Do you accept the idea of a based chink?

Hello Jow Forums,

Ive lurked Jow Forums for years because its the only place right wing politics forum i know. I agree with the vast majority of your views, even the chink (china chink) hating part, but i was curious: how about westernized asians?

I was born in Hong Kong but moved to Canada at a very young age, when my family escaped the grasps of commie china when HK was handed back to them.

A bit about myself:

-I support Trump. He is one of the few politicians who would stand up against the left and defy them
-I think Trudeau is an embarassment
-I hate China chinks almost as much as you do. I refer to them as chinks and bug people because of their lack of empathy and disgusting behaviour
-I am against the CCP, communism, etc.
-I speak English 90% of the time although i am also fluent in Chinese when i speak to my family or other bug people for business purposes
-I highly respect black people - civilized black people - but hate niggers
-I know the jews are behind everything thats wrong with the world
-Jews did 9/11
-Lefties enrage the fuck out of me
-I dont eat dogs/cats, and never will. Those are human companions
-I acknowledge my family’s as well as many other Chinese’s immigration in the 90’s to Canada has displaced the original population. Sucks but at least we’ve assimilated to Canadian culture somewhat instead of recent chink wave from China who have just demonstrated their chink traits and been a sore to our country
-I empathize with the White people and how they are being attacked by the faggot lefties. They are jealous of your accomplishments and they want to displace you. Keep strong

So Jow Forums, if you were to meet me IRL, would you still hate me and call me chink?

Its okay if you do, everyone is racist some way or another, i am too

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Yeah. You're fine. Jow Forums is not one person so I'm sure someone who hates asians will come here to disagree.

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Not gonnna read this wall of text
Chinks are bad for our genepool. Fuck off.

People of all skin colors can be based but that doesn't mean multiculturalism works at all.

Go check out that Chinese webm thread and then tell us what your opinion on them is.


>I support Trump. He is one of the few politicians who would stand up against the left and defy them
He's a dog for Israel.
>I highly respect black people - civilized black people - but hate niggers
Regression to the mean - even those "civilized black people" will give birth to niggers. If you accept them, you condemn your children and grandchildren.
>Lefties enrage the fuck out of me
The left-right dichotomy is a jewish trick. National socialism is the only sane path forward.
You're about halfway there. Keep digging, keep reading, and you'll get there eventually.

National socialism is what China is now. Its terrible and USA is the only freedom country. Dont throw it away because youre too lazy to learn basic economics.

Should be 105 and 100 vs 75

There are people on Jow Forums who will hate you for no reason, but as for myself I think I would be left of you lol (Although I share your disdain for leftists)

I cant view webm’s on mobile (or is there a way)

But the few ive seen on desktop are blood boiling

Thanks :) Chinese school has paid off

These posts always irritate me because of how approval-seeking and/or attention-whoring they come off. You know already how things are based on for example Jow Forums‘s reaction to current events in Hong Kong: some total civicucks here would unconditionally accept you as le meme based chink, while some stormfags would hate you even more for being a “race traitor” and not true to your roots or whatever.

What the fuck is the point of making threads like this? They’re becoming the new equivalent of

>femanon here


post tits or gtfo, by the way dont date outside your race, you chink girls are destroying their own race


No ones asking to breed with your women. Ive banged my share of non asians but ultimately i will be marrying a qt based asian girl who also hates chinks.

Fear not, your genepool remains intact

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Why does the the iq of all white people get compared to only a few select countries of Asia

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Funny, a large chunk of my friends are evangelical Christian Asians who are just fine. But the majority of Asians in the US have completely toxic politics.

Subhumanism has no specific race.

Literally nothing wrong with high IQ races mixing. Its breeding with low iq pajeets or nogs that is dangerous. The worst thin about chinese is they are confucian instead of daoist. Dao is perfect and sublime. One of the greatest achievements of human beings. Confucianism is just warlord dogshit in silk pajamas. For fucks sake learn the dao. Free chinese from soulless nihilistic materialism.

Its fine.

I call many other ppl all sorts of niggers all the time. Nigger has evolved from referring to just black people to the “niggers” of all races.

Its a very fluid adjective

Fuck off gook.

Yes absolutely.
I have absolutely zero prejudice in my heart for east Asians and don't get annoyed when I see them walking around my city.
I am in favor of an immigration policy that finds a way to prioritize Asians and whites.
The way I see it, our destiny's are intertwined.

Im a dude, but i have dated outside my race in the past

>implying I’m Korean
>being an unrepentant, cancerous leaf and attention whore

Tits or gtfo

Ok david kun. Settle down cunt. Go brush your teeth i can smell the kimchi

>race traitor
>traitor to country
>begging for approval from the most racist retards
>buys their propaganda about Chinese and China

This is how pathetic Honky cucks are.
Do yourself a favour, either have tons of children to outbreed them, maybe you will almost redeem yourself. Or kys

where in Canada are you?


Good to know fellow user. My ancestors will be proud

ow, my fault then, well ive read the thing about you seeeking a qt chink, based then.
I think to much chink girls breed outside their race, nothing against hapas or WMAF/AMWF couples but too much even between our races is not good

you are a traitor to your own country. Hong Kong belongs to China

what a disgrace.

What's your flag again? Not Chinese? If you're so hot then move back to Beijing


All communists are traitors to their country, even if 90 percent of the country is communist

Tarrant Shouldve targeted you instead of these mussies

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Statistically in the US they vote democrat. A ton of them have fallen for the secret nazis everywhere meme and even though they might like white people they'll criticize "whiteness" (our culture) despite making the conscious decision to continue living amongst them and even marrying them. They somehow feel they are oppressed because there are no tv stars that look like them - despite the Japanese and Korean tv industries being extremely robust, noooo, it doesn't mean anything unless the audience is white people. Many are very normal and even "based" but the majority aren't. Also the most based thing an unmixed nonwhite living in the West can do is move somewhere else.

特。 王秀英、來自四川省的新移民

I agree HK belongs to China. As much as i hate chinks i do believe HK should stfu and just take it in the ass. But this doesnt mean that China isnt a shit country with a shit government that breeds shit for brains civilians who such the small smelly dick of the CCP.

Yea HK belongs to china. But ur still a goddam fcking chink.

What's the point of this post?

>So Jow Forums, if you were to meet me IRL, would you still hate me and call me chink?
Why the fuck would anyone hate you for being Asian?
Do you even go outside?

U got me ;)

US is more communist than China lmao

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Thats so ironic that its funny. Your first post you say youre a femanon. Was that even necessary? Did it matter what gender u were?

Youre the attention whore. Fcking women are so retarded its not even funny

Only stupid people need to resort to violence without using arguments. Youre a loser who is anti china. The REAL china was attacked by communist filth who defiled graves and erased chinese history and culture. They rule through censorship and fear to maintain a corrupt nepotistic third world government. China would be the leader of the world if it was free. Fuck every last one of you fucking cocksuckers for what you did. Chinese wont tolerate it forever and economic ruin will dispell any myths that you morons know what youre doing.


I didn’t say I’m a woman, maybe you need to open your eyes a little wider. My point was that your OP and posts like it are becoming the new equivalent of “femanon here” posts

The 5 demands are all reasonable and have nothing to do with not being part of China. Taiwanese are the REAL Chinese btw. The remnants of the culture that commies tried to kill. The CHINESE culture. Not EUROJEW COMMUNISM. Dont let shills get to you. Literal wumao agents are here seething for their pittance.

Whatever gook, or even worse, a whitie going to Korea to work because theyve failed in their native white country.


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Says the immigrant lmao

I lived in Vancouver for 8 years. I liked asians going in, but had a bad taste going out. Didn't help that I lived off of Victoria Drive, where they're worse than in Richmond in a lot of way (spitting everywhere, throwing trash, treating the city like a dumpster).

But many, maybe even most, are fine. Hard working and ambitious. I dated an asian for a while and picked her up every day from Richmond and honestly she was awesome. Though now she's a full blown #childfree feminist psychopath.

The straight off the boat chinks are bad, but y'all seem to be fine after a generation or two, unlike the browns over in Surrey. My Ukrainian grandparents were probably not much better than SOTB asians, refusing to learn English, etc.

Jow Forums is not (((we))) you troglodyte
also all chinks i know in person are based

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This is the first time ive heard about CCP not being real chinese.

Thanks for enlightening me.

>fake eye lashes
>dyed hair
Sorry fonjik, that Asian girl is riding huwhite cock every night.

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Brother i worked in Victoria drive a few years back. I can see why youre displeased. Chinks everywhere.

If only they all knew how to speak english and assimilated.


You don't know you fucking history. Chang kei shek was a isolationist, he wouldve made China feudalist. China was able to become superpower through Deng. It is on the way to become 1st. You on your little island only gets anti china propaganda

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Some of them might be

I have a huge fetish for blonde hair westernized asian sloots hngggghhhhhhhh

A lot of them only date gangbangers or gangbanger wannabes.

Nerdy normal asians usually dont stand a chance

You for real? Do you know about 1989 tiananmen square? About tombs being raided and destroyed by red guard? Millions dying to man made famine? Kids ratting out parents to the govt? Communism has been literal hell for Chinese. Its an amazing testament to their tenacity to have withstood it so well. Us whites are being btfo hard these days.

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Are you trying to tell me that Tajiks AREN'T the master race???

>im more intelligent than whitey

you'd be in ricefield right now without the whites lmao

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>Your first post you say youre a femanon
wow your reading comprehension is niggerish


>white people so superior

The CCP are all anti-Chinese.

All deng did was make China the bitch of the west for money because communism had ravaged the shit out of everything. Now you have a few families super rich hoarding the wealth while china is as polluted if not more than AFRICA or INDIA. ITS A DISGRACE. China could be a super power if only the CPC would grow a fucking brain. You have no idea what is really going on. I dont give a shit about KMT youre right they were feudalist morons but TAIWANESE retained the culture you EUROJEWISH commies tried to destroy.

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I only know the surface of it, i didnt dive too deep into CCP.

I'm not sure if this is pasta or not, I'll bait anyways. Want Jow Forums to respecc you? Stop seeking approval from strangers on the internet. Accept what you are: Chinese. If you're actually redpilled, you'd know that personality and intelligence are massively inherited. You'll never be ''Canadian'' (a subset of the British) because of the divergent evolution of races. Nobody expects you to put anyone but your own people first. Put your own people first. That might mean being pro-white in the current climate, because our children will be reminded about who stood alongside us in the struggle.

China is the most potential nation to help wreckage the current political order of the West.

>buys their propaganda about Chinese and China
This. If mainstream media and the establishment is hard against a thing, it's probably a good thing.

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How many languages do you read cunt

Do so mate. You have the freedoms of the west that your fellow Chinese can only dream of. Its your duty to them and your ancestors to know the truth.

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I just wish your people would TRY to act more Canadian when coming in. Speak English in public, put English on your business signs, etc. It has nothing to do with race -- English isn't my parents first language either and they're white. Trudeau's pretty much erased the definition of the word 'Canadian', so I guess it means nothing to say 'act more Canadian'.

You be hunted by mongols without Chinese lmao

Yea its funny sometimes white people make fun of our english but at least we know multiple languages lol..... fcking white niggers

CCP will eventually eradicate.

You have to go back Chang

>All deng did was make China the bitch of the west for money
Lmao, you mean Taiwan. China is the only one rivalling the west, while Taiwan is happily US lapdog. Too much propaganda the west shoved down your throat.

Hard against a thing means that they are afraid. Totally not a good thing for them and you

We dont need to know multiple languages thats a strawman argument. Anything important is in english or has been/will be translated into english. The reason Americans are mono language is that there is little motivation to be more.

Says who?

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Supporting Zognald is not based, switch to Yang.

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>fcking white niggers
>beggin them for existence of "based Chink"
Which one is it?

you are the definition of cucked
>loves nephillim
>rejects christ's sacrifice to (((subvert))) the luciferian goyim
>hates xi jinping

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I feel sorry for you to have never exposed to the truth, experienced China yourself. You are completely brainwashed to the core to hate on yourself and your people. You are a lost cause Chang

I meant if they say ''X bad'', X is probably good for us. The PRC is the leading anti-hegemonic force in the world. Perhaps our strongest potential ally.

Jow Forums is a destabilizing force for the West from the POV of the Establishment. When CIA niggers try to fund Tibet, Xinjiang and HK separatism, it can be assumed the PRC wants to retaliate. Supporting White identitarianism might become one tool in their toolbox.

I dont hate on chinese, i hate chinks.

U rly expect me to love the chinks from mainland china?

Yeah, thats what I meant. PRC never exported any kind of revolution. They don't care about if you are democracy or dictatorship. What ever rule you don't approve, they keep it inside their borders. The West does want to meddle with internal affairs. This is why west is afraid.

>China is rivaling the west
Lmao no it isnt at all. But it could with some decent political philosophy.

>The West does want to meddle with internal affairs.
>This is why west is afraid.
More like the chinks are afraid.

>leading anti-hegemonic force
so basically you admit you're a butthurt cuck

>U rly expect me to love the chinks from mainland china?
This is why you are a brainwashed kid. Have you even been there and experienced it for yourself? Here on Pol, they only show the most grotesque materials and mainstream media focusses only on the negative too. Don't you think you shouldn't believe anything you are told? There are plenty of bad, but more good people, just like any people in the world. You must be really young and antisocial. Go there see yourself instead of being a selfhating slave

Nope, Chinese are focussed on own interest. You like ur shithole bombed by US then be my guest


>A false dichotomy is enough to fool me
What a moron you can absolutely be a nationalist and patriot without being a socialist. Its an economic theory.
Lying wumao trash
>Cyber espionage
>Subversion of political parties
>North korea
>Communist vietnam
The only reason they dont go further is because the USA would btfo their brainwashed conscripts.

Looking at GDP, high-level research, economy, military, tech,... what Power is the closest rival to the West, if not China?

>so basically you admit you're a butthurt cuck
Are you a literal AI chatbot? What you said had zero relation to what I said.

The fact the west talks about China all the time means China is making them afraid. That is what rivaling means. Any expert knows that.

Is this a pun or did i use the wrong character?

None of these are politics exported by China. Nice try, sharia flag. Xinjiang is theirs for longer than the existance of your country. Vietnam was alreaday commie. Same with NK Espionage is not revolutiom and is done by everyone. Fucktard

After all the r/hapas and asian masculinity I learned chinks are worse than niggers