Holy shit what the hell happend to mainline protestantism?

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It cucked

America happened.

They took a gamble by compromising on major positions such as abortion and premarital sex in the seventies to win back post-sexual revolution baby boomers.

Unfortunately, this demographic does not have a lot of kids and if they did, they didn't take them to church.

Evangelicals are still doing just fine.

based response

we stopped fighting each other over theological differences and lost steam and then mostly became milquetoast liberals.
also all of our seminaries became beds of leftwing activism and thus that stuff entered into congregations via the ministers

It's a Jewish religion. What do you expect?

Don't worry, we'll still be here when you all decide to eventually come back into the fold.

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I wouldn't be so sure of that desu, I think even Mainline Protestant churches could outlive the RC Church if this current trajectory continues
it's not going very well for you people even if you double down on your Africa-is-the-future gimmick

Innately structureless, so doomed to being watered down.
Not that it matters Orthodoxy and Catholicism are also essentially dead outside of peasant communities.
It already served it's purpose of shitting on papists anyway.

RCC is cancer. Everyone knows that shit is dead. Even the RCC hardcore pious pope x blablah people.

We'll let them back in, but they really are fucking up everything.

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Infiltrated by Jews.

We allowed Old Covenant lies to corrupt the Anglican faith.

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is this going to just become some mackerel snapper larper thread or are we going to actually discuss the issues among people that are actually aware of what's going on?
who am I kidding? this is Jow Forums

>Evangelicals are still doing just fine
Bro, you're like 20 years behind the times. Evangelicalism is getting pozzed now.

Based Catholic

Hijacked by kikes like always.

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>says just read the bible bro, sola scriptura bro
>gets surprised when people actually do it and create millions of divisions based on personal interpretations

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Ok you stick with your milquetoast boomers while the Catholics get an entire continent of rapidly growing Christians to themselves, we'll see how well that pays off 100 years from now.

yeah I agree catholics usually ride on in to larp with their shit. Fuck off catholic bros, please, please go away.

On the subject of what's actually wrong, I think I'll point to the zionist movements within the southern baptist convention (sell outs) as being most culpable here for the death of mainline protties.

It's not a difficult question. Religion is dying as a whole in the first world, it's basically already dead. Protestantism is structureless by design and so obviously will be the first to wither. By 1600 there were already like 5 protestant sects. Protestantism isn't about power and structure, which are the means by which anything lasts.

africans can't into civilazation. Good luck with your African rennaissance, kek. Grasping at straws there.

Jews mostly

so what's next? The same thing to judaism before the temple fell, and then christianity came along to assblast all the literally atheist power-obsessed Sadducees etc.

Civilization is largely rejecting religion en-masse. But do keep sticking to current cultural trends and appeasing dying white boomer demographics, that will totally pay off in the long term and has worked out perfectly well for the dozens of splinter churches that have cropped up in the past 50 years.

I wouldn't consider southern baptist convention mainline in fact Zionism isn't as big in Mainline denominations as it is among Evangelical churches, it's also much more of a western thing and Evangelical thing really
I'm RCUSA and our general assemblies have been very openly critical of Israel, albeit for reasons of pro-Palestinian rights sentiment

Fuck you, America. Protestants don't exist outside of your shitty country. There are a couple Lutheran churches in Germany, but they're not as cucked as your freemason subversion of Christianity.

isn't it funny how much catholics end up being basic-ass BLACKED porn fanatics? lol. With friends like you, who needs the jews?

You keep claiming Protestantism is structureless but a brief acquittance with actual writings of Protestant theologians and founders and a look of the history of various major denominations would show that is not true
we're not all Congregational in ordinance

its in way better shape than Catholijudaism

we can take over a local church and kick all the kikefaggot shit out.

catholics have to cuck and get permission from the vatikikes for what they want to talk about


So basically falling into the jewish hegelian 'commies vs. zionists' trap? Low energy, ugh.

Idk, but I seriously doubt a return to Christianity at all for anywhere on the planet at this point. Maybe Orthodoxy in nu-europe after the inevitable nuclear hellfire of ww3.

like, the purpose for Protestantism in the eyes of calvins and lutherans was righteous and just in a time when the catholic church was corrupt and held a lot of power. but how can something with no innate structure last especially after it's essentially outlived it's historical purpose.

it's just watered down is all and theres no structure to stop it.

its structureless in that theres no central authority like the vatican that everybody has to check in with and get permission from

it's innately post-modern bro

well I would have to give them some credit here, they are into that human rights activism stuff, this largely coming out of Princeton Theological Seminary and with in that framework of belief that is the logical view on the subject. I don't share that basic belief so I've different views on the subject while I can understand where they are coming from
whether or not I think that's appropriate for a church is a different matter

You allow women at the pulpit and you permit divorce. You've got no doctrine other than the solae, but those are anti-biblical.

>it's innately post-modern
can you larpers go post pictures of crusaders or something somewhere else? you're just saying random shit without any comprehension on the subject

Yeah I sort of agree that orthodox are the only guys that I sort of trust these days. I've gone to a bunch of orthodox sermons. They seem to know the whole deal. Feels like home bros.

>>gets surprised when people actually do it and create millions of divisions based on personal interpretations

Catholics have millions of wildly divergent theological thoughts too, they just keep calling themselves "Catholic" for largely cultural and aesthetic reasons. 90% of the Catholics on here are Sedevacantists anyway so the accusation of
>durr splintering
is a joke.

The Reformed Movement has seen a huge surge in popularity with the younger generation. I'd say its just fine.

Mainline protestan churches outside USA are almost all run by state, they can be only as based as the government is. In case of Finland, church is just part of state bureaucracy that has legal duties in exchange of getting to tax people.

There are probably 3 sedevacantists on this board. Sedevacantism is retarded. Most of us don't like Francis because he's a bit shit, but we'll deal with it and get a better pope next time.

They took tax credits in exchange for their heart and soul. The only churches that preach against societal problems are super cucked.

Gee I wonder who tricked them

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>off topic

I have yet to find a redpilled church

>Socialist faggot pope
No thanks

Literally taking a class in this exact subject right now, but ok. If you think prots aren't innately decentralized then you're just a retard I think. That's the entire historical purpose of the movement.

Same as always, they are giving religious color to whatever mundane shit is happening in the world.

>don't follow the Three Forms of Unity
>call yourself reformed
do not get this
Feel like it's just people who want to espouse puritanical sentiments without the rationale for it

orthodox are redpilled af in my experience. Also well read.

>Most of us don't like Francis because he's a bit shit, but we'll deal with it and get a better pope next time.

Francis is choosing the Cardinals who in turn will select the next Pope. It's only going to get worse for you from here. I 100% guarantee you will have rainbow flags outside the Vatican within 15-20 years.

You americans should know better than blind trust anything media tells you.

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Protcucks BTFO
Fuck off or rejoin the true church of Christ, heretics.

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Francis was threatened with a schism by US Catholics and he told them to piss off if they were going to break communion, or to shut up if they weren't.

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ugh fuck OFF you off topic niggers!

There's no tradition so people just change churches when they don't like something instead of actually studying theology or some shit

The Pope is more relevant to Christianity than whatever prosperity cult you follow.

Read the bible

Every Nation that follows the Laws of God becomes rich and powerful.
But Rich and powerful nations become corrupt and spit on God so God will judge them.

We are waiting on the judgement. This is what /pol is all about.

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If he isnt railing against globohomo and exhorting parishioners to work against agents of globalism, he is too pozzed

your meme-flag says it all

>mackerel snapper larping general
I'm out

They renounced to the sublime when they renounced to symbols because of them being material. They thought they were being abstract as fuck for disregarding material icons, but turns out they where being materialistic because of not seein the abstract content of the material symbols. So, the dived in the profane. Mass was not in latin, which made it otherwordly, sublime and exotic, and they did many things like that. They became profane on purpose, and so the profane became less otherly to them, and so it creeped.

we need to go back to our roots, at this point it's more based to be pagan and that's unacceptable.

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Remember being a Christian is about being poor and humble, remember the Lord said:
>52. Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed him on the way.
Mark 10:52
He's weak, that I can say, but he's not progressive like most pastors I know.

>stopped the latin mass
So basically everyone's got mission-creep then? You golden-age obsessed people are retards, especially given things like the itialian rennaissance were based on literal rejection of catholicism to begin with.

The whole point of Protestantism is that there is no Earthly authorities. Your average ACTUALLY Protestant Church (as in; doesn't denounce Luther as an anti-semite like Hagee and other kikes / pseudo-kikes do, doesn't have a divorced person or a celibate person as their minister, has a loyal wife and well behaved children, and the other stuff that was stated in the Bible) are to this day still great. They are the only whites that still breed, they oppose homosexuality, divorce, abortion and are patriotic. Many I've been to are also well aware of the threat of the Pharisee, and that it is the child of satan.

Even in the Church of England you find a LOT of backlash against the supposed leaders. I've moved around a lot recently and all across the South of England you have CofE that outright detest their leadership and are strongly against faggotry, divorce and the like.

The Bible is also clearly for the separation of Nations/ Peoples and is against adultery / race-mixing. I've not found too many Churches like that, but as Protestantism is based on the Bible I would be very surprised if none existed.

Over the next few generations whites will become predominantly hardline evangelicals and protestants because they are the only whites breeding in large numbers. The atheists and agnostics are wiping themselves out. Reminder that atheists are mutants.

They allied with the jews to attack Catholicism in the US and when your a sate church your beholden to the state and not god and thats why it is so pozzed

kick the judaism out and ill consider it

This. Transcendent belief cannot fed to people. It has to be sought voluntarily.

I suspect the answer from a slightly different direction is the brilliant question posed by Karl Marx: "Who will educate the educators?"

If the education of teachers and clergymen is post-modernist in it's foundation, then those educators can not be effective in teaching such ideas as Moral Choice or Individual Free Will - concepts that are central to the Protestant faith.

Do you know US, UK and (if I remember right) Holland were the first countries to give the Jews civil right? Look at Jews per country and see how better catholic nations are.

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There's only one church

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The fact that you can find some bent out of shape tranny whining about some mild comments Francis has made does not change the fact that Francis is overwhelmingly popular with left-wing Catholicism and Francis is just the latest in a string of increasingly leftist Popes.

When you get your rainbow flags in 20 years after Vatican III, instead of trying to spin this into "well we've always loved fags! Umm read Polycarp and Athanasius you protty heretic lol.", you could instead just admit that an unmarried, childless man with his collar turned around and wearing a dress wasn't what Jesus had in mind for Pastors.

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while this is most likely true, I do hate how every christian thread turns into a discussion of these RCC fags desu. :(

I know it can sound like a sliding question, but it'd be good to read what Francis has said, instead of what left journalists opinions on what he said.
He's a Franciscan, but a traditional Catholic none the less.

kek, jews don't waste their time living in the slave-quarters.

Not at all. In fact it was the Papacy and various bishops that often protected and made alliances with the jews, though it is also true that there were some good catholics who opposed them.

Protestantism is just Germanic Christianity; it emphasises those virtues that are most important to Germanics - purity, freedom and honour. From the beginning the Germanic tribes embraced Arianism, largely because it rejected the earthly authorities of Latin Christianity that forced the people to accept the word of a man in a hat. The Germanics in their entirety were against it until the Franks aided the Latins in persecuting any who opposed, eventually leading to Arianism disappearing. Despite that you still had frequent uprisings and opposition to the corruption, authority and decadence of the Catholics; notably with the English John Wycliffe, the Czech Jan Hus and of course finally Martin Luther.

Every Germanic nation became Protestant. Only France seems to be an outlier, but then France has its Germanic roots muddied with Latin rape babies from the Roman occupation. In Switzerland the nation is divided between Catholics and Protestants along ethnic lines.

Arianism/Protestantism is the Germanic version of Christianity; Roman Catholicism is the Latin. Greeks and Slavs are Orthodox.

One faith.
One baptism.

he's said shit like hell doesn't exist and 'who is he to judge' the activities of homos.

The make huge efforts to move to proties countries, where they get the luxury and slave goys they "deserve"

the same thing that happens whenever theres no hierarchy and authority: degeneracy

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Its getting replaced with the more chad religion OP

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>the true Christian faith was invented in the XVII century
Again, I'll ask you to see what he said, instead of some american left wing journalist opinion on what me wanted to say. You'd be... surprised.

fuck your spic judeo-pope
i dont want his jew world order

It was made up of protestants.

I don't talk with commies who reject the entire premise of this discussion and then pretend to care about details.

It was more or less universally accepted that Germanics were less deviant than Latins. You see the contrast between England and France, between the Dutch and Spanish, between the USA and Mexico.

It's only since Protestantism disappeared from the lives of the Germanic nations that such perversion has crept in. It should again be remembered that its simply accepted in nations like France and Italy that married people fornicate with others, and it has been for centuries. Such perversion only entered the Protestant lands with the decimation of Protestant belief.

With respect, that is the way the church has operated in our country for centuries. Yet we were not plagued in any previous era by lack of a transcendental sense of ourselves.

One way to look at it is that we go through the different seasons departing the Christian faith and then returning to it (or the other way around if you prefer that we are more pagan than Christian). On midsummer's eve we are all pagan, and by Christmas we are all faithful again. That is perhaps optimistic.

I suspect the way forward for us (out of the crisis of being and anxiety.. and as an assertion of a properly felt sense of ourselves) is a return to an Enlightenment conception of God as the God of Nature - hidden in plainsight in all things as the natural law of the world and the reality of things that reasserts itself with absolute inevitability. That kind of teaching would be more New England protestant than Nordic protestant, but atleast in my mind it fits like a glove. Ymmv.

Cheked and based, you need one strong authoritarian church.
Otherwise you end up like bold man

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Francis is a false pope. Fucking pedo.

religious judaism is a meme at this point to justify nepotism and corruption, shapiro.

I don't think so schmazzi

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I really do expect a protestant to run away from a conversation that's not preaching his little denomination.
Someone that blind believe his pastor and left journalists could not do any better.
Said the Baptist user, I remember when I was Baptist and I remember all the lies I was told.

>muh arbitrary lines
Good for you.


I’m RC schiso.

>adam and eve
>independent fundamental baptism
that didn't work out well did it

>jew world order
I think you're mistaken my friend

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