The community pool/sauna is the last public institution of the Western Civilized Man.
TLDR: yall should go check yours out and see if you can drop any redpills or network with other males of European ancestory
There is this community pool in my neighborhood, whenever I go its always the same group of guys, mostly boomers in their late 40s-50s who are university professors, school teachers or retired.
I always assumed these guys were pozzed having grown up in the late 60s/ early 70s. Also my dad is the same demographic and is exactly the type of AOC-toe-sucking feminist Libtard we all despise. Anyway today I was pleasantly surprised and I wanted to let you all know about a potentially untapped market for red-pilling, I'll green text below.
S o m e w h e r e in a C a n a d i a n N e i g h b o r h o o d S a u n a
>already packed as closing time is soon >6 white boomers and one Asian lady in the corner >I walk in after my Gym 'N swim >the guy speaking, works at a local university (unsure if hes a professor or what) >He appears frustrated >He is expressing that he recommended two candidates for a position, one a very hard working Japanese male >BUT the university DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT HIS RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICATION >Why??? >The position was secured to be ONLY FOR WOMAN >redpilloppertunity.exe >I have to be careful not to expose myself as a proud national socialist authoritarian patriarch operating in silence under the watchful eye of the eternal jew >"Isn't that illegal?" I exclaim. Isn't that discrimination on the basis of gender? >"well, the university can do that" he says. >Other people in the sauna express discontent "So they are not hiring the most qualified person for the job? Pfft!"
Keep in mind that this is Canada a country where our prime minister appointed 50% of his cabinet to be female AND THERE WAS NO REVOLUTION. So I am shocked that people are questioning the SJW Bullshit, I thought they had decided to all roll over and let it happen ages ago.
>"they even have different categories for affirmative action, I was surprised my student wasn't even considered because he is also POC, but apparently they can do this now. This sets a dangerous precedent!" the professor retorts. >it appears this is the first time affirmative action has become a reality at this university. >I interject: "if they are going along the affirmative action line, they should be promoting more MALES because currently females outnumber males at university" >"where are they even getting the data to decide affirmative action in that case?" another fellow chimes in. >" it must be all old information wherever they are getting it from" says the professor. >"WHO ARE (((THEY))) " the fellow asks... >I hold myself back... It is all I can do from blurting out the answer at the top of my lungs. I don't want to be known as that aspie nazi in the community lmao. >"the higher ups, administration" I say, quickly realizing how pretentious i sound pretending to know about this specific case... i had to say something to stop myself. >Yet the professor confirms "yes the administration" >here I realize my mistake, I should have said "Feminists" but another boomer takes that issue on.
Jose Hall
>"one argument you could make against it (affirmative action), Is that we excluded woman from positions for so many years before that, and that didn't work out so well did it?" > this fellow clearly doesn't understand the goals or nature of feminism, it was never equality > im about to speak up but luckily: ourlordandsavior.jpg -The one Boomer who has been quiet the whole time brings it home
>"WASN'T IT A GOOD THING??? didnt it work out great? (Excluding women) More people are Healthy More people have a high standard of living under our civilization today then at any time in history" >I freeze, yes im a cowerd, my eyes dart around the room expecting someone to shriek "BIGOT" or "NAZI" or "CIS- WHITE MALE GO DIE" >Then as I look from one European male face to the next I feel a warmth growing inside my chest. These people from my community all agree. They already have the growing foundation of a redpill in their hearts as straight white males. And who knows or cares what the asian lady in the corner is thinking.
The community sauna is a true institution of the civilized man. I have YET to see ONE NIGGER at my local sauna. Its all European and East Asian, with the occasional Turk/jew/Semite.
We need to take Sauna Culture Back from the FAGGOTS!!! I imagine if i lived in a city center the sauna would look very different. Just typing in "men in a sauna" on google images redpilled me on that...
That is how they get us. They destroy the spaces where european males congregate by either demanding the inclusion of woman. Or turning it into a homosexual fetish so NPCs are like "im not going there, thats Geeeeey"
Jacob Davis
>boomers in their late 40s-50s
imagine being this stupid. i'm sure your contribution means quite a bit.
Julian Flores
I say fuck that, the Hollywoodjew has tried to make your own body a taboo, dont give in to that shit: Be confident in your masculinity and your sexuality.
If your gay don't be a faggot about it. AND if your straight you have nothing to worry about.
Sauna/Onsen Culture is a Tradition of both the Finns and the Japanese. Both of these peoples are among the More Based nationalities/ethnicities. Coincidence? could be, But I don't think so.
The relaxed intimate atmosphere, the sense of community, and the complete defensiveness after changing in front of all the guys and seeing each others dick.
There is no room for pretentious personalities Or Fake friends in a Sauna. There is NO ROOM FOR JEWS.
Jews will be exposed, either by their lies or by their wound.
I advocate for the public/roman bath/sauna to be a political institution of any fantasy "ethnostate"
It is almost as essential as having every guest and member be offered to eat pork or drink pigs blood as a symbol of hospitality, with refusal to do so being and egregious insult.
Personally, Ethnostate or not, when I retire Im do that to guests and Have a private sauna/training ground.
Bentley Robinson
what do you think a boomer is?
Jackson Gray
From urban dictionary: A person over the age of 30 that likes 80s Rock and Monster Energy Zero Ultra, that wants things to go back to the way they were.
Nathaniel Watson
Obviously the only authoritative source you mong
Christian Mitchell
checked, boomers were born in the late 40s and 50s. you do the math. the eldest millennials are around 36 right now.