Do women actually browse Jow Forums? If so what go you onto here and why have you stayed?
Kek it will be trannies and jew LARPing as Women in the thread.
>pic related, as Ryan is a ADHD sperg who shankss a kid at 15
Do women actually browse Jow Forums? If so what go you onto here and why have you stayed?
Kek it will be trannies and jew LARPing as Women in the thread.
>pic related, as Ryan is a ADHD sperg who shankss a kid at 15
My 3D anime waifu will browse with me, but doesn't rarely browses on her own. She likes various hatethreads, redpill-type threads, humor, anti-degeneracy threads, and happenings.
There was some coal burner on here earlier. Could have been a tranny though since her nipple was all fucked up
Virtually doesnt count kike
Wouldn't be surprised, we have been raided as of recent by shills from ((( /lgbt/ )))
She's my waifu, bong - she lives with me.
Can't save em all. Fetishists get off on publicizing their shit too
Pretty sure it was a tranny because of the man hands and unkepmt fingernails
Face looked cute though to be honest
Hey I found that Coal Burner couple you were on about --->
Do you have the archived thread or the tranny to confirm it?