What are the benefits?
Why does Jow Forums want to ban porn?
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What’s her best scene?
It's a way to control people, make them dumb, easy to control. It's bad for people mentally. There are no benefits to pornography, especially to those lured into it by marxist jews. It opens up all kinds of depravities and gross disgusting fetishes.
look it up and stop beating off. sage
None. Those fake tits are horrid.
For comedic purposes it's the one when she and her "mom" have sex with the dude
Pornography is poison for the mind. If you want to destroy a society use pornography.
It must be banned.
o/pol/ just want you to stop being depend on pussy to rule and control your impulses
I actually didn't miss out on teenage love. I had several high school girlfriends and a great group of friends to facilitate such relationships. That picture perfectly encapsulates what high school love is. It's mysterious, enchanting, and intense as fucking hell. The problem is: Everyone is exploring everything and in all likelihood you will get hurt.
boomer here. I am probably never going to have sex again. I don't find anyone my age or near it even remotely attractive. I am not rich, so 25-50 is out of the question, and I don't have drugs around, so 25-50 is out of the question. Porn is all I have. You youngsters, you piss and cum shits need to get away from it. It's stealing from you, your youth, your vigor. I have nothing to steal. We need a 50 year old age restriction on the porn. This would be good for everyone because we will pay for porn, and we will provide free porn for old people, and you need to go fuck actual women and leave death to us old people.
>What are the benefits?
Increased birth rates
Massive influx of energy to society
Clear skin
Porn saps your bio spirit
Christ, ban whatever shitskin porn that is.
now go back to facebook.
Porn is a jewish subversion tactic to get young western men addicted to porn and impotent with real women.
porn leads to erectile dysfunction.
Break the jewish conditioning
Go nofap now
>Everyone is exploring everything
My favorite things to explore were soul-shattering humiliation and loneliness.
>leave death to us old people.
fuck you
death is a gift
Al Goldstein
>"The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks."
The Bill Gates of Porn
The Great Porn Experiment — One More Devastating Jewish Globalist Influence and How to Overcome It!
Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable, It's Political
Jenna Jameson's 25 Good Reasons Why No One Would Ever Want to Become a Porn Star
>After the AVN Awards and all the mainstream exposure, everyone wanted to interview me, even people who had passed on the offer before. One of them was Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw magazine, who was writing for Penthouse at the time. Joy set up something after the awards show, and Goldstein came by to introduce himself. He's an obese, greasy, slovenly man, and was very touchy-feely with both of us. When he discussed the interview, he seemed to be dropping hints about going on a date or getting sexual favors from me in exchange for the article. He didn't say it explicitly, but it's the feeling Joy and I got... Goldstein never forgave us for canceling the interview. And so I made my first enemy in the business. He published a screed against Joy and me on the front page of Screw, accusing us of practically every offense imaginable – and a few that were unimaginable. He even attacked my family.
Jews and Porn
Jews Dominate the Production and Distribution of Porn
[YouTube] Jews dominate the production and distribution of porn (embed)
Jews in Porn
What are the benefits of having porn in the first place? All it does is give an "easy out" instead of allowing any sort of incentive to self-improve, in many (or most) cases being explicitly tied to rising demographic and societal problems from (((individuals))) being secluded from society with no real incentive to do anything. Prostitution is the same thing except amplified into an even scummier business practice that also degrades the sexual "health" of a society in ways porn couldn't remotely manage.
I quit porn for awhile and it was difficult. I started watching some again (not as much) because I like sexy slutty women.
Jews in Pornography, with Rabbi Gary Katz and Mike Kulich
[YouTube] Not Found (embed)
Jews and Pornography
Jewish Extremist Anti-Gentile Hatred Present in Porn Industry
Jewish Family Values
The Jewish Masters of Porn
The Jewish Semen Fetish Examined
Jewish Porn Star James Deen
Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography Used as a Weapon Against Gentiles
Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American Porn Industry
Porn Shackles Society More than Patriot Act
>The hardcore pornography industry in film and image format is in particular associated with the United States and many of the most powerful people within the industry in ownership and distribution roles have been Ashkenazi Jews
Pornography as a Secret Weapon
Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution...Why are These Businesses Dominated by Jews?
That Jewish Porn Star
The True Purpose of Jewish-Sponsored Pornography
Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies
Weaponized Porn
>tfw didn't miss out on it
>tfw it was glorious
>tfw the end was equally as awful
Schlomo detected.
I experienced that too.
Overrated Arab slut gets fucked by a black or white guy scene #639.
>get off my lawn millennials!! We went to the moon!!
The post
I think pornography is art. An illusion. If think about it... It is not reality. How are you going to accept VR if you can't even accept pornography. There's going to be even more fuck up shit when VR comes. You are on the wrong side of history. Now look, I understand there are various propaganda on going when it comes to pornography. Especially when it is about agenda of the left. That is the cost of freedom. Freedom can be a double edged sword.
-Porn helps me cum.
-Cumming feels good.
-Real women are cancer.
-Fuck the humanity. Let it burn.
Porn is degenerate you loser take the Christ pill
reminder we need to bleach the nigresses to bump the negro IQ
I'm 22 and have ED from jacking too much.
Take the Odin pill.
Fuck off kike. 1488.
>Jews make it and give it away
>for free
Literally what more do you need to know? See
Fuck no it isn't. You are not ever going to get laid after 40 if you don't have money, I am sorry to tell you. Ten years after that, you won't want to fuck anything that would fuck you for money, but not cash. See what I'm saying? You're purchasing power as a penis is reduced every 24 hours, until one day you wake up old, and porn is all you have. I don't care what your goddamn problem is, you can get laid tomorrow. If you are a young man. You really need to take advantage of that. the memories is all you will have when you're old, and not rich, as you will be. Quicker than you know.
Or we could just separate our peoples...
don't ban porn
legalize IRL paid sex so we stop mass shootings and have good cooms
Popping my fan's cherry
How about you just don't be a dumpy old loser.
no stds ever
i heard she lives under a bridge now lmao
does she? damn
Porn encourages Excessive Liberalism.
most people die dumpy old losers. there is no redemption arc waiting for you where everything works out and you die awesome, and then fireworks. Most people die alone, no funerals, no graves. You can see the statistics. Look how many die in your county everyday, imagine if they all had funeral processions of hearses and what not, and your rent would be crazy right now because grave yard sub divisions.
she lives near me and comes into my local from time to time. usually with an entourage
Because we're not kikes and we hate degeneracy.
Fuck off boomer don’t project your failures on me because you’re content hunched over like a little demon jerking your little depressed cock to some runaway teens. Go mow your lawn and donate your retirement funds to Israel cuck
What are the benefits of having porn/not banning it?
This and only this.
The hottest porn is bukkake. There's something incredibly hot and tribal about 100 men sharing a woman and mixing their seed on her.
One day of not grooming she will have a full unibrow! And back hair/mustache
I would enslave that ass.
What is tribal about that other than your ape ass being so impulsive you have no self control. STOP WATCHING PORN
Yell out whore...because its true
I'm not a failure by any metric. I raised kids who are well, I graduated from a college and had a career. I got divorced. Twice. I own a boat, and it's my third. I am the most common outcome for a person my age and from my demographic. I am a sold C+ within my generation. I am you, in the future.
Jewish thread. Sage.
the only porn that should be allowed is hentai
stop giving 3DPD power over you
because the government force fed the american populous to make them soft before 9/11 hit, it literally produces grey matter in the reward center of the brain
Jow Forums needs to learn how to weaponize sex. Everyone knows ejaculating deprives a man of testosterone and drive, making them less strong, less intelligent, and less motivated. That is why I defeated hold Jewish pornography had on my brain and bought a chastity cage, which I constantly wear so I will not lose any of my essence. I take the fight to the enemy and make it my goal to have black men spill as much of their cum as possible.
lmao the amount of thirst this 5 gets is ridiculous
Apart from having le sex with random sluts thingy, since now I'm in my late 20s and I already stuck my penis in way too many holes, of which more than half I regret, what are any suggestions you could give
>tfw you missed out on teenage love
>when girls didn't care about how much money you made, what your body looked like, or how tall you were
Find someone you like to hang out with, and then see if fucking them is fun too. If you can combine those things, you will be together forever. I always went with good sex over good times, and that was my biggest mistake/
>Oh fack I'm gonna coom
Literally whenever I think about shit that is too lewd and unproductive I remember the "cumbrain" meme and do something else instead.
So fucking great
This. I wish I had this. I wish I was white. But i’m just a fucking mutt.
Okay, boomer. Why are you so sad then? Why am I 22 years old and able to refrain from thunder tugging to porn but you can’t if you’re so successful? Serious question. Being at the geriatric age you are now I would assume you’ve developed some wisdom over the years to know that spending your time pursing hedonistic acts isn’t fruitful nor purposeful. How about spend more time with your family? How about building shit? How about actually being a father figure and not hunched over like a demon watching porn all the time? Why do you need sex to satisfy you? Just because you’re retired and had a career doesn’t mean you just sit in your basement tugging. Go find more purpose if you feel like you’ve exhausted your career. Quit being a whiny faggot on a board with a bunch of degenerate retards “waaaaah I just NEEEEED my pornos millennial!”
God boomers are so annoying
Thank you senpai
Next time get her whole tits in the picture.
Pol isnt one person by the way.
Got gfs in middle in high school.
They weren't the greatest though.
Jow Forums is just trying to save white niggers that are too weak and controlled by porn.
but most of us just rub one out and go on with their life...
NoFap is for extremely weak minded that need the community
but them saying we should join is like a group of
FAT PEOPLE telling Fit People they need to lose weight because eating McDonalds is bad.
>NoFap is for extremely weak minded that need the community
Keep coping fag. Take your fucking meme flag off too schlomo. You seem pretty proud of yourself for being a chronic masturbator. Disgusting nigger
on an individual level it literally, verifiably damages your brain; socially, it creates hordes of mindless retards
>Massive influx of energy to society
It saps energy from society. If you want energy try cocaine. Porn makes you tired.
Jokes on you I went to a mostly nigger school (80% dindu) so I didn't find any females date worthy
Accept VR? We’re in it, o’mazing genius. It’s called civilization.
Mad respect
Porn works the exact same way as any addictive drug. This entire generation's on crack and they don't even know it.
Holy fucking shit at this thread. I had no fucking idea... Goddamn, I gotta stop drawing lewd anime tits then.
>hurrr fwerteem ayteyate
lmao you dumb niggers aren't "securing" anything except your incel status
I suppose Niggers that see the IQ map feel the same as you.
NoFap is like FAT PEOPLE telling Fit People they need to lose weight because eating McDonalds is bad.
Anyone else digitally hoarding porn just in case it gets banned?
I'm set to make a fortune selling flash drives on the corner.
Nah i didnt.
tfw I’ll never have a boat because my generation’s likely outcome is to die by hypothermia and anal prolapse.
Yeah I've been doing it for years. I mostly just collect SD quality and the rare 720p scene. I've probably got around 5TB and 5000+ scenes all impeccably named and organized. It's a fun hobby and I like organizing and cataloguing things.
Pssst. Being a mutt is otay.
>It's a fun hobby and I like organizing and cataloguing things.
This is what I like about it. I enjoy just sitting there with a video in the background while I sort everything into categories. It'll be fun making porn mixes if the time comes.