How high will his statue be

Once we seize back power?

Attached: pierce.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:’t

Yes, our current plan of running away from fights with brown people and keeping our opinions secret is working brilliantly.


I will not take that bait, my glowing friend

It will be a thousand miles long, and it will be in the center of the galactic empire

Attached: BringForth.png (1920x1200, 2.63M)

He will be a nearly religious figure in 300 years, a martyr only second to Hitler. Our greatest teacher.

Attached: William-Pierce-portrait.jpg (680x931, 48K)’t mean to be so crass but when i say fuck elite criminals in finance and goverment, jews , muslims and niggers i mean fuck elite criminals in finance and goverment, jews , muslims and niggers! FBI watch list or not!

Attached: 5702CE69-419C-4491-A27A-BD9332C0684C.jpg (1024x576, 157K)

Attached: FE688687-6E20-41FB-A8D4-DFB84BF4DC5F.png (669x637, 564K)

Taylor = zionism


Who is this fag and what did he do?

>>Reveal yourself goy so I can exploit it in my blog

What does zionism even mean? That you don't want to destroy Israel militarily? That you want to deport all Jews to there?

You stupid Kike..he’s one of the only good ones left

Attached: 77D19129-D560-48C7-8A02-07594A4445C0.jpg (1998x1125, 841K)

Smaller than this one.

Attached: rockwell - marxist intellectuals.jpg (600x745, 82K)

The Turner Diaries weren't very good

Hunter is good, so far. I haven't finished it, but I'm further in it than where Turner Diaries turned into a masturbatory mess.
Brigade is still better, but Pierce is an objectively better person than Covington was.

Attached: the brigade.jpg (1181x1800, 132K)

I really enjoyed the Brigade. It would have been nice if Covington read it. I was amazed how coving got all the ridiculous clown world shit before it happened. I’m waiting for the day when the NVA is established. I just know it’s going to happen. I’m terrified yet excited about the day it starts.

900 feet

The psychology he wove for the Mami and Monkey was really something. It was a little over the top, but I really don't think he was wrong at all. And it spoke to an ability to play devil's advocate that was wholely missing from Turner Diaries.
I sort of wonder if the founding of the NVA is happening already. The government is pretty good at concealing murders and such. it wouldn't surprise me if there have already been racially motivated ones, by a motivated group, that either went unnoticed as such, or were construed as something else.