The Killing Quinn

I am actually legit impressed.

Everyone knew she would get away with it, but she even manages to enter the big scene thanks to it.

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Left and right-hand satanists eating eachother. Nothing of value was lost.

this fucking bitch, she must have succeeded in her ritual. i will be hearing about her for years to come. anons, if i ever see her in public, i will do what must be done, in minecraft.


She actually gets jobs and makes money? Sad.

honestly, if you have sex with that disease ridden cartoon whore you deserve to die


she's a bottom feeder that hasn't ever produced anything of worth

This isn't exactly something new.

These people have no principles, it's a loose mob where joining simply means performing your own initiation the nature of which is a virtue/victim signal of extreme proportion.

Upon the successful completion of said initiation you are essentially "made" and protected from consequences and then given a position of power/wealth.

This pattern has been playing itself out for decades. Leftist terrorists live it out financed by their fellows on yachts drinking martinis while on the other aisle rightwing* terrorists like the unabomber for instance live it out digging in the trash.

It always gives me a laugh when these people claim to be the underdogs fight against the "man" when they are the establishment.

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you know, she would stop being a problem if someone just murdered her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

goddess mode.
what a shit comic.
the artwork is shit too

Satan takes care of his own.

>pushes an Innocent man to suicide
>Gets job at DC writing a comic titled
>The Infected
Fucking gold
You couldn't make this shit up if you tried

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this is her reward, the chick somehow knows people in high places, they are rewarding her for what she has done.

She'll hire half a dozen womyns to browbeat 2 dozen cucked male interns into writing it and take all the credit for herself. Unless it sucks then she'll blame the men for not listening to her.

>Zoe Quinn to write
I call bullshit, shes not gonna write shit by herself
>everyone knew she would get away with it
She hasn't gotten away with anything yet

Also, has anyone noticed her twitter is back up and they're devoid of any comments other than overtly positive
>you go girl
>what a survivor
>way to bounce back
Have people already allowed her to free herself of the public shame?

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>She'll hire half a dozen womyns to browbeat 2 dozen cucked male interns into writing it and take all the credit for herself. Unless it sucks then she'll blame the men for not listening to her.
sounds like research

>the chick somehow knows people in high places
this kind of chicks are agent provocateurs sabotaging the tech & entertainment sector.... guess why

How many cocks did she suck for that job?

> write for prof
> prof maybe sets you up with 1-2 contacts
> Doesn't write anything
> first author : prof

>chick somehow knows people in high places

Anyone know what state she lives in? I wanna look up is hers have cyber bullying laws

she sure got a lot to work on

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She eats her feelings apparently


she is a fucking crypto kike from a rich family
i doubt in her entire "career" she has paid a single bill through labor of her own

>giving jobs to media attention whores
They really are desperate, huh

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>rich family
not so rich in terms of their genetic lineage


Did she become fat again?
She wasn't to bad looking some years ago after she lost a bunch of weight.

borderline personality disorder. trouble follows hee\r. she admits it and says its a strange coincidence. she is crazy. stay far away.

sadly these are the types of leaders in the hyper left

Holy fucking shit, what a pile of human garbage. Also, I have no idea who any of these other people are

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oh wow, haha...had no idea she was a massive ham

and to think all the drama started because of the dudes she was sleeping with. how fucking desperate were those losers

Imagine being such a thirsty beta cuck basedboy that not only do you associate with Zoe Quinn, but actually want to date and fuck that goblin

Imagine being such a cuck that you want to associate with Zoe Quinn after gamer gate

This dude deserved to die and be false accused, good fuckint riddance. One less cuck

Yeah, should have killed himself as soon as he stuck his dick into her sloppy hole tbqh

Perhaps DC needs a reminder as to who their target audience is.

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> sloppy hole
you won't nice when you penetrate the pre-hole formed by the layers of fat

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That's the environment women have now. They can do fucked up shit, lie about being abused, and people will protect them without questioning. (Or else you are sexist)

Which is why you have to be outward in denying women who act in this manner and show that you can be better in not relying on a safety net of fake friends to back you up.

I saw a girl make a post on social media the other day that was essentially "I try not to show my emotions but I am broke" and it had like 30+ likes/reacts and a shit ton of confirmation posts saying that she is loved.

If a guy would make that same post he would maybe get one laugh react and be told not to act like a faggot.

She won.

Shut up leaf.

Why is everyone referring to Zoe Quinn with female pronouns? I thought it was a tranny?

inb4 stories of incels sabotaging stronk womyn comic sales.

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A man died.
And incels cried.

Exactly. I won't be surprised when it eventually comes out she fucked 5 more guys to giver her comic a good review. How nobody has tried to stop her yet is what surprises me.

I think you confused her with another individual

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>but she even manages to enter the big scene thanks to it.

Oh, please. It's a marketing ploy by the now-pozzed DC Comics.

She'll do a shit tier job of it, despite the support that will be provided by an entire team of people at DC.

And we will forget all about the shit she will inevitably create. Hopefully, she will be forgotten about, too.

She is a vile, uncaring NPC.

It, unfortunately, is not. She's 100% bitch with a soul straight out of hell.

Wu is the tranny, the blue whale is the baby selling meth head, zoe is just another grifter like Sarky.

>causes a man to kill himself due to false accusations
>hired to write a comic called The Deathbringer
So blatant. They're getting bolder by the day.

unfortunately the guy who suicided was her first victim and predates GG by quite some time

How long before the first beta at DC starts orbiting her and gets metoo'd?


I'd rather follow Theodore than any other human being