Why aren't there any memes this election?

2016 the memes were flowing like a mighty stream. Jeb and Ted Cruz alone produced enough memes to dedicate entire folders, to say nothing of Trump and Hillary. Why is this election so boring and meme-free?

Attached: dem-debate-images-sept12-takeaways-1.jpg (1200x680, 749K)

Because it isn't 2020 yet. Meming for Trump was relatively slow during 2015 too

The democrats are memes unto themselves the shit they say on a daily basis is so insane we don't even have to meme it. I used to be one of the centrists fags always walking on eggshells trying to please everyone until the left basically lumped me up with Nazis so fuck um.

They are all literally terrible, and it is a huge waste of time to make fun of some of these losers.

>$1000 freedom dividend
>$100 democracy dollars
I'm still waiting for my $250 in meme monies so I can be compensated for expressing my constitutional right to shitpost.

Attached: warren.jpg (1024x770, 43K)

Nobody is memeing for ZOG.

Attached: Draining the swamp.png (1024x847, 18K)

Also did you even watch the circus last night?
>Dagnab penguins
>tune up the gramaphones
>Kamala core math program
they're living fucking memes

Nobody cares about the democratic primaries and what loser they will pick, it will either be either Biden, Warren or Harris and none of them has even a slight chance. Biden seems senile with his dentures falling out and bleeding eyeball not to mention the hours of groping footage there is of him, it would be easy for anybody really. Then there is Warren, Trump bullied her so long on twitter until she finally got a DNA test, he MADE her get it and then she even failed it, fucking dead in the water and then there is Harris a nigger who literally slept and dick-sucked her way into the position she is in now. She already got BTFO so hard by Gabbard, they had to keep her out from further debates, because people might learn how shit their candidates are otherwise. If she becomes the candidate Trump is going to maul her hard. Bernie, Gabbard or even Yang have a much better chance of winning against Trump in my opinion, but the donors won't let that happen so get ready for Trump raping one of these three "Democrats" you are allowed to have.

Attached: Are-you-ready.jpg (1440x810, 106K)

>Biden, Warren, or Harris
Mark my words unless Bernie plays spoiler or his base doesn't want to play ball again after he drops out it's for sure Warren as the progressive front runner and Booker as the establishment once Harris and Biden continue destroying each other. He'll probably end up being her VP pick.

It's because there's an incumbent.

It was the same deal back in 2008vs2012. The fanfare surrounding Obama was rabid when he was first elected, but utterly petered out come his reelection.

Russian bots for real

Fuckin THIS

Why are people being SO EASILY DISTRACTED by this stupid clown show circus?

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I'm actually worried about Warren. She's drawing huge crowds and I'm actually seeing Warren2020 stickers and signs in my purple area. She is far left but she comes off as a reasonable and sincere retired mom, and she'll have big support with both the far left and centrist suburban women. She's like Hillary, only more progressive and exciting, and without the corruption and detestable personality. The 1/2020th thing has already gotten old and isn't enough to take her down.

The ultimate cuckening holy shit.
Brown should have run so we could at least get some California Uber Ales aesthetic going on.
Mixed with retarded Clinton era democrat shenanigans of course lol.

Oh you are in for a rude awakening if you think she doesnt have a lot of corruption surrounding her. You will see soon what kind of dirt is on her.

I too believe it's going to be Warren and she is the "best" pick out of these three, but it won't be enough she's an average candidate and the campaign will once again be all about her being a (((progressive))) woman and not much else, she is a bit younger, thinner and less bitchy Hillary that will get bullied to death by a Trump, high on male vitality pills

Warren only works in a leftist hug box where no one will attack her.
Joe Harris & even Bernie (the millennial preying vampire that he his), are all going to smoke her ducking ass.
Women deluded themselves with warren twice already though, so the stupidity of the femoid is at least frighteningly reliable.

Whatever skeletons she has it can't be 1% as bad as Hillary's record and it will be easy enough for the media to sweep it under the rug.

Hey Tim

Because nobody cares.
Literally everyone knows the government is dead and we are living in shadowrun where there are megacorps and Jewish bankers and pedocults ruling the world.
It's no different than Master Chef where they parade a bunch of incompetent retards around that do felonies constantly yet are exempt from the law and they are there to entertain us while burning toast and afterwards we crown the "winners" MASTER CHEF.

This show sucks and nobody gives a fuck about it anymore.
The writers are hacks and the plotholes are glaring and obvious.

Attached: spaghetti-bolognese-5-2.jpg (1681x2375, 1.29M)

Also who gave a flying fuck about Romney/Ryan, that was one of the most throwaway tickets ever put together.

Supposedly Hillary is working with her campaign behind the scenes so she's probably receiving skeletons by osmosis at this point.

Because both candidates are shit. It will either come down to the orange man or Pocahontas

Because liberals are walking memes.

I remember reading somewhere that just before the end of the Roman Empire they glorified chefs so....

>Literally everyone knows the government is dead and we are living in shadowrun where there are megacorps and Jewish bankers and pedocults ruling the world.
>Literally everyone
I'd wager 99% of people don't know this or don't believe it.

Sadly you're right even with how incredibly obvious it is.

By jan of 2016 Yeb!! was done for so most of the Guac mans memes are from 2015.

because all of the people running are fucking detestable, the only good democratic candidate got blatantly shut out by the 1500 people who decide who the candidate is going to be. the democrats fucked themselves again. it's hard to imagine how they could have been more blatant and incompetent looking while it was happening too.

Ptg boomers are too dumb to meme and most of us with a functional brain are fed up with Zion Don