Diversity strikes again!

Keystone cop almost allows diversity roach to kill 2 more people because he's too afraid to shoot him.

The State of Canada.


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youtube link for those who can't read article.


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Kek, he severed that old guys spinal cord, right on the neck. Why are Canada cops so cucked?

holy shit that cuck was going to let two people die to save the stabber. he only shot when it was his own life on the line

>Why are Canada cops so cucked?
Cops exist to protect the state, not the citizens. They are not your friends, and you should not expect them to help you.

at some level, but any american cop would have killed that guy way earlier

get paid too much, afraid to lose job, phased out most of the alpha males.
don't get me wrong. some exceptional cops here. but the majority aren't ready for what's coming.
that was easy shoot to kill scenario for any cop/soldier and would have fallen under any ROEs. these fucks aren't even looking for the opportunity. We're fucked.

Of course, but most of our American cops would love the justified opportunity to kill.

>no mag dump
Honestly, that cop deserves a medal.

As a white male I feel like I simply can't compete with the darker races. Reason being, I'm just not as confident or secure as they are. Even a much shorter mestizo exudes immense masculinity compared to me and I stand over 6 ft tall. One time I was getting some Za (pizza) with my girlfriend at the time and this 5'6 black dude bumped into me and said "watch it fool.." and all I could say was sorry, but that seemed to energize him even more. He then said lean down for a minute and I did, thought he had something to say and BOOM he rocked me. When I woke up he was walking away with my girlfriend at the time hand in hand. It was so emasculating but deep down I understood how obsolete I am. Fuck I hate my race so much, wish I was born black or something.

any real man should, really.

Exactly. Even if it was killing him for pleasure or a hero complex.

Tensions mounting more in the land of Maple?

any info pointing to this being a shitskin?

i figured it would be but nothing im hearing indicates so, there was some isis fuck arrested in kingston a while back so i wouldnt be surprised if it was a mudslime, but that area (montreal street) is rows upon rows of crack dens, odds are this was some methed out fuckwit that, as so many others do, slipped through the gigantic gaping cracks of a liberal society. they let mentally insane murderers out of the asylums in canada too, could be one of them.

It looks like some shade of shit.

as long as Trudeau get one too

yea but when police have that trigger happy disposition, dont you think it would lead to bad situations involving innocent people? to be clear im all for blasting criminals into fucking hell, but cops who shoot at anything that moves arnt really something id want around

What the fuck? How much do they pay you to write this? However, taking the bait, that was probably your GF's pimp. You got played.

In the USA they would have shot him 750 000 times not once you poofs.

oh yeah.
once this shit starts happening in smaller town Canada... real Canadians will turn real fast.
real Canadians gain the power of 1000 Gordie Howe's under duress.
We'll fight in winter obviously. Flood everything, turning it in to giant skating rink. Molotov Slapshots and uppercuts.
i hope they live stream it.

lol, please shoot that turk roach nigger

don't make us angry...

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When does this disgrace get voted out anyway

you have no idea how brown canada has become, add to that our typical roastie is birthcontrol popping lefty whore and the chances of this fucking deluded cuck being reelected are fairly high, even if he loses the conservatives in this country are CON in name only, they are jew cock sucking corporate stooges

Either this October, or in four more years, or sometime in between with a vote of no confidence.

mid October.
if anything, 2019 needs to be a stop gap, and we can organize and go where we need to go for 2024.
Our conservative government is just an extension of our liberal. we're really a mafia state.

>Our conservative government is just an extension of our liberal
yep, the only difference is that our cons suck the jew and corporate cock, while the libs just outright blatantly steal because thye know the average canadian cuck is so apathetic and solely concerned about making their fucking rent and grocery bill, they couldnt give to shits about the billions liberals steal from this country every year

It's pretty bad.
the top 100 jewish families control 50% of all our wealth.
and the you have the Chinese.
and any major criminal organization uses Canada to launder.
it's a real shit show at the end of the day.
wait till many of these fuck sticks leave the country when economy turns and their debt markers start getting called in...
Canadians going to be left holding a massive bag of shit.

Imagine getting stabbed by a nigger/muzzie and you see a cop few feet besides you just watching

He didn't get immediately shot because he's white.

could be worse.

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Fake and gay.

many cops go years here without firing any weapon. range or on the job. The new wave of police are nowhere near equipped for what is coming. it;s going to be/get very very bad here.
(for those who are weak/unprepared)

At least that flag matches your post

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cops in canada, especially the older ones who grew up in rural canada, which is alot of them, just dont find themselves in these situations, its very rare. Canada was once a green and pleasant land, where the use of a firearm was rarely required. thats all changing now, thanks to divershitty.

It all started when we got NBA teams.

>Diversity strikes again!


I know this is JIDF but fyi, since you are a short and weak race, at 6'4" I literally never feel emasculated. I exude an unearned confidence even when i dont feel particularly confident that day. Ive only felt physically intimidated once in my entire life, and it wasnt a minority.

I hope you are a jew

Next time, just put the jewtube link.

Killers are people too.

Thanks tips

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