What is he up to now?

And who took this picture?

Attached: Podesta.jpg (720x960, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>70 years old and susing a back pack.

You think you're hot shit, don't cha?!

What's my name? WHAT"S MY NAME??


Attached: 1568356541079.jpg (4000x4000, 1.21M)

He's waiting for the school bus.

Old hairy eyeball.

What's in the backpack user's? Duct tape, Balaclava, gloves?

Fuck You John Podesta! When you gonna answer Portugal police's questions about when you and your brother abducted Madeline McCann nigger fuck hole!

Attached: Bruce_Willis_Enjoys_Murder.gif (480x204, 1.57M)

forget the backpack

looks like skippy broke his arm

Fucking kids
raping infants to death
these people fuck infants to death
y0u think this is a game?

All I see are criminals still walking free. Thanks Trump.

That is one fragile looking motherfucker.


Knowing how these people operate now, can you imagine what kind of code is written in that article?

Could easily be assassination orders or something.

Attached: 1566777118527.jpg (385x385, 24K)

Ya think ya hot shit don’t ya!

No one has faced any justice for anything

And just how easy do you think it is bringing people with decades of power to justice? How many have the Clintons killed? How do you think Trump can just waltz in and clean the swamp in a mere three years when this cult has existed since the dawn of time?

Out in public. Wonder what that's like knowing that there's about 10% of the population that believes you're involved in some sort of Satan worshipping pedo ring. You just know he's walking around always wondering if some crazy is going to take him out. I can't imagine he's hard to find these days. I also can't imagine he has much protection from on high like he used to. Oh Skippy, I don't think we've seen the last time he'll make headlines.

>clean the swamp in three years
But he hasn't started. You faggots always use strawmen.

If trump was 30% done I wouldn't be bitching.

Trump has drained 0% of the swamp after 3 years. It is a massive failure

That's the problem with white hats. They won't do Happy Little Accidents.

Hiring Bolton was the last straw for me

But basement dwelling user would have it all done by now. All at Gitmo awaiting death sentences. Grow up kid, World doesn’t work like that.

Well he just fired him

He shouldn't have hired the swamp creature in the first place. We warned Trump and he didn't listen. We were right yet again.

mfw haven't eaten a baby all day

Attached: 2222.jpg (1600x1047, 110K)

beating kids so hard his hand snaps apparently

Doesn't even seem like a person wrote it.


it's like domestic abuse victims. "he hasn't hit me in days" Most of the population are PTSD abuse victims right now.

Attached: podesta butcher .jpg (522x718, 51K)

Attached: convo.jpg (532x540, 242K)

Apparently 98% of Hollywood are disgusting degenerates. But how do you even begin to prosecute that many rich people

Attached: 7ddfd40aa4c111510066664fe5150416902c15bd4c5bd3e6e5b49964e55e3f87.jpg (171x255, 9K)

Of civil war breaks out in America I hope you guys form death squads and march straight to Hollywood

Lol and what was the negative fallout from bolton shill ? Nothing Trump used him to scare best Korea and than dumped him we haven't gone into Syria or Iran so it's a moot point

>what is he up to now ?
Certainly NOT situps
Nice gunt Skippy

Probably on his way home from lunch at the local planned parenthood. A belly full of baby parts.

You think you're hot shit don't ya OP

You wouldn't hit an old man, now would you?

Same goes for deep state tweets. Comey, Brennan, Clinton, Obama ect. all make these impersonal, almost robotic-sounding tweets constantly. Once you're wise to what they're doing, the implications are truly frightening.

>Trump wants to spoil Alaska’s pristine environment. We can’t let it happen.

Could translate into

>"Guys, we're totally fucked. They have everything. Activate sleeper agents NOW."

What a fucking time to be alive, eh?

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Fuckin slimes jude

Observing the obvious is not violence.