Say something bad about my country

Let me see how you cope with the fact you don't live in the literal paradise on earth

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Beaners build the wall


Is this mexico, italy or ireland? Can't say for sure, you could use some more originality

Your woman are hairy and smell like mama mias Sunday dinner.


I wanted once to visit your country, then i heard it's nigger infested, so i gave up the idea to visit it.

Si no porque se lavorea?? CAZZO !!

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Kek everyone is ignoring this thread

That an Irish flag not a Mexican one. Holy shit you are retarded as fuck.

>Say something bad about my country
There are people who don't like what Salvini is doing.

you stole it from her

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italy is probably alright maybe

Mexico is a shithole lmao

theres nothing bad to say

Why does Naples get so much hate?

Mamma Mia! Licka da feet! Here we go!

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>high taxes
>population doesn't understand property rights
>impossible bureaucracy, even the bureaucrats don't have power anymore, the machine do everything

Great culinary, great cities, great culture. What else i can say?

too many cartels

burgers are retarded oh my God

Whats the difference between an elephant and an Italian grandmother? About 50 pounds and a black dress

illegal immigrants

Chinese people invented pasta

When it was Pagan it was the greatest in the world.