Whole Foods to cut health-care benefits for 1,900 part-time employees starting next year


>Amazon-owned Whole Foods will be withdrawing medical benefits for hundreds of its part-time workers starting Jan. 1, 2020, the company said Thursday.

>In the past, employees needed to work at least 20 hours a week to buy into the health-care plan. Now they will need to work at least 30 hours. Less than 2% of its workforce, or 1,900 employees, will no longer be eligible for medical coverage, under the new policy, the company said.

>The news was first reported by Business Insider.

>“In order to better meet the needs of our business and create a more equitable and efficient scheduling model, we are moving to a single-tier part-time structure,” a company spokesperson said in an email. “We are providing Team Members with resources to find alternative healthcare coverage options, or to explore full-time, healthcare-eligible positions starting at 30 hours per week. All Whole Foods Market Team Members continue to receive employment benefits including a 20% in-store discount.”

>In 2018, Amazon raised its minimum wage to $15 for all employees, including those at Whole Foods. Amazon also announced last week that it was planning on adding more than 30,000 permanent jobs in its tech, corporate and fulfillment departments.

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Fuck em

And? How can you possibly be surprised? Why the fuck would part-timers be getting benefits anyway?

Would you equate Jeff Bezoffs 20s incels years where he worked hard to become billionaire to those of 20s of today who get access to sex at the age of 15-20?

Very progressive

So how are they supposed to get healthcare?

Work more hours

how come leftwing types love amazon so much?

Buying it in the market with that 15 dollar an hour wage they demanded

What kind of fucking pussy are you? I didn’t have healthcare when I was working for Toys R Us, delivering pizza, or working at McDonalds. I sucked it up, studied, got a decent job and, well holyfucking shit, that one gave health insurance.

I used to work for this company in the mid 2000s. It was one of the best companies I ever worked for. High pay, flexible hours, great benefits, regular OT opportunities, employee focused to the extreme. It also helped out when I was poor. You know all those fresh pack sandwiches, soups, rotisserie chickens, deli salads, etc? We had to pull them they day before the sell by date. Management back then would let employees have it. Every night I would come home with at least one rotisserie chicken, 5 sandwiches, 32 ounces of soup, black bean quinoa salad, etc. When me and my wife were poor students, it literally saved us from sliding further into poverty.

Plus, this company hired from within. Something like less than 3% of corporate workers never worked at a store. Hell, one of our regional executives never even went to college. He worked his way from cashier all the way up over the years. Fuck Bezos. He ruined that company. John Mackey was also a super nice guy. It’s fucking sad.

good goy

Yeah, that’s it you useless faggot. You can’t get your shit together because of the Jews.

I'm surprised it took them this long.
Amazon kills everything it touches, and the left loves them.

I don’t know why so many of you are gloating and happy about this. It’s just regular people working a job. You would bitch if they were getting Medicaid but now you’re happy they’re losing insurance and might have to go on gov benefits instead?

Suck bezoojs cock more now. When you had eBay why would you go for Amazon? When you had Myspace why would u suck zukercock?

Don’t you get “free” healthcare from your government?

I said he ruined the company. The company USED to be a great place to work until Amazon took over. I’m sure John Mackey feels like he sold his soul.


if you thought a big corporation like amazon would just raise everyone's wages to $15 minimum without any sacrifices you are retarded. nobody in this country will make $15 an hour without losing some part of their benefits package.

because libtards are easy to manipulate and if you dress your greedy corporation up in the fun hipster aesthetic that whole foods has they forget that the corporation actually doesnt give a fuck about anything but making more money.

>because libtards are easy to manipulate and if you dress your greedy corporation up in the fun hipster aesthetic that whole foods has they forget that the corporation actually doesnt give a fuck about anything but making more money.
This is much more apparent and blatant in Trader Joes

It's a too common reaction on the right. I don't know how to change it either.

Trader Joe’s sucks, and I have no clue why so many people like it. Inventory sucks, it’s mostly in house label, food tastes bland, prices aren’t that great, etc. I fail to see the appeal

soo many cool wine aunts rave about their cheap wine, but it actually sucks dick if you know anything about good wine. they buy the leftover shitty grapes from good vineyards.

Health coverage should be provided by government, not companies. No wonder small business owners are supporting Democrats now. Our system is beyond stupid.

It was Nixon who changed all of this. Health insurance wasn’t really even a thing until him. But after his presidency, the responsibility of providing health care shifted to companies and suddenly became a fuck ton more expensive to the average person. Nixon was arguably worse than FDR and played a huge role in ruining this country.

I like it because there are some things you can only get there but I feel like a tool everytime I shop at one

no adult should be working part time

It's interesting to see people who happen to be members of the working class celebrate things like this. This doesn't benefit them at all, in fact it hurts them just as much. It seems like they like to take the side of the financial elites in matters like this because they think they'll join their ranks one day and empathize with them instead of their fellow working class people.

>Every night I would come home with at least one rotisserie chicken, 5 sandwiches, 32 ounces of soup, black bean quinoa salad, etc.
How fat are you and your wife?

how does it feel being a proud slave?

Medicare For All! It's not a radical idea to make healthcare a human right when you're born into a system where you will eventually need healthcare just to survive.

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I didn’t work every day of the week. I was part time and a full time student. That was our lunch, dinner, and sometimes breakfast.

why is bezo allowed to get away with this bullshit...walmart does the same shit

if you work part time at whole foods are you really valuable enough that you need healthcare?

When is Whole Foods getting self-checkout lines. I don't trust the skank with green/pink hair, 6" gauges in "her" ears, left arm tattoo sleeve, silicone horns implanted in forehead, and ox piercing through its septum to touch my food.

Still, that's a lot of food for 2 people. Well, at least you were well fed I guess.

>30 hours
>full time
What the fuck?

its going to be any day now. amazon obviously has the tech and the greed to do it, and i can't blame them. a literal retard can use a point of sale system.

Health care in the US used to be provided by non profit public hospitals, this was back in 50's, 60's and you are correct, after Nixon they are started to come apart.

Cost of health care was very reasonable then. You could give birth, and depending on your income, it would cost you nothing. Ever see that movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? They were kind of like that.

Starting in the 80s public hospitals began being sold off, torn down, or morphed into profit hungry monsters you have today.

Today a middle class person, even if they have health insurance, risks going bankrupt if they show up at a modern hospital, and often without even getting the care they need.

>Cost of health care was very reasonable then
if you only pay for things they could do in the 50s it still would be very reasonable

If the government has to give me free things because they’re a civil right, when do I get my free government computer/internet so I can use my first amendment rights? When should I expect my free firearm and ammunition so I can use my second amendment rights? When do I get a free safe to keep my possessions secure from unreasonable searches and seizures?

Don't need to give the goyim free things if the government can just tax them and run healthcare themselves!

why do you need to survive?

The basic care costs were a lot better then though. It shouldn't require 100 dollars of labor to administer a cough drop.

When Amazon raised its minimum wage to $15, all it did was attract the lazy people who realized they could make $15/hr standing around in an Amazon center instead of whatever low paying job they had before. Not that $15/hr isnt a low wage, it is, especially at part time.
Fuck you Bezos, fuck you Amazon.

Since money is created out of thin air under government auspices, i am serious when i see no reason why you shouldn't be getting those things and more. It is your government after all, you are supposed to be its owner, not the other way around. You get the government you ask for in the end. If you ask for a shit government run by psychopaths who supress your rights, that's what you get. If you ask for a generous government that protects your rights you'll get that, but you'll have to fight for it, it won't be freely given.

1. prices are negotiated down
2. it covers the cost of deadbeats they are forced to treat

I worked for Wild Oats before they were bought out by Whole Foods. It was a great place to work, everything was made by hand. Then, early 2004ish, they started getting pizza dough shipped in, then the salads were coming in in bags, etc.. Shit started going downhill from there. Hell, we even got bonuses as just regular employees up to that point.

Unironically this. Healthcare should go to the following people: workers, spouses of workers, children. Anyone else is a leech on society.

You should be able to take any idea, crank it up to 11 and see if it still works. If bums are guaranteed free healthcare, then everybody should be able to be bums and still get healthcare. This is obviously ridiculous as there would be nobody to administer healthcare, and also no source of wealth with which to pay the administers of healthcare.

Your destabilization campaign isn’t working Ivan.

Uuuh? healthcare my dude. That’s super obvious.

How are part time workers making enough to buy a health care plan? Is the company paying most of it?

No not what do you need to survive?
Why do you need to survive?
How will the world cease to function with you gone?

Right, but bums with healthcare make fewer bums. Because most don’t want to be bums but if you get into a poverty cycle then it’s hard to get out of that and if you are injured and it takes longer than the time you get on disability or the premium for your illness is more than you can afford then you may live but be totally impoverished. If you had free healthcare, you would be back in the workforce. Net positive over the life of the citizen.

Bums problems are not that they dont have healthcare

Amazon and Bezos are rich and wealthy enough to handle it.

it's designed for quick and casual dinner parties and was trendy a few years back amongst yuppies
I don't hate it but it's also not that great
another focus is that they have absurdly cheap wine for those dinner parties

Normal amazon employees get health insurance and that’s not a decent job at all. Even weirder is Whole Foods is owned by them and they still don’t provide the insurance. I used to work part time at Amazon and still got health insurance.

Any able bodied person can have value to society as long as they work (and yes if they are here LEGALLY). Someone has to do those shit jobs until they are automated out. I don’t waste my time shitting on random grocery store workers and janitors because they are necessary. At least for now

id rather fuckin die than be reliant on the government for anything

whose deductible to so high they go bankrupt? retard should have gone with the gold HSA and not the fuckin bronze plan

because it's cheaper than 90% of grocery stores

>In order to better meet the needs of our business and create a more equitable and efficient scheduling model
TL Note: This means a suit wanted to buy another plane

healthcare is largely a scam anyways

you're paying some cushy doctor who demands $100 an hour to give you some generic advice and shill you some pharmaceuticals when you're making $15 an hour

>So how are they supposed to get healthcare?
Nobody's stopping them from paying for their own health insurance. Just because it's really common to get your health insurance through your employer doesn't mean that's the only way you can gey health care.

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He was asking (you), retard, how YOU are important, how you produce any value at all. Not how theoretical person x might be valuable.

Stop deflecting, you shit-sucking NEET.

Healthcare used to be much better before or was semi socialized.

More like $300.

Yeah, when people were being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions.

sucks to be a worker. on a side note watching amazon is a good look into the near future of our workforce. they are the tip of the automized spear etc

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>Work for a company that got rich working with the Chinkese.
>be surprised when they go back on their word

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Amazon will assist them in signing up for Obamacare and food stamps.

>Whole Foods to cut health-care benefits for 1,900 part-time employees starting next year

Don't take it personal.

It's business.

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It’s just sad and disgusting what’s happening now. It’s a total race to the bottom everywhere. Companies don’t care about their workers, corners are cut nonstop, materials are subpar, craftsmanship and quality is out the door, everything is outsourced, and the products are either poison or break after mild use. It’s just depressing.

I do my best to buy high quality, made in the US or Europe whenever I can. This applies to food and manufactured goods. It costs out the ass for quality but if it outlasts me, I’m fine with it.

I doubt they make their own wine.

Whole Foods doesn’t even feel high end anymore, neither does Starbucks. Everything has this cheap, made in China, Walmart style facade now.

>stack avocados 20 hours a week
>expect health or any other benefits
dude that's legitimately a summer job for a highschool kid or a trained monkey

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China is never going to be a superpower. I’m telling you. After reading that I agree with your pic related. I lived in Chinatown and they are the same fucking way in America. There is absolutely no way the world will rely on them to lead. They will just collapse when the west does.

We need the Nazbol Gang on the case

And there are a bunch of minorities shopping there. You used to go to Whole Foods and it was all good looking white people. Now it’s just for “everyone.”

Bezos, seems like a bad guy.
Is it right that he owns the Washington Post?
I'm beginning to think he might use it for, no good. No good at all.

In my state that's like $300 a month just for the premium

>whole foods
Still GMO, still sprayed, still no sun.
Why is Bezos so greedy?

Bezos is going to promote pro-Amazon people and shit on anti-Amazon people, but you won't see the connection, witch Jews it's little more clear, since you can check if they are Jewish.

>I was at the bottom, but now I'm here

Seems pretty dumb, pal.
You don't want to have to deal with the reality, that the USA pays double per capita in Healthcare than any other country in the World. That's not including all you cucks with your private insurance.

If you can't you're being fucked over with that one, you deserve the slog.

I have public healthcare by the right of my, and my ancestors taxes. I additionally pay for the top private healthcare you can get in Spain. Total cost to me, my wife and our 1 year old: 1,100 euro a year.

You'd want to uncuck yourself, m8. It's not the Wild West, you can't "work your way up" in the US anymore. They've rigged the game, and built their monopolies.

>tfw. lived in USA, and moved back because the Healthcare was both shit, and ludicrously expensive.

>Any able bodied person can have value to society as long as they work
Well then their employers should pay for their healthcare if they think their are that necessary
> I don’t waste my time shitting on random grocery store workers and janitors because they are necessary.
I am not shitting on anyone people just need to accept the fact that the world does not revolve around them and dying isnt a huge deal

>cut benefits
Oh why are they doing that?
>its actually just healthcare
Oh, dishonest framing. Companies cant afford healthcsre anymore. Its literally cheaper to not provide it and then pay them the equivalent

>you can't "work your way up" in the US anymore.
Why do you need healthcare to work your way up?

And what’s your point? Those avocados aren’t going to stack themselves or sort out the rotten ones. The vegetables that are out on the shelves are usually washed prior to being on the display. Rotting produce is separated from the fresh and discarded. Plus, ordering is done based on expectations, noticeable trends, upcoming sales, holidays, etc., and until that is all, 100% automated, someone has to do that job. Is it glamorous or hard? No. It still has to be done, though. Plus, I was more tired working a shift that started at 5am, standing on my feet all day then I am now, despite being older, with my cushy, better paying office job. Stop being so smug.

>Bezos can't afford
You are Jewish, right? Don't answer, i already know.

Pay is not based on how hard it is
It is based on how valuable it is
Dont make a career out of stacking avocados

Healthcare is fucked here because of the government to begin with. Buts thats always how it works isnt it? Shoehorn trash by lubing up the asshole first

this this this

And this is coming from Bezos who is a hardcore liberal.

Government has nothing to do with your healthcare.

the capitalist jew strikes again.

I completely agree. I wonder if this would have happened if Amazon didn't take over.

Companies across the country are dropping healthcare you stupid fuck

And its simply reality that companies will not be voluntarily run when the opporunity cost is too high