Land of the free

Land of the free
Home of the brave


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she was rapped, she can get away with murder

Hmmm...On one hand she killed a white innocent baby.

On the other hand she's white, a young woman, and is frowning a whole lot, you guys. This is the proverbial unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.

It's no wonder the jury let her off. Given the context this trial would've been deadlocked otherwise; even more embarrassing.

Let's just all forget this happened. Well played, defense team, young woman.

Must be difficult when someone freestyle raps you so hard it causes you do bury your baby in your backyard.

>Hmmm...On one hand she killed a white innocent baby.
Nah she killed a nigger baby.

Shouldn't a mother be able to kill a baby (up until around 1 year old or so), since she owns it? Obviously doesn't apply in case of dual ownership with a father.

Of course she isn't guilty.
I mean, it's just a baby, who wouldn't want to bash it's skull in?
Can't blame her for natural urges.

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>not guilty
>buried baby in backyard
>bashed his head with a rock
>tried setting it on fire
>cleared of newborn’s murder
>cleared of murder
I thought shit like that could only happen in a clown country like mine. I guess I was wrong.

>her response was normal for a scared teenager

>for her age and gender, its normal to get scared enough to kill her own baby with a rock
>for her age and gender, voting on how a country is run is a right that should be encouraged

>nigger baby
Was it?

>Just a teen

Also, she didn't just bury it. She beat it to death with a rock. And was somehow not found guilty of child endangerment.

Yeah I mean, making babies is fast, easy, and fun

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She was cleared of child endangerment too. Apparently its not illegal to beat your baby to death with a rock and burn it. Its only illegal to bury it improperly.

What a cunt

Can some burger track her down and blow her brains out with a shotgun?

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bitch never bought any clothes or anything for the baby she never planned to keep it. but she has enough balls to name the kid.

It's a burger.

She did the right thing, there's too many fucking wh*te people in this world.

>charged with aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter, gross abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence and child endangering and pleaded not guilty.
>found guilty of corpse abuse, a potential sentence of up to one year in prison, but as a first-time offender, she could get probation.

>Prosecutors claimed she smashed the baby’s head with a rock before burying him
>Her defense said the baby was stillborn and that the teen was sad and scared.

So one side said it was stillborn and the other side said she killed it with a rock. The corpse was 2 months old when they found it, so maybe they were unable to really tell idk, you guys do have that retarded 'innocent until proven guilty' thing.

>Brooke Skylar Richardson posing with boyfriend Brandon Saylor - not the father of the baby - weeks before giving birth

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I live 20 minutes away from this bitch. They had a slam dunk case against her, text messagss everything. What literally happened and was on display today is that it's legal to kill your baby by bashing its head in with a rock but not to bury it improperly

>posing with boyfriend - not the father of the baby - weeks before giving birth

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americans are so fucking disgusting

Please cool it with the candidophobia, thank you

>1 year old
Your brain isn’t fully developed until 25.

So the baby was black

>I’m sorry Khalessi, I just didn’t want you.

Things really get darker everyday

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>text messagss [sic]
article didn't mention any messages, what did they say?

*in Minecraft obviously.

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>Nah she killed a nigger baby.
If you listen to the court audio where the father speaks it sounds like a white guy.

women were a mistake

>If you listen to the court audio where the father speaks it sounds like a white guy.
Isn't that the boyfriend? I thought the father was unknown.

Holy fuck LMAO white people really deserve to be bred out of existence the way they let their disgusting women run rampant

Oh no

Can you fucking clowns just get to what counts and confirm or deny: WAS IT BLACK??

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>tfw. you lived to see legalized post-birth abortions...

I want to please your cock with my mouth, baby

Correct. Goverment should NOT be involved in family matters, period. Children and women should be property of their lawful husband/father. Period. All degeneracy started when they got involved.

>freestyle raps you
Shit's scary really

names are powerful seals.

In what world are we living in...

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No one thinks women are equal to men no one thinks they are smart enough to be responsible for their own actions.

Only the vast majority of both our countries, amirite?

Would the polish government even give a shit you said edgy stuff on the internet?

She googled "how to get rid of a baby" and the skull of the buried baby was smashed, yet the jury thought it was probably a stillborn, lmao

If they did she would have gotten murder. We just like to pretend women can take care of themselves. Its literally decadence.

One day this heartless cunt is going to realize what she did. As a parent i love my child more than anything. The moment i heard it gurgle from the embiotic fluid left over in its mouth i knew it was a life struggling to live. It needed me the moment it came out, it immediately gravitated towards the nearest help it could get. To be brutally murdered, without your eyes even getting a chance to open and then buried is INHUMAN. She WILL regret this one day. I hope it haunts her for the rest of her life.

The legal system protects women

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Can someone say why she actually got acquitted. No meme answers.

What the fuck were the defence's arguments? Must've been a giga-kike to pull that shit off.

pussy pass

couldn't tell if she killed it or if it was a stilborn.

>She WILL regret this one day.
She is most likely a psychopath just like the people running the show, that's why she got away with this
There will always be a push to normalize the most heinous things

Western countries exist to privilege women. They are not held up to the same responsibilites and standards because it is inconvenient for them and they deserve a status of additional protection, not because people think they are less capable. Are you new to doublethink?

>tried setting it on fire
You know youre shit at life when you even fail at lighting a dead baby on fire

Which sounds dodgy as fuck, because one would think that it is incredibly easy recognize whether a baby skull was smashed in with a stone or not.


bullshit whore had her legs open the whole time.

>freestyle raps you

Those are literally the same thing. Addition protection = less capable. You give children additional protection because they are actually less capable. You protect them until they can protect themselves. Women never will be so we much always care for them as if they were less than us.

>If you listen to the court audio where the father speaks it sounds like a white guy.

Like Listening to Tom Jones cause he sounds black but then finding out he's white as fuck.

This is a lie to save murderous postpartum mommies btw, they can tell if a baby was born alive or not

Honkler will never be rid of this plane of existence, will he?

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The internet will be the final judge on that, Pleb.

what's the big deal? It's just a late-term abortion, it's her god-given right :^)

what race was the baby?

Couldn't tell because she tried to cremate it, only instead of fire she used a rock.

Yes, it has been recently revealed our government uses Mossad-developed spyware. We've almost become another Israeli colony. Since we have nowhere nearly as many rights as you do and my statement can be construed as a potential incitement to violence, I'd rather be in the clear here. Based Polan is a meme, we're gradually becoming what the US is at the moment. Our cuckservatives are unapologetic, radical Zionists, they do whatever the Israeli or the US government tell them to do.

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>she was rapped

you believe what a girl that killed her own child says

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Again, get used to the idea of doublethink. Why would women have more custody rights than men if we outright considered them less capable.

>whores through school
>got pregnant
>she carries the baby to term
>the night comes when baby wants to see the light
>bashes its skull in as soon as it is out, burns the corpse, and buries it
And she gets off the hook. Meanwhile a woman can imply a man looked at her wrong and he can have his entire life ruined.

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They could not have convicted her because there was no way to prove if the childborn was stillborn or not.

Cant have a nigger baby coming back as a nigger botchling.

>Your brain isn’t fully developed until 25.
it think it was 24 except for niggers their brain stop developing with 17/18

How the fuck do you cremate someone with a rock?

I wonder what was the jury made off..? young whores, old career hags
Who the fuck in their right mind clears her name

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what do you mean Meanwhile, both those things are due to the same root cause. Women didn't do, like, anything.

Prosecutor over charged. They claim she smashed the baby with a rock, that would be easy enough to prove with a medical report, but that has never made the news.

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By bashing its head in.

> The 18-year-old cheerleader was in love with her boyfriend and planning to go the University of Cincinnati in the fall. Then, she found out she was pregnant. And the boyfriend wasn't the father...

Who was the black gentleman?

I think someone bashed in yours.

According to you are incorrect.

Im up here in ohio, gib adress

Kys swedcuck

That is the American judicial system...and it's beautiful!

Bruh that hairline oh no no no

Bashed yours in*

She’s going to burn in Hell anyways

Post dox

No, it's only legal if you are a female.

hopefully everyone around there is laid back it would be a shame if this cunt somehow found her way into an ariel castro type of situation

Father of the kid was 100% a nigger, if the guy who got her pregnant was white it's not like her white boyfriend would've known the kid wasn't his

>government is becoming Zionist
>Recently passed law forbidding correlation of Poland and the Holocaust, to the great disdain of Jews and Israel

What the fuck are you talking about?

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That hurts. Getting my grammar corrected by a fucking frog.

>Land of the free
>Home of the brave
memeflag of the canadian


>Prosecutors said Richardson had also searched on the internet for "how to get rid of a baby"
what a fucking retard

Im sure he is used to having to clean up after germans dude. Dont be sad.