What are shills even sliding anymore? It's gotten so bad here, shills are now sliding shill threads. This can't even be considered a containment board for nazis, but rather a jerk box for mossad, cia, hired shills and lgbt shitposters. The only thing they're accomplishing is the prevention of any quality discussion. Which is just stupid, because we'll just go elsewhere. Always have, always will. So let's recap and add a couple points.
>shills sliding shill threads
>bo and mods not taking down threads that clearly violate the posting guidelines
>people getting banned for posting sig threads
>me getting banned for posting this thread
I don't think the madness is going to stop lads. Memeflaggots burn in hell.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you think everyone left 4/pol/ years ago?

Sam Hyde is a pedophile and you're shitting up the board as much as any other shill.

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These days, slide threads themselves are less of an issue than faggots who think every post not obsessing over the Happening of the Week(tm) is a slide thread, resulting in the catalog being shat up with a few dozen circlejerking over the same bullshit while threads that try to talk about something else get called shills and slid into oblivion.

Imagine thinking that there are organized groups operating on Jow Forums, such as "shills" who "slide" things day in, day out. Imagine thinking that you are doing something important and useful by being on Jow Forums and posting, and that there are groups who care to interfere and sabotage your worthless shitposting with the other incels.
Indeed, you SHOULD be banned for posting this shit.

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I have delusions of grandeur. I told some Jews that Jesus loves them and they left my thread. Maybe that's what they're sliding. Perhaps you can see if it is to your liking

kys kike

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Im getting tired of seeing this guys disgusting jew face.

Good points. I just noticed things didn't get real bad until the infinite grottos of wisdom got shut down, leaving this as the only popular surface chan to browse.
Eat shit, faggots.

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How do you get around the bans? I'm a normal white American millenial who tried to make a thread about Hitler. What the fuck?

>faggots who think every post not obsessing over the Happening of the Week(tm) is a slide thread
thats a pretty good point

Lad, I don't know. I got banned once for saging a slide thread. Btw, folks, you can always tell a slide thread from a quality thread. We're not just over here expecting every thread to be a happening thread. Where did all the world news go, though? Hmmm.

>implicitly defending sodomy and fucking underage girls
I bet Jeff Epstein would like you
The kike is the one shilling his garbage here to make money.

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Nice try, retard. I could have easily posted a picture of Hitler, or any one of my 900 reaction images. You'd still find a way to discredit me in some ridiculous way.
>slides an anti-slide thread by attacking OPs picture
>we got him now, boys!
Kys, faggot.

The fact that you worship any kind of eceleb makes you a retard

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to be fair announcing sage is against the rules

It’s just about the power of cognitive dissonance

There have always been sliders here, from a variety of agendas.
Quality topics still occur. Focus on the quality, rare as it is, and disregard the shit.
It's no different that real life, if you think about it.

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They slide in order to stop us having real discussions.

Imagine being so stupid as to suggest obvious slides aren't obvious.

It's sad that news threads have been absolutely obliterated. Users round the world round the clock and all that's in the Catalog is bullshit that 14y.o. are already sick of.

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this, sick of low quality replies and leftist larping with 10 (You)s. Jow Forums will never be the same. it's mainsteam

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It's because people are just using this board for intellectual defecation, it's called shitposting for a reason faggot

you're a gullible faggot for thinking that shit is real

debunk whats in the video then
if it was false Sam's rabid dick suckers would have done it a long time ago

I don't have to, the burden of proof is on you
Too bad you're a stupid faggot that doesn't understand reasonable doubt

Once evidence is presented and an argument is made (as it is in the video) the burden is on you to respond to what's laid out.
Also this isn't a court, pilpul bs just makes you look like a faggot and a kike.

There wasn't any evidence provided in the video, just hearsay about his jokes

>completely ignoring the pics of them together shirtless
now it's obvious you're a kike

Sam hyde is almost constantly shirtless, you see his man tits every couple of episodes

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Just wait for it to be over. They get bored eventually.

Youve been posting this for years Ethan.

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it's our last trick: once the board is so infamous that it's CIA shitposting against the NSA shitposting against shareblue shitposting against discord trannies shitposting against normies shitposting against CNN shit posting against jidf we just leave. im personally poking my head in once a week until trump gets reelected and we swing into backlash mode with flynn as the nsa since every "conspiracy" we've talked about since 2014 has come to light publicly. i expect we're in for a four year party and Jow Forums was the sacrificial offering.

if it makes you feel any better this place was likely always advanced mkultra, at least since the 2006 mark when the site moved away from anime/jap only. it's not a big loss, i suspect we've all been jerking off over a slightly better caliber of information that we were allowed to find out about. places like this don't happen organically in a post 9-11 context, it was an orchestrated rabbit hole deal for the reject gifted-burnout kids to mount an opposition culture to the already monolithic media machine. one more experiment for millennials to endure, be glad it's wrapping up.

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Seems to make sense, but I don't discredit the fine lads who put a lot of investigative work into some of the findings posted here. Even if you suspect they're alphabet boiz. If anything we've reached the "bomb and leave" phase. Our govts are treating this board like the middle-east, and I find their failing efforts to be hilarious. They really do underestimate the power of internet free speech, whether they try to censor us or not.

what 4-changsreally needs:
ability to filter posts and threads based on poster ID ... this one simple trick kills the shills dead. hate chan already does this, so its 100% doable. the fact that four changs wont make this incredible simple change is proof that this place is a cia honeypot for five eyes. Imagine if at teh click of a button you could make not only all the threads by same poster disappear, but all their replies too. it is so quick and easy to filter out the wheat from the chaff on a board using this method, it kills the shills dead

I just hope the next guy who creates a self defence situation shooting through a crowd of walmartians posts some sort of manifesto here before the self defence occures so that this place gets burned down. There is no saving of this anymore. The mods are in on it. The shills create clickbait for this garbage heap so let it burn.

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its really simple. you see that little blue triangle at end of the long stream of numbers. when you click on it a drop down menu appears, in that menu 4 changs needs to add the options
(a) remove all posts by this poster in this thread
(b) remove all posts by this poster, accross the board
simply hiding one post doesnt cut it, you need to be able to remove the spam faster then it can be generated

its so simple, and it would completely kill the shill and revitalize this board,

why would anyone want to revitalize this dumpster fire of a containment board.
all the stormfags, 2016 immigrants, and 8tards would have to be banished for any hope of redemption.

Kys newfag

what this thread slide with my power

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>remove all posts by this poster, accross the board
welcome to Jow Forums newfag enjoy your stay, feel free to post a blacked thread while you're here