It's racist though

It's racist though.

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Nobody gives a fuck about voting. Everyone is talking about the National Socialist Revolution

This. Eventually we will suspend democracy and appoint a chancellor.

No wonder Mexico just elected a far right fascist. The entire country is mostly minorities who are discriminated against when it comes to voter id laws.

It's the only logical solution at this point

The solution is just to make IDs free to obtain. It would cost virtually nothing in the overall budget. Republicans refuse to do so and we all know why. That's where the racism comes in.

Imagine being Charlie Kirk. This guy is such a dumb faggot, holy shit.

The left literally, and I mean literally, believes that voter ID is racist only because it benefits white people.

This, he is a zionist grifting faggot. I want to see some antifa cuck knock this dude out cold along with posobiec and cernovich

Posobiec is a literal disinfo spook

Cernovich is just a grifter

It's another thing that RINOs pretending to be fiscally -responsible scorn, instead of facing the real issue, the military budget.
IDs should be free and easy to obtain.

He was one of the first to follow the twitter " Jewish cyber defense center" and shill funding for it

they are 15-25 fucking dollars, depending on the state. If you can't afford an ID, you probably don't deserve to be throwing your opinion into politics anyways.

lolno, he's even more pozzed than Trudeau.

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You can't make that decision for people. There's plenty of individuals who go through hardships one year and then get back on their feet. Often times, politics can determine what their jobs and income look like. Placing any barrier to voting opens the door to tyranny.

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Cernovich is a homosexual. I dont care if he has a beard. All i have to do is look at his face and tell he at the very least faps to gay porn.

He sucked tranny cock the dude is a faggot confirmed

Voting fraud is still pretty common though.

Most cringe pic I've ever seen

Like did you forget certain idk ideology prevent this?

you bitches are lucky it isn't restricted to white land owning men anymore. fucking pony up the sixty bucks or whatever for an ID. if you can't run your own life well enough that you can afford that, you deserve to have ZERO say over how everyone else's lives should be run, and you should be grateful that the rest of society hasn't put you in a concentration camp.

Our iD costs more, and we are required to have it whether we want to vote or not.

It's more racist to think niggers are too stupid to get an ID.

Do democrats think that they can maintain a system where they can win via flooding America with immigrants when everyone fucking knows people will vote on a party by racial lines?


>There's plenty of individuals who go through hardships one year and then get back on their feet.
Boohoo its $25. I can shit that out.

>No wonder Mexico just elected a far right fascist.
Kek I fucking wish.

>Taxation without representation
Literally unamerican. Kys or gtfo of my country

If you don't have the means of obtaining adequate ID, you shouldn't have a say in who runs the country. Either you're part of society or you're not.

Ok, great idea! How do we prevent the 20 million illegal aliens here from obtaining them and voting?

THIS SO MUCH. What does a goddamn tank of gas cost? About as much as a fucking ID? Christ, the only people who can't afford it are minors, and they are not eligible anyway!

Safeguards to prevent illegals from voting are discriminatory towards minorities and voters of colour!

How do you usually prove if someone is illegal?
Trump own voter fraud commission already proved that illegals don't vote.

Why do you assume everyone drives or can afford gas?

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Is that why the interest ALONE on our debt from social spending is set to eclipse the defense budget in the next few years?

>Public housing id
the memes write themselves

Defense from what?

Considering "democracy" does not mean "every poor fuck up has a vote", but rather "every land-owning family patriarch has a vote", this is more in the spirit of democracy than universal suffrage.

The fuck you think a bunch of poor idiots who can't prosper in a country where even poorer foreign people come to prosper, are going to vote for, if not access to the fucking treasury and taxing everyone else for gibs?

Democrats know that black voters would make terrible decisions if given too much power, hence why they push the thinly-veiled eugenics we call abortion?

Democrats are cunts and fuck them for putting us in this position with their "we'll trick niggers into voting demokkkrat for the next 200 years" bullshit.

From all the nukes we helped Iran and North Korea build.

Guise what's up with his face?

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Not a one could ever reach American soil.

They could with SpaceX rocket guidance systems.

Slave revolts are never successful. Have you seen SPARTACUS?

I'm implying the CIA setup NK and use SpaceX tech to remotely launch/guide their missiles as a means of provoking us into a fake faggot war, but that's probably not going to happen now.

The real answer is that China, and the Rothschild-type elites, have UFO-tier ships and DEW satellites, which have been used on US soil. But God knows we would never acknowledge anyone but China as the real threat.

I want a tamper proof holographic ID card that sounds badass.