Three decades ago, no one expected the Soviet Union would fall. No one predicted the Berlin Wall will fall...

>Three decades ago, no one expected the Soviet Union would fall. No one predicted the Berlin Wall will fall. With our pressure and determination we just hope to let the world (be) aware that the Hong Kong people deserve democracy

>I hope one day, not only Hong Kong but also mainland China people can enjoy human rights and freedom

How are you enjoying freedom and democracy russkies and post-unioners?

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you tell me

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China is a lost cause, the Party is just too strong currently. Maybe they'll soften up the next decades, the process already started.

(((human rights))) and (((freedom)))

>Three decades ago, no one expected the Soviet Union would fall
In 1989 a fuckton of people thought it would fall
Mostly cause the Berlin Wall fell then

What an ugly little incel, lmao. No wonder China is fucking these protesters up the ass.

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China keeps rheeing about how it's a domestic matter...

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>Hong Kong but also mainland China people

THIS, I was from Hong Kong, but my friends from highschool were from Mainland, as was my grandparents. I don't blame the brainwashed for being brainwashed.

The difference is that Chinese believe in the communist party because it is the one that bring them unprecedented prosperity.
You'd need at least 10 years of stagnating economy before some people start to question them.

What an ugly chink!

Or an absolute collapse
of their shit worthless

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>Hong Kong
>Anglo worshipping Asian

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There's more wealth in the country but there is a huge rich poor divide and people in the rural region have little resources and little rights, they were supposed to have rural land but they lose that to highways and they have no say.

Hands of gold are always cold. I laugh every time I see the golden hammer and sickle.

>Three decades ago, no one expected the Soviet Union would fall.

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East Asian IQs are very high they aren't dumb enough to hand their country over to neoliberals like whites did and of course after the failure of communism they're never going to try that again.

China is basically a mixed economy/market socialist third way fascist ethno supremacist state at this point they are the future. Hong Kong is whining today, rightfully so because they don't have any of the rights and privileges they used to have but as a whole China will be better off when they are fully integrated back into the state.

>>Three decades ago, no one expected the Soviet Union would fall
lol wat? Everyone knew the end is near, thats why every non Russian nation started pushing independence. You are fucking retarded

They believe in the communist party, but communism itself is a dead as Dillinger in China after Mao's many failures starved so many millions of people.

They have a mixed economy now and property/private ownership is legal as long as it benefits the ethnocentric Chinese state.

Paper tiger my dude. USSR seemed terrifying in 1984 or so, but they were shivering on busted limbs.

The CCP is destined to fall. It's literally carved in stone, as revealed when a fissure opened. I can't explain the time paradox. Time travel maybe? lol

>still mad about the opium war

At this point it's the US that is the paper tiger.

> USSR seemed terrifying in 1984

Only to morons that bought neocon propaganda, in reality it had been in decline since the mid 1960s.

>The CCP is destined to fall.

They've done everything right the US has done everything wrong. It's the US that has shipped all its industry to China over the last few decades not the other way around. There's a far greater chance of the US collapsing.

It's pretty good, what kind of answer did you expect?

dude is a ZOG asset, treator to his people who would sink hong kong in a heart beat to futher his own little agenda. where were the human rights for yellow vests in france who actually faced police brutality for real unlike hong kong protestors, where is the freedom in murrica or the uk when in the former people get to jail for mispronouncing genders or get shot often for no good reason by the police and the later you can't even own a spoon without an id and the police can force themselves inti you home for not paying state tv license.
hong kongers are spoiled brats, if they want to be the next libya, syria, irak, yemen, venezuela, afghanistan or any other stable nations wiped off the map by ZOG then keep at it.

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the ussr was founded on famine and constant revolt- without trade and finance the realm is destined to collapse because people are too lazy to do things.
im not being too hopeful that the ccp would collapse, it had a foothold in many things including mass manufacturing and tech, and the econ policy aint as liberal as the ssr.
even then, i hope you're right

the econ policy is even more liberal than the ssr*
fuck me

>Jow Forums is now so contrarian and edgy they hold the same views as tankies

I think my days in this website are almost over.

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Cringe and Bluepilled

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>The Qing dynasty ceded Hong Kong to the British Empire in 1842
Rothschilds have been fuckin with those people's minds since 1842. I have no idea why China hasn't nuked that shithole yet.
