late 20's roastie THAT DIDNT HAVE FUCKING CHILDREN.

Fuck you and your dog, dogs are an ABOMINATION to God, which is why they are God spelled backwards.

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OP you're based but pol won't want to hear this

Ask me how I know you're not white.

Based. Dogs are killing the white race.

I know this is going to be hard to understand, but...

Dogs =/= White people

I know, its hard to understand.

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I have a bitter whiny aunt who doesn't have kids so she replaces them with dogs and she's miserable. She still pretends she hates babies but it's so obvious she regrets it.

>Also, some other nonsense
White people understand why dogs are valuable.

You can't kill jews and shitskins because that would be racist.


Dogs don't truly love you. They "love" you because they are dependant on you for food and protection. The only reason dogs agreed to become domesticated is for easy food. Dogs NEED to love you for tehir survival because humans would just get rid of dogs if they weren't good companions anymore. On the other hand, children do not biologically need to love their parents. Parents will still take care of their children when they kids love the parents or not, because parents need to pass on their genes. Kids truly love you. They don't ened to love you for their survival like dogs do. Kids just love you because kids are good.

no woman wants me or will ever want me so eventually I will just get a dog
people like me don't have a choice

>White people understand why dogs are valuable.

No, White people are fools that have fallen for the dog meme. White people are fools that care more for others (dogs, niggers, spics) than their own fucking race

White people are gullible idiots that will give money to supposed "dog shelters" when in reality they are scams and crime fronts.

White people are fucking morons.

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Just replace dogs with shitskins

The worst thing is when insecure fucktards get themselves an American pitbull or some other vicious dog and walk around with it everywhere they go. Its because of these complete imbeciles that many people, including children, have been mauled here in Australia.

I hate fuckwits with vicious dogs.

Nigger confirmed

Anyways OP, you're not wrong about this creepy fucking 'dog mom' phenomena.

With that being said, every American family should have a dog. A dog is the greatest, most cost-effective home security system you can have, plus it provides fun and companionship for your kids.

Only niggers and muslims hate dogs.






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Bruh the dog mom phenomena is in line with all of the other rise of degeneracy around us. Dogs were never something you should have had for companionship, let alone any other pets (with some exceptions).

The only time you should keep a dog is for labor purposes only. That is all.

Dogs are a replacement for children in the modern age. Its fucked up. Dogs dont truly love you anyway they love you for survival purposes.

White people and White children come first. Dogs =/= White people

Case closed

Laziest troll I've seen in a while.
People will still bite though.

I know the truth hurts. But the truth is the truth

These Anons get it

You do not

maybe instead of being such a pathetic fat retard you could go meet one of these girls who loves dogs and give her a baby. then you could have a woman, a baby and a dog instead of just a keyboard on one hand and your shrimp dick in the other


>never do anything for personal reasons
>only acquire things so you can make me more shekels
nice try schlomo

You could make this argument for anything. This is molymeme shit-tier breakdown of sex and marraige. The underlying mechanisms are irrelevant at the end of the day. Beings have symbiotic relationships and so it goes.

Neck yourself you swarthy sack of shit

Love is just chemical reaction



Dogs have been a staple companion pet in white families for centuries, and even the ones trained for labour or security were pampered by their owners as beloved friends since ancient rome. Funny how we're only seeing all this 'DOGS ARE ABOMINATIONS AND HARAM' nonsense now that shitskins and muds have internet.

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look at all the angry white people

Dogs are a jewish meme

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I know the idea of keeping an animal you don't intend to eat and/or fuck is confusing to a shitskin like yourself, I'm sorry.

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>dogs are an ABOMINATION to God, which is why they are God spelled backwards.
Only jn English.

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t. shit colored poc

>dogs are an ABOMINATION to God, which is why they are God spelled backwards
Muslim detected! Christianity has no problem with dogs.

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White whores fuck dogs
It's a fact kiss kiss

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I agree, I'm finally sick of dogs and I grew up with them. There's simply too many dogs. Imagine how much different society would be if everyone who owned a dog had a child instead.

I can't stand that dogs are everywhere. Go for a walk, dogs. Relaxing at home, hear neighbors dogs barking incessantly. Go to the bar, people have brought their dogs. Same at many restaurants in the summer. It's just fucking disgusting and I hate it

I don't even hate dogs, but people are simply way too attached to them.

Dogs are a replacement for children, but dogs are not the problem. Dogs are only a coping mechanism to replace what they know is missing.
>OP muslim
Muhammad said kill dogs in the sunni hadiths, but later allowed for dogs that aren't black so his followers could have working dogs. He said black dogs are the devil.

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I know a Jewish coal burner with a dog and her mutt daughter lives away from her.

Shit people.

Women that have dogs instead of children are cringy, depressed, and their house smells like SHIT DOG BREATH and their fucking shitty dogs eat your shoes that they made you remove because god forbid your shoes ruin their PISS AND SHIT INFESTED DOG CARPETS god damn it

I disagree with the idea that dogs are a jewish invention, that's just stupid. Dogs had real labor purposes like guarding a property, herding sheep or other animals, scaring away predators like wolves. Those are all legitimate purposes for dogs.

Dogs as companions and friends is when it becomes retarded

Dog is God spelled backwards

Egpytian tablets have people with dogs on their heads

the joke is on you falling for the Jewish dog meme

this is not about Christians or Muslims. It is about survival of the White race you dummies

>Jews have been plotting to kill the whites with dogs since ancient egypt despite dog-moms being an entirely 21st century problem
Cranky because dogs have better employment prospects, aren't you.

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What are you, some kind of fucking retard? Get out of your house and stop believing everything you read on the internet. Plenty of families have both children and dogs.

nuzzzle bombs of love

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Imagine being this retarded.

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The TRUE redpill is when you realize how many of these women are sleeping with their dogs (just sleep / cuddling), and how many take it one step further....

I unironically do not date women with dogs. It's actually a huge red flag in these times. It's only one tier down from dating single mothers.

Dogs don’t reproduce, just like their 30year old roastie owners.

If a woman isn’t married or dating her future husband by 25, she’s end game and cashes in on a dog to fill the void.

The dog dies when she is 36 and she tries to start dating again.

Sooomebody just got to community college...

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it's a good thing insane people aren't having children to be fair. If you legit believe your dog is your child then you shouldn't have kids. Ultimately taking care of lesser creatures teaches responsibility, gentleness, and patience. If you can't pass that test then tpu shoulsnt be able to care for more demanding and complex beings such as children. There are people who shouldn't even have pets because they get neglected or abused.

I have thought this often OP. And cats. Don't forget cats. They really go off tI he deep end when they start rescuing animals. They become psycho. They actually begin to believe that animals are better than human beings. Worthless.

everyone else's dog is shit except mine