Racism is not a tenable position

Racism is not a tenable position.
Lets for the sake of argument assume that all Jow Forums premises about race are correct (e.g. Whites are superior to others because of their specific genetics). This is not a tenable position, not for very long anyway, because either/and
>1) The development of genetic engineering will allow the manipulation of our genetic scode to create the optimal human
>2) The development of biotechnology, i.e. technology that will interface with our biology, will allow us to surpass the limits placed on us by biology.
Consequently, current race and other biological differences will become irrelevant.

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Imagine being pro genetic engineering

Fuck off nigger

I don’t claim any race is superior. Just give me a political system for my people, let blacks and everyone else have theirs. We can only be friends if we are honest.

Now, if genetic modification can make people better across the board, what sorts of traits would they insert? What races currently possess those traits?

Speculation about the future has nothing to do with what is or is not a tenable position in the current day.

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Genetic engineering is no different to any other type of engineering or technological advancement. We have engineered the environment for hundreds of thousands of years, such as by discovering and utilizing fire and developing tools, which ended up influencing our biological development.

It's not speculation. This technology already exists.

>don't be racist right now in our current reality because one day science might make niggers smart
They're not sending their best.

Different cultures have different senses of what is fair, so one system of justice can at most make one people happy and the rest miserable, or make everyone miserable. If each people had their own justice system that did not have to account for the diversity of conceptions of “fairness” the happier people would be across the board. This means ethnostates.

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> eugenics
nice wishful thinkig ahmed. we'll judege it when we'll see it, as for now we know just one kind of eugenics: natural evoulution, whose pinnacle is the mediterranean man.


>the manipulation of our genetic scode to create the optimal human
>This technology already exists
you are retarded

Sorry bro, God has beaten you to it. The default human position is distrust. Even when you take the billions spent on indoctrinating children, we still slip back. Even when you threaten legal action against racism, that perfectly nature instinct is always bubbling under. Its the same with homophobia - all perfectly natural and just instincts.
Us normal pro edition humans will only deal with sub optimal humans when it is in our financial interest to do so.

>Racism is not a tenable position
Unless you arent white
Then it's just downright profitable

1488 we're not mating with the monkeys you kike

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>this non-existent possible technology could change things so stop holding beliefs I dont like

Niggers aren't human.

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China is already following eugenics, in the form of selective breeding programs and genetic engineering.
For example, many of the top Chinese olympic atheletes are the children of former top atheletes. The government incentives them to breed.
The moral apphrensiveness against this in the West will eventually be crushed by practicallity. We will have to do it or someone else will.

It exists at the basic level, the premises for it are both theoretically and emprically valid. We can already edit genes. We just need to do more research and research takes time and money.

The technology I've mentioned already exists. It's just in early stages. Your argument is basically
>there will never be an aeroplane that will break the sound barrier because our current aeroplanes only fly at 150mph
The principles are already there, what we are lacking is more information, which takes time to accumulate.

>Consequently, current race and other biological differences will become irrelevant.

That's under the assumption this technology will be used by some benevolent power to improve billions of underclass people and not greedily guarded to maintain geopolitical and market advantage.

Listen britbong, the amount of actual racists here is small.

We just don't want invaders, if niggers and arabs want to live they can live, just live without interfering with us and our culture and making crime, and don't get to a point where we can't assimilate them.

Niggers can live in Africa all they want, it's their land so they have a right to it and nobody gives a crap.

You fell for the satire and LARP britbong. The only "race" here which I can say is somewhat hated is the jews

That's like saying smartphones and computers will never be available to the masses because the power elite could greedily keep them for themselves and use them to control the entire planet. There will be levels to it and it will take time for the costs to come down. We live in a capitalist economy, you need to sell shit to people to make a profit. If you don't, someone else will.

We will be advancing out into the solar system over this next century and you're worried about arbitrary land masses and monkey instincts?

Esse cara aqui é 100% correto.

Just because the tools improve doesn't mean the material isn't hugely important.

>genetic engineering
So you be saying we should exchange black genes for white ones?

The fuck dude, that's the complete opposite of what I said.

I just don't want invaders, who the fuck cares that NASA is sending a crew to mars if sweden is getting buttraped every single day?

What the fuck dude get your priorities straight

Good point. What percentage of Africans owns a computer and how do you think this number will change there's close to 2 billions of them in the 2050?

>compulsion to expand your territory
>not a monkey instinct

>Colors are not our enemy. Evil is. Focus fools.

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Your conception of "invaders" is a fear based monkey instinct of outsiders. It's a left over from evolution when there was no form of communication other than speech, no form of travel other than using our legs, and no knowledge of science. Our species has been around for 200, 000 years and we have only spent 0.0015% of that time not being complete retards, since the scientific revolution start 300 years ago. The instincts you're referring is nothing more than useless baggage that is detrimental for space faring civilisation.

Your policies are based on your perceptions and hopes for what reality could be, not on factual information about what the state of reality actually is. You aren't concerned AT ALL with reality, so don't pretend to be. You liberals are always doing this. It's your entire modus operandi to attempt to redefine reality through incessant repetition of fantasy. When people dont accept the fantasy because they can see the fact, you call them names and dig I'm deeper.

How is that a tenable position?

>baseless speculation, conjecture, and preaching in place of argument
The sci-fi fag strikes again

>>baseless speculation, conjecture, and preaching in place of argument
That's your opinion, bro.

>The instincts you're referring is nothing more than useless baggage that is detrimental for space faring civilisation.

Just like 2 billions of Sub-Saharan Africans

>he thinks human society is going to advance further than it already did
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you dumb nigger, prepared yourself for the Great Filter. We are all going to die. Especially you.

Not really, my conception of invaders is those who come to destroy and annihilate my culture while commiting crimes and terrorist attacks.

By that use of words you're trying to dilute the meaning of what we mean by invaders, revealing your kikeness.

Get out of this board, now.

Why can't we close the borders until that happens again?

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>Your policies are based on your perceptions and hopes for what reality could be
That's literally what every policy is based on.
Every policy takes into account the facts of the present for the betterment of the future.

This, OP respond you faggot

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No, only "progressive" policy is about that. A lot of people realize that things are pretty good and that conserving the status quo is more important than aimless progress towards something that's apparently better, even though it doesnt it exist for you to know that.

And progreasive policy does not take the current state of reality into consideration; it outright ignores and denies it. Like how whites aren't being discriminated against by people in positions of power and how no one wants to take your guns away. Those things ARE happening and progressives are hell bent on convincing you that they aren't.

Dont pretend to be concerned with reality. You seek nothing more than validation from others with the same fantasy as you. You couldn't care less about bettering the world that you know nothing about.

>A lot of people realize that things are pretty good and that conserving the status quo is more important than aimless progress towards something that's apparently better, even though it doesnt it exist for you to know that.
Status quo hasn't be "preserved" (what that meas) since we invented civilisation. Once you get a high density of people living in one geographical area with plenty of resources, and a statistically significant segment of the population has leasure time to devote themselves to intellectual pursuits, innovation WILL naturally occur.
This is why written languages, mathematics, art, science, etc, etc, only became a thing once we had established a civilisation with farming, labour could be freed up and sustained by a surplus of food instead of everyone having to devote themselves to hunting/gathering.

>Once you get a high density of people living in one geographical area with plenty of resources, and a statistically significant segment of the population has leasure time to devote themselves to intellectual pursuits, innovation WILL naturally occur.

This fellow clearly hasn't heard of the subsaharan africans

In actuality, innovation occurs not naturally but due to need, and is further accelerated with spirituality that nullifies carnal needs

But that's exactly it, most of them never had high density population centers because of the specifics of their environment, until we came and jump started them thousands of years into the future. Some of them have gone from believing in animalism to being taught science within one generation. It's not surpising that they are fucked. Not to mention, the best and brightest can now get on a plane and go to the West where the reward for their intelligence and hard work will bring much greater returns.

That's bullshit.

They had enormous amounts of land with enormous amount of food and other resources. They literally live on top of a goldmine of food, gold, wood, diamonds and other minerals, oil and rivers.

So one is inclined to think that what happens is probably the opposite than what you stated.

Only when you're low on resources and have a dwindling population you have to adapt, adaptation makes innovation.

I'm black and racist so fuck off

Those who get shit for free will probably never try to figure it out a way to get it, because they don't need too.

Why would a nigger learn how to develop agriculture if their land is so fertile and gives fruit and animals so abundantly?

Whereas the european which once had an abundance of food and is now short, has to think of a way to not let his tribesman die.

Wait a minute I thought they was kangs n sheit. Wasnt Massa Musa the richest man alive ever and didnt Wakanda be real? What happened?

Worth noting they have had rich jewish and Muslim histories in africa.

We know how to change genes. We have no fucking idea what 99% of them do. You imagine science is far more advanced than it is.

>We have no fucking idea what 99% of them do.

We have GWAS though so we will figure it out rather sooner than later so he's not wrong here. And with that and embryo selcetion alone we can improve humans quite a bit. There are still different objections I've laid out here that he didn't adress.

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like seriously, who the fuck are you?

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Black people look fucking UGLY.

Jews and blacks reek like old socks and wet dog.

>Racism is not a tenable position.
Race is the basis for civilization.
Race is real.
Race matters.
Race is more than skin color.

That is the worst argument against "racism" I think I have ever heard.

> your family is irrelevant because science fiction predicts transhumanism
> so eat your own children goy

>Racism is not a tenable position.
When you consider that homogeneous society have better social cohesion and lower criminality
It is, but it doesn't mean we need to go on full hate mode, just keep hem out.
A few of them is tolerable but no more than a few.


>1) The development of genetic engineering will allow the manipulation of our genetic scode to create the optimal human

This is going to lead to the worst racism in human history. The genetically altered vs the non altered. Even if no wars arise, the genetically altered will need to keep a country sized zoo of "pure" humans as a safety measure.

None of this has any bearing on the heebs plan to enslave, rape and torture goyim.

Nobody is necessarily saying whites are superior. We just like them more and don't want to live among shitskins as a minority. Potential technical developments in the future are irrelevant to what's happening now.

>Black people look fucking UGLY
This alone justifies racism.

Genetic engineering is sci fi tier technology in the same category as faster than light travel. There are some huge challenges to overcome before we can even attempt to "fix" the evolutionary mistakes in our genome, let alone do it on a scale of our entire species. Not to mention the fact that such problems are not even allowed to be acknowledged as of today without a witch hunt and ended careers. Needless to say, neither of us will live to see it.

>We will be advancing out into the solar system over this next century
>babbysitting the third world and procreating with 60iqs

Pick one you retarded bong

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You are literally talking about super-aryans

wanting to transcend natural processes through processes like genetic engineering and biotech is why I unironically think we're the gayest race on Earth sometimes

black men just fuck girls, work out and kill each other like theyre supposed to as biological creatures and we're over here like "i'm gonna become a cyborg and manipulate our babies genes, honey, so that he doesnt need my shitty genes and then we can finally turn earth into one big day care center for humans :D"

holy shit if I was a girl I wouldn't fuck us either

>one bong says racism is bad cause wes gonna be star wars n shiet
>entire threads shits on him
>dis is y da wh*tiods be cucks n shiet and da white wimin be wantin da SUPEIOR BBC!!1!1!
Room temp IQ kicking in

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I didn't give a shit about any of the space stuff he said, I was specifically mocking his, and our race's, tendency to try and subvert natural processes that keep the species healthy and virile using untested processes that we made up and rely on because of hubris and which water down the species' constitution because...we're too gay to go outside and do stuff

Technology is the great filter. How we chose to deal with it? Do we let it dictate our path, let it control our lives? Yes we do. We are not going to make it and we will be filtered.

It's not an issue that divides along racial lines. All of us humans have fallen for technology and will all willfully let it destroy us.