>Jow Forums
"Islam is bad because they don't have enough freedom!"
>also Jow Forums
"We're fucked because we gave our women freedom, oops"

well, which is it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Which is it

Not islam.

you still can't accept that your way leads to failure

>Brown man bad
Uh huh.

it's about hating

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>women are basically enslaved
>muslim countries and communities are still shit tier hell holes
Pisslam is clearly not the answer.

That’s a function of race not faith

You would know, Sven. But really, it turns out being shit-tier is all relative.
Plus all Muslim countries aren't shit-tier at all. A few are, where geopolitics have had a hand in fucking them up with war.

aight rajeesh omw to local mosque

>"We're fucked because we gave our women freedom, oops"
this is literally what the trumptards say , we natsoc think mudslims are based concerning women but their religion is for low iq ape

Islam is bad because it is shitskin semitic religion from past.

Not ar argument

Hey jew we know you are scared of a white race united under Islam. I literally would join a white mosque today but currently mosques are full or smelly shit skins

Niether is yours.

t. Totally not some kind of sandnigger diaspora

If it wasn’t for islam they would do worse

kys shitskin

we don't your sandnigger religion to own our women

>These places were the birthplace of civilization once upon a time
>Then along came Muhammad...

Yeah, you're clearly able to bring them in line

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>5x a day arse lifting
>sharia/haram rules incumbent on men (eg, no pork, music or dancing)

This thread needs more Americans in it.

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Islam is bad because they dont let hot women dominate ugly women. Which is bad for evolution. I am pro victorian female culture.

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It's not a logical fallacy or contradiction. You have to keep in mind what freedoms we are talking about and the effects such freedoms have on society.

It's funny how you always concentrate on the externals. Do you people have an inner reality aka spirituality? Wait, don't answer that, I already know.

Are you a total faggot? Wait, don't answer that, I already know.

>rigid authoritarian rules
That said there's probably something of value in esoteric knowledge of any religion, e. g., Sufism.

>said the faggot whose entire society legalised fag marriage

>>rigid authoritarian rules
You make the predictable noob mistake of assuming those 2 things are unrelated

>mudslimes got one thing right, therefore everything they ever did is right

When that one thing is centrally important to survival of your people, then yeah maybe you should take notice

>said the faggot whose entire society legalised fag marriage
So who are you then?

Birthplace of civilisation as in birthplace of agriculture sure. But it is a stretch to believe that arabs can sustain an industrial society, which is another thing entirely, just because they were first with farming (which is an accidental discovery more than the result of intellectual thinking, wild wheat grew naturally in the fertile crescent). Islam keeps these subhuman shitskins in line. If you remove islam from their lives they turn into subfertile MTV degenerates within one generation. The biggest sluts in the world are secularized muslim women. They crave for cock like nothing else. That’s why muslim put a burkha on them to keep them in line, and muslim men are born criminals, worse than gypsies, they can’t help but to steal and lie, which is why muslims cut of the hand of those who steal. Also muslim men are fullblown narcissists, which is why muslims throw gays off buildings. Islam is the only thing that is keeping the shitskins somewhat civilized. It is the very opposite of what your neocon kikes brainwashed you into thinking.

I'm a Muslim, I have nothing to do with your faggot society.

Bro islam is a cult used to get people to cut their sons dicks.
t. former muslim. Watch Eric cloppers video.

Every muslim man is just a branded slave ape who will once he realizes it, turn on islam. Same for every American Christian, and every Jew. Slave ape cult. Temple of Set. Built the pyramids.

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cope post

Then leave.

You have a shit understanding as to why we hate Islam. Poor Muhammad doesn’t know he is a Jewish puppet.

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>Islam is bad because they don't have enough freedom!

Islam is the perfect solution for a rapecrazed microcock breed of subhumans that have no self-control.
If that's what the arab subspecies must do to keep from degenerating into primitivism, so be it.


Islam isn't fucked. . . enough.
Need moar wars in the Middle East.

>l-leave my country paki!

You sound like an arrogant cunt

You have stated you are not part of my society. You have no intention of being British, so why are you even here?

You are making the case for us to kill you as a straight up invader.

You parents branded you because they did not have access to the knowledge you do now. Do not remain ignorant. Do not try to spread this evil to other children. It is evil of the worst degree. Your non-muslim brown brothers call you katta. Meaning cut. Islam is an evil cult as is Judaism as is Christianity. Wahabis, wasps, and Zionists all work together to spread this dick cutting satanic blood ritual to more children. Today, you feel your mutilated frenelum, you come to terms the reality of what happened. You got cucked. Youre not alone. A true red blooded man would seek revenge. You dont have to remain a cuck. You might be scarred, but you are not a slave.

do something then
>asking a question is arrogant
kys my dude

another long copepost

Careful what you wish for. Tarrant was just the start.

fucking do something then you pussy. you won't will you, you're too content with living as a serf to the Jews you worship.

Freedom is an illusory concept if you understand how our sub- and unconscious works, and how it can be manipulated, in a mass media era. We're not fucked because we gave our women "freedom," we're fucked because we handed the levers of influence-power (media) over to soulless fucks who push depravity, perversion and unhealth on to our people. Women are too trusting and side with the consumer machine because it plays to their biases, forming a base of trust, and then they swallow up all the other shit it tells them about because they think it's doing them good.

Women aren't also very critical with regard to power analysis and, while they have a lot of childlike empathy, i.e. the message of "gays/blacks/women get treated poorly" resonates with them, they don't have a good understanding of the raw realities concerning hard power. So, the idea that they're being manipulated through the media by devious elites never enters their minds.

Per usual, women are victims of their own naivete, which is what we love about them, and, per usual, their men have to step in and show the right from wrong. Freedom has little to do with it

It's got nothing to do with freedom.

For example: Muslims do not deserve freedom.

Not an argument.

Also it's pretty hilarious to me that your only counterargument to my original point is "waaah leave my country". You know I'm right.

Easy. That's not the reason Islam is a problem. Your premise is flawed and this post is gay, like op

>kys my dude
How's your prophets mother doing in hell because she didn't convert

have sex beta.

Remember this conversation next time you start crying about a bombed mosque.

neither was yours

islam is bad because they wont stay and fight for their home countries. its a hypocritical shit religion that likes dick in the mouth

>h-have sex incel
Find a new comeback.

Remember to talk to women so you dont idolize child killers you lonely little sexually frustrated chimp sociopath. youtube.com/watch?v=mD_WuRZkbCQ

and Abdul

What makes you think bombing/killing Muslims means defeating our ideology?
Go ahead, do something you pussy.
I don't cry for our martyrs.

How is it not an argument? I literally presented my points, you didnt refute anything, said it was cope like a child. Wtf are you doing here dude. "S-Staph making fun of us! J-Join islam! Let us cut your dicks!" Youre making brown guys look bad and theres enough of that. Man up.

Islam in the West is bad because it's a foreign culture suited to foreign people. Maybe it's good for them. That's their business. We have our own culture that is an expression of our own kind and should solve our own problems with reference to it.


Killing invaders is a tried and tested method for dealing with them all throughout history. I could say the exact same about the Taliban for example.

assuming you're not a troll, let me ask you sincerely: why do you believe in Islam?

>Christianity in the West is bad because it's a foreign culture suited to foreign people
said some Romans around 100AD

You couldn't pick a dumber example

Nice poorfag bongshack faggot. Living with your mummy neet? Sad little socially ostracized loser.

How's that? We're not in Afghan any more.

While I think Islam has several very deficient flaws it's important to note that part of the trouble with Islam is that it's practiced by low IQ Asians and Arabs. Regardless of its metaphysical truths or traditionalist lifestyle one would only be in the company of retard shitskins practicing it.

The point is, what is best for our society? Islam is not compatible with European society and the more you give them the more we loose. Feminism is, like islam, a supremist ideology that is not compatible with any form of society.

Consistency at that point is that both islam and feominism are demonstrably harming our society. You do not deal with spiders with a gun and you don't kill a crazed velocoraptor with bug spray.

I'm here to troll obviously, but I actually am Muslim. Why do I believe in it? That's not really a fit discussion for this thread. lets just say I find it logically sound, comprehensive and coherent.

They are both fake and gay. All three. Our ancestors walked on 4 legs.

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They weren't invaders, you honky clown.

The faith is a product of race.

>you're just a dumb mean poopy head >:(((((

>OP needs the tyres changed on his Porsche
>Mechanic replaces the entire car with Lada parts
>But you needed your tyres changed, OP!
My point: we need to deal with women, yes. We don't need the raft of superfluous, joyless, medieval bullshit that constitutes 99% of Islam. Oh, and if Islamic societies are so great, why are you here?

you're as retarded as one of the cult are you a plant? Why are you double digit IQ?

Judea had been a Greek province since Alexander, more or less. The Med is ours, the desert is theirs.

Sorry nobody loves you fag. Youve never had sex with a woman you truly consider beautiful and you never will coward.

We were.

>it's important to note that part of the trouble with Islam is that it's practiced by low IQ Asians and Arabs
So some of the followers of a thing dictate whether it has intrinsic value or not?
You should stop using the roads then, lot of tards drive on the roads daily.

>not compatible with European society
Maybe because the way you're looking at what European society should be is totally wrong. I bet you think faggot marriage is acceptable.

BritBong nails it.

Fuck off, paki shitbag.

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It is over.

>and you smell, and you have cooties, and mummy doesn't love you!

here's a quick redpill: polfags are still bluepilled

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>Fuck off, paki shitbag.
said the beta cuck who ran to Japan because he couldn't bring his women in line

You're the fucking quintessential proof of why my point in the OP is absolutely correct. Thanks for posting ITT.

Anyway, I have things to do now. Cya later.

Dude youre just brainwashed. They cut your fucking dick. Youre the one copings "I-Its cleaner, it looks better really! girls prefer it" fucking cope dude. You got fucking cucked and now your advocating for your slave masters? Grow a pair bro. You will come to terms with what happened youll stop believing the lies you were sold. It may have worked on your villager ancestors because they didnt have access to the information. But you'd be a cuck to let it continue to happen to you after today.

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then will you discuss it in another thread? I'm genuinely curious. You don't seem mentally retarded, but believe in a religion that I find illogical. That contradiction makes me want to ask you more about it.

>things to do now
yeah go prep that bull

cope lonely faggot living in mummys house. Worthless neet. Nice bongshack poorfag.

You're the one obsessed with my dick and you say *I'M coping*? Ahahahaha. Okay turdjeet.

I said it has other issues as well, it is primarily created and run by morons, cars as a vehicle weren't created by retards

I'm off too this place is full of foreigners
I came for the culture

islam is bad for a million different reasons, duh

>logically sound, comprehensive and coherent
Is it the flat earth part, or the whale and turtle the flat earth sits on?

> black-or-white argument
'Thou shall not commit logical fallacies'