Anyone here in college or university and is annoyed by the rampant liberalism in class? It's not just on the campus... it's literally in the class material spanning a wide range of different courses. How do you guys deal with this?
College liberalism
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Stop caring about words faggot
If they are grading you on being liberal over actual content it’s easier for you to pass and get your degree.
I want a degree but I hate fucking listening to this shit as much as I do... need to find a way to cope.
What school you faggot
Just cope you faggot, it's part of being in college this day and age. I know it sucks, but just work out to release some frustration. Find some like-minded people.
you must be new.
it's been like that for decades, literally. The best thing you can do--honestly--is speak openly against it. The more you reject their lies, the more it will embolden others who also see things your way. The average lefty response is to get exasperated and speedwalk away. If your teachers penalize you for it, call them out on their bias to others.
Try not to be an idiot about it though. Take this shit seriously and do your own research.
well shit, not even I would call myself conservative
Stop giving them the benefit of that word. It's leftism. Literal Liberalism is unironically closer to Jow Forums Nazis than the present-day left.
I handle it by taking it over the top and amusing myself with it
I went to a private STEM college and it wasn't nearly as bad as public universities seem, it was kind of nice
Conservatism is a tactic, not an ideological bent. Say what you mean: right-wing. BTW conservatism is a tactic with a proven track record of failure. It amounts to letting your enemies take the lead in policy changes and trying to stop them or slow them down, without taking the lead yourself. Conservatism is dead, embrace radicalism. It's our turn to remake the world in our image, instead of just putting the brakes on our enemies' attempt to do the same.
Why do you think he’s here?
well duh.
>I handle it by taking it over the top and amusing myself with it
good strat
>rampant liberalism in class
Not in STEM. Your problem if you're studying bullshit "sciences".
>50% of professors are liberal
45% are communist and 5% are conservative.
thanks for the responses guys and the guy who said he takes it to the extreme made me laugh
>there aren’t enough women in engineering how can we solve this
>your task for this unit is to design something to help refugee
>discuss the biases introduced by having a mostly white male engineering work force and the side effects and repercussions on their solutions to engineering problems
>discuss how having a diverse talent pool improves engineering solutions
That's true, liberals tend towards fields of subjectivity rather than those requiring critical thinking and reason.
It's not Liberalism, it's Marxism.
American Universities make you take 2 years of bullshit before focusing on your major
>The best thing you can do--honestly--is speak openly against it.
Those commies are the people who mark/grade your work. Not a wise idea. Also, they can get you expelled for "hate speech".
only in meme faculties
get some stem bruh
because leftism is a religion, not a coherent empirical-based system of knowledge
>only in meme faculties
>get some stem bruh
>American Universities make you take 2 years of bullshit before focusing on your major
>50% of professors are liberal
>The other 50 are conservative
>This somehow constitutes as bias
i find that hard to believe, that would mean to be a competent engineer you'd have to study like what, 6 years?
2 years of math isn't bullshit btw
I'm not sure about STEM, but in public universities the first two years are mostly general education before you really focus on your major. This is mostly because high schoolers get pushed into going to college even if they have no idea what they want to do other than party, so its pretty typical to change majors. If you go to a private school specific to your field, you can start learning important stuff right away and essentially skip the irrelevant general education (except for what is required for the school to be accredited).
I agree it's not just the faggy subjects like philosophy stem is also becoming annoying. A lot of stem guys have hard ons for tech companies like google and facebook. So they are also being infected with this crap.
You're required to take about 2 years of "general education" classes before you begin a major. If you took some AP classes in high school you'd maybe skip one semester total of them. This varies per state, and some places lower the requirements specifically for STEM because you're pretty much guaranteed to be in the system for at least 5 years even without the extraneous classes.
That's a pretty self-defeating image.
Yes you have to take general studies course which include every fucking thing you just spent four years doing in highschool. It's a huge fucking scam and I can't believe we are willfully subjecting ourselves to this horseshit. And engineer will take a little longer than a regular degree depending on the program.
Tell me more
so let me get this straight
2 years of meme studies
then you start your actual degree? 2 years for some meme, 3 years for sciences and maths, 4 years for engineering?
State colleges are fucking retarded. I went to a private STEM uni and was able to start engineering studies immediately. I finished in 4 years with very little general studies work.
thats how it works here. i don't understand who jewed you into general studies, the fuck does that even mean... what was HS for then lmao
but everywhere, public or private
btw funny thing, here, its the publics that are harder to get into and more prestigious
Different schools have different programs but yes most people have to waste two years on general studies which is pretty much just highschool all over again except they add multiculturalism propaganda on top of it. I've been trying to tell everyone for years how much of a scam college is but no one will listen because they are too proud of their meaningless degrees.
>the fuck does that even mean... what was HS for then lmao
State funded daycare and wasting people's time.
in the publics here, if you didn't do an AP course in HS and you're doing the same subject, you have to either get an entrance exam to that specific subject or do a single course for that specific subject. thats all there is to it.
so like, if you didn't do AP physics and you're required to do Phys1 for your degree, you'd have to do a separate course first or pass their entrance exam, whichever you prefer.
In order to get accredited as an actual university, there are a few requirements on things that have to be included in the curriculum. For example, I had to take a political science class, an economics class, and a sociology class alongside engineering. For the most part it wasn't so bad, but there were a few things I don't feel were important at all.
go to private christian university. I do and I see nothing of this sort, ever.
well we do have to take 3-4 courses in meme subjects too but you can take them whenever, they don't actually require study time (just show up and take a very easy exam, averages are 90-100) but sure as hell not 2 years of """general studies""".
tell me something... is public education free or do you pay for that too? it matters because it would somewhat make sense for the state to limit who gets to study in a public college in the first place by making sure they can do it first. otherwise yeah its a total scam.
>How do you guys deal with this?
Take STEM classes and earn a useful degree. At worst, you have to sit through some silly humanities classes. At best, there's maybe a handful of hot chicks with solid heads on their shoulders and aren't sluts gaming the male-dominated classes.
t. B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and had, at most, 6 female classmates in the broader STEM courses like math and logic. About half were good-looking and about half of those were sluts looking for ROTC or rich kid dick.
Stopped going. Had 2 easy courses left and a 3.6, I still get emails from them crying for me to come back like 6 years later.
Have my own company, hire people educated by the military or private colleges and universities.
People think Devry is a joke but its only of the only good universities left in Canada, because it is private and can't get away with all the silly shit every other post secondary place up here does. It is just a regular university by the standards in this country 20-30 years ago, but today when you compare the graduates to the fucking brainless nigger deformities coming out of places like Ryerson and SFU it has clearly maintained itself while the rest of the countries institutions have slid into a toilet filled with parasite ridden 3rd world shit.
It will probably go to shit soon too. Our military has largely degraded to shit already, we were asked to fuck off by the Americans and Europeans during the last major NATO exercise. Who thought poojabs and dykes wouldn't be as good at soldiering as white men? Gee fucking whiz.
In my university there weren't any. I mean, some of the professors probably were liberals, but they never told us about it.
Public education? You mean like before college? Public schools before college are free. Students pay to go to state universities, but if you weren't a retard in high school you can get a lot of free money through grants and scholarships.
no i mean, if you want to go to a public college, is it free?
is yes, and the state pays for you, then it makes sort of makes sense to see if you can handle it, with those 2 years of meme studies prior.
if no, its a scam 100%
Yeah, college is pretty expensive for the average person, but this usually just means debt later on. Also, minorities and poor people get a lot of government support, because they're... underrepresented. Anyone who really wants to go to college will be able to do it, but people who take stupid useless degrees will always complain about the price because their education isn't going to make them any money.
You can pretty much look up any state university or college and find their "4 year plan" for a bunch of degrees. Looks like a bunch of them mix in the general stuff, spreading the gen eds to a class or two per semester. For example, the link is for the Chemical Engineering major of Iowa State University.
Lmao I'm never going to college fuck that female bullshit literally what the fuck is a career worth to a man? I'd live a more fulfilling life being a homeless junkie then some corporate slave to globohomo let the liberal roasties have their "collage" to themselves it's only a detriment to them.
But as was mentioned earlier, AP tests and college placement exams (taken before you start college classes) can help push you past redundant classes and estimate how much of the four year plan may need to change to accommodate your skills or lack thereof. Then there are test-out options for some low level classes where you get a bit of time to study and if you pass, you get class marks based on your test grade and if you fail, you have to take the class and cannot try to test out of it again (to avoid backlog with people who, "will get it right this time"). There's going to be some differences between the colleges and unis, but the methods are roughly the same.
i see
well we got a different system here. in short, for the elite schools, money can't get you in it or through it. you pay 3.5k usd a year and the only way you get in is with high grades in HS and SAT.
looks pretty decent to me, its not as bad as i thought then. id say on average then an engineer would be made in about 5 years after HS. the problem is the money...
Yeah, 5 years is pretty typical unless you keep your nose to the grindstone. What some of the schedules won't tell you is that some classes are offered exclusively during fall or spring semesters, which means that if you fail that one spring-only class that you need as a pre-req for a fall class next year, all the other classes in that vein get pushed back a whole year.
yeah we have that too in some faculties, depending on staff size, and funny thing i heard this from someone taking mech also
Not to mention, while it used to be that you paid per class credits taken and could take as many as you wanted in a semester, lots of institutions enforce credit caps per semester unless you are a verified honor student or pay a good chunk extra.
Just join our federal synagogue shooting minecraft server instead and NEET4life
There is no point in being part of the society which tries to kill you. Sink it to the ground
how the fuck are they getting away with this
If you want education, learn yourself.
In college you will just be turned into "good goyim" who serves jewish anarcho communists
My public state college raised the honors college fee from $750 a semester to $1250. I received the max academic based scholarship for in state highschool students ($10k a year) which covers ~90% of base tuition but all the extra class fees have to come out of pocket. The raised honors college fee almost doubles what I have to pay after my scholarship. Shits so fucked. All this will do is saturate the honors college with kids bankrolled by their parents and debt fags who literally don't care how large their student loan debt is.
Oh no not the conservatives whatever will we do without those sad cucks