Why does leftypol do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wpath.org/media/cms/Documents/SOC v7/Standards of Care_V7 Full Book_English.pdf

thanks reddit

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Commies think they can win a civil war looking like that... lmao

Life is a costumed performance, but the only audience that matters is self.
Fuck these "beautiful ones".

Can't hide those child-bearing hips no matter how hard you try.

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Why shouldn't they do this? Why are you so fixated on man vaginas?

fucking christ monkeys
T_D is quarantined like a tard stuck in a well and they lets these degenerates roam free?

Jow Forums if you were on a desert island with this specimen, would you do it?

No one Is just proving how weak you are.

In a civil war situation:

Blow up a pharmacy and 40% of their troops commit suicide in a week.

>In his most famous experiment in the series, "Universe 25", population peaked at 2,200 mice and thereafter exhibited a variety of abnormal, often destructive behaviors. By the 600th day, the population was on its way to extinction.

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No, it would be over on the first day.
Then I would meditate and build until I was rescued.

Somebody please purge this world with holy fire and the Trumpets of Gabriel

Eventually, since there would be no testosterone hormones for her to take, and she'd become semi-normal eventually. Even still, I would have to rape. I couldnt do it if she wanted it. I would need to rape to make her realize who is a man and who isn't.

She wouldn't be getting her test injections.
In 3 months she reverts to a female abomination with a double mastectomy and shitty tats.


Jesus Christ that picture is depressing

But you’re doing the exact opposite of that. I don’t get it.

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Your grammer is shit though.

would still have a vag though

Now that she’s cut off her tits it’s time to get a thigh dick.


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Like Grey Dawn, but for ultra-faggots.

Materialism always leads to unlimited depravity that culminates in self-destruction.

the only vaginas men have are attached to their biologically female wives

What do you care about some gays doing gay shit?
Not trolling, just wondering why you would even care.


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Those fags have a lot more fun than I do.

I'm afraid to ask but what is a... nesting partner? Is this them pretending to be a real biological marriage or is it some degenerate gay fetish thing I don't know about?

>more Jow Forums than 99% of Jow Forums

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This metamorphosis only forestalls suicide for so long.
This person has a severe self loathing, and the transition attention has made them a circus freak people are paying attention to.
When the identity normalizes, her self hate will consume her finally.

These people don't need transition.
They need a community and a purpose.

Grammar doesn't matter with the context hat was given. Try harder!

get a load of this coombrain

This is how STDs such as HIV spread so quickly through the gay community.

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In a better society they could have been just normal guys with families and productive lives instead of deranged hedonist fetishists that made their fetish into a lifestyle.

>we did it reddit

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Who knows.
These fucking disease vectors will die of some Hyper VD, or abdominal trauma.

haha holy shit is that dsp in the corner?

still a mutilated piece of shit

im soooooo shocked

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What's up with the padlock necklaces? Been seeing them shits often recently. Fashion fad or they mean something?

But one that can probably kick your fat ass

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>I'm afraid to ask
because you know it just gets worse and worse

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Let me have a doubt on it

>bred out of existence in one generation

I feel disdain and pity towards these people. The kikes really did a number on them.

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You're a little bitch

Based tomboy lover

>leftpol cope

Maybe, but there always has and always will be gays and people into weird shit.
I guess now you just see them where as 30 years ago they would have been some secret parallel society.
So i guess the question is, are there more gays now?

Post body pic, faggot

Its to become a hero of the proletariat.

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Better shape than Chastity Bono but not as buff as Buck Angel

Teh gay isn't biological user. In spite of spending billions of dollars on biased research into this matter, no biological component has ever been found. The reason why there are so much gays today is because gay is social conditioning and stunted childhood development.

>Gets to blast T for free from the government

Nigger give me some T and I'll look like Rich Piana (R.I.P)

>everyone I disagree with is leftypol
Lol stop eating so much fatty, you’re never gonna survive the boogaloo with your jelly rolls

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Must be doped out of his mind to not reach to that.

You spelled disfigured woman wrong

No you won’t, cuz you are a lazy nigger who doesn’t work out

What the fuck have I just watched

>leftypol seething

So is it gonna get a meat stick stuck on now?

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Those are 5 incomplete human beings without enough maturity to be in real relationships seeking out temporary pleasures at the cost of civilization itself.

Even 100 years ago the fags would pretend to be straight and father children for the sake of society and the wife would get Bruce to fuck them in the ass at the Christmas orgy.

>ENORMOUS meta-meta-analysis on transgender people and the effect gender transition has on their mental health
Of 56 studies, 52 indicated transitioning has a positive effect on the mental health of transgender people and 4 indicated it had mixed or no results.
>ZERO studies indicated gender transitioning has negative results
This pretty much ends the argument right here.
>Longitudinal study on the effectiveness of puberty suppression & sex reassignment surgery on trans individuals in improving mental outcomes
>Unambiguously positive results - results indicate puberty suppression, support of medical professionals & SRS have markedly beneficial outcomes to trans individuals’ mental health and productivity.
>Meta-analysis of studies concerning individuals who underwent sex reassignment surgery
>80% of individuals reported significant improvement in dysphoria
>78% of individuals reported significant improvement in psychological symptoms
>72% of individuals reported significant improvement in sexual function

Its so natural! This is the course of human progress!

I don't understand why, once they're able to grow facial hair, all these FtM transexuals start growing chinstrap beards and dressing like 1999-era Fred Durst.

you can find somebody out there willing to fuck this tight trans hole, one of the people in this thread would like nothing more than to slip their cock into this. any takers?

how many got addicted to opiates or started anti-depressants?

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>Children who socially transition report levels of depression and anxiety which closely match levels reported by cisgender children, indicating social transition massively decreases the risk factor of both.
>“A new study has confirmed that transgender youth often have mental health problems and that their depression and anxiety improve greatly with recognition and treatment of gender dysphoria”
>Longitudinal study which indicates transgender people have a lower quality of life than the general population.
However, that quality of life raises dramatically with ‘Gender Affirming Treatment’, the nature of which is detailed extensively in-text.
wpath.org/media/cms/Documents/SOC v7/Standards of Care_V7 Full Book_English.pdf
>Extensive and incredibly interesting document on the standards of care for transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals.

I used to be indifferent to accepting of gays and fringe identifying people. Now not only do I dislike them, but I legitimately hate them for what they've unleashed on society.

I never thought I'd unironically be on the side of Fred Phelps, but it's 2019 and that's the world we live in. Who would've thought those freaks were right the whole time?

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the only thing I would ever slip into this abomination is a fucking knife

Asian "men" would

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>leftypol coping to suicide rates



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would still hit it

They think they're a man so they are Always full of tattoos because that's what men do, just like guys that only wear dresses and skirts. Hurr durr I break the gender binary but then dress and act like a 50's housewife or a dock worker, this just shows you how its all in their heads, one timegod forbid I had to work with this super dyke bitch constantly trying to act like it was one of the guys, so fucking annoying.

>trusting (((science))) today
Wow, delusional people self-reported an improved life when their delusions were catered to. Must continue pumping drugs into kids and castrating them then.

based sign wavers

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Not only would I still hit, but I'd explain to her that as a man, she has to take in the ass, the same as any other man.

Sigh... okay, here we go:

>be a fucking retarded dyke
>"me am men!"
>takes full advantage of a society that worships bulldyke degenerate lesbians
>"me am gon love me body!"
>proceeds to mutilate tits off
>injects itself with testosterone
>keeps the fish-hole
>"me am men!"
>the degenerate bulldyke has a vagina, and so, it looks like what it wants, and has what is desired by society

Tl;dr: Women are so absolutely fucking pathetic, and degenerate to such a point where they are altering their bodies to what is trending on Facebook. Boobs? Nah. Dick? Nah. Pussy? Yeh. Stereotype of what men should be (with a fucking chain around their neck, fag beard, and tat)? Yeh.

...then one day, for no reason at all, Hitler was voted into power.

Such a pathetic life of regret


Ok retard

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Well not at the gym I go for a run every day and do a Kettlebell routine.


It's simple. Monkey see monkey do.

Sure, theres a percentage of LBGTQMBOP people in the population. But theres also a percentage of sheeple who will follow group trends and hipsterize anything they think can get them an easier time climbing the social ladder.

This. Gradually, I began to hate them.

Yeah, it's the person they live with and would qualify as boyfriend or significant other in a "normal" relationship.

No amount of studies or articles will convince any normal reasonable person that these we should let these freaks mutilate their body. One must only look at these "people" and their communities and be honest with themselves to see that what they are doing is wrong. And who needs some gay labcoat telling them what to think on something like this when you can just go watch a pride parade or go to some faggot bar and see these freaks with your own eyes.

The real number is probably what statistics showed in the 80s and 90s. That is, way into the sexual revolution and after gays had got their rights and weren't persecuted anymore, but before it became actually popularized and propagandized. The number back then was 1-2%. Now they're talking 10-15%.

Because they're mentally ill.
Just like us, but different.

they never pass anyway

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fucking disgusting

Not gonna be a lot of eggs in that "nest" tho.

Ain't that the truth. But it's part of the lies they tell themselves to get them through the day. And these days, fags can adopt in many states, so maybe there will be some poor kid getting molested there soon.

T won’t get you to look like Rich like that, but seriously, good job user

I'm sure you've read all of these studies and can personally verify that they're accurate. You wouldn't just find something that confirms your views and repeat it uncritically would you?

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>have sex
Don't. We need less genetic cancers like yourself.