What are shills even sliding anymore? It's gotten so bad here, shills are now sliding shill threads. This can't even be considered a containment board for nazis, but rather a jerk box for mossad, cia, hired shills and lgbt shitposters. The only thing they're accomplishing is the prevention of any quality discussion. Which is just stupid, because we'll just go elsewhere. Always have, always will. So let's recap and add a couple points.
>shills sliding shill threads
>bo and mods not taking down threads that clearly violate the posting guidelines
>people getting banned for posting sig threads
>me getting banned for posting this thread
I don't think the madness is going to stop lads. Memeflaggots burn in hell.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you think everyone left 4/pol/ years ago?
Sam Hyde is a pedophile and you're shitting up the board as much as any other shill.
These days, slide threads themselves are less of an issue than faggots who think every post not obsessing over the Happening of the Week(tm) is a slide thread, resulting in the catalog being shat up with a few dozen circlejerking over the same bullshit while threads that try to talk about something else get called shills and slid into oblivion.
Imagine thinking that there are organized groups operating on Jow Forums, such as "shills" who "slide" things day in, day out. Imagine thinking that you are doing something important and useful by being on Jow Forums and posting, and that there are groups who care to interfere and sabotage your worthless shitposting with the other incels.
Indeed, you SHOULD be banned for posting this shit.
I have delusions of grandeur. I told some Jews that Jesus loves them and they left my thread. Maybe that's what they're sliding. Perhaps you can see if it is to your liking
kys kike
Im getting tired of seeing this guys disgusting jew face.
Good points. I just noticed things didn't get real bad until the infinite grottos of wisdom got shut down, leaving this as the only popular surface chan to browse.
Eat shit, faggots.