Do women actually browse Jow Forums? If so what go you onto here and why have you stayed?

Do women actually browse Jow Forums? If so what go you onto here and why have you stayed?
Kek it will be trannies and jew LARPing as Women in the thread.

>pic related, as Ryan is a ADHD sperg who shankss a kid at 15

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My 3D anime waifu will browse with me, but doesn't rarely browses on her own. She likes various hatethreads, redpill-type threads, humor, anti-degeneracy threads, and happenings.

There was some coal burner on here earlier. Could have been a tranny though since her nipple was all fucked up

Virtually doesnt count kike

Wouldn't be surprised, we have been raided as of recent by shills from ((( /lgbt/ )))

She's my waifu, bong - she lives with me.

Can't save em all. Fetishists get off on publicizing their shit too

Pretty sure it was a tranny because of the man hands and unkepmt fingernails
Face looked cute though to be honest

Hey I found that Coal Burner couple you were on about --->

Do you have the archived thread or the tranny to confirm it?


No :-/

>OP asks question
>answer OPs question
>OP calls you a tranny coal burner

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Even if it was there are still coalburners out there, don't get personally invested in the inevitability of some women racemixing

Yes you’re right.
Jow Forums does this to me. And then I interact with normal black people and I feel like a total asshole

No wimminz on the intarwebz, user. Sorry.


Girl here. Not gonna date you though, sorry.

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They do, but a good chunk of them are salty leftist saboteurs. The rest of them know the tits or gtfo rule and stick to anonymity so their posts stand on their own merits.

There are based women here, you just wouldn't know it because they are based enough not to suck cock for attention.

As a biocunt how's does it feel to know your rejection of your genetic relevance is leading to your replacement with fembots and artificial wombs

Kek you bitch!

This is true, though I wish it weren't. Nothing beats a good woman, but there aren't enough of them.

brit... shoula known, what do you think of "bojo"?

There are plenty of women here whose tits you've not seen.

More and more of them become aware of the truth of the world each day.

Women are sheeple. Once they find out

There are no good women, brainwashing by Jewish controled MSM has seen to that.
The future of the white race is assured if biocunts go obsolete with the rise of fembots and artificial wombs

I like being reinforced for my traditional values.

Seems rather presumptuous.

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Prove it, also why are you women so much uglier then men in the UK, its baffling.
Also off the top of my head throw Cavill, Gandy and Christian Bale in there.

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Oh look it’s another virgin.
You spend too much time here

Sure thing tranny

My girlfriend browses but refuses to post. She disagrees with Jew conspiracies and women bashing, but is on board with almost everything else. Still working on the former.

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>disagrees with Jew "Conspiracies"

Let me guess she also loves niggers, communism, and you are a cuckhold

Found the femanon

Is this where I'm supposed to write "checked"? This is fun.

Sorry but I exclusively date black men. I don't want to appear racist on tinder so I just usually post "don't message me if you're under 6 inches"

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I’ll give you a 4.5/10

I identify as a woman does that count?

>implying Jow Forums isn't exclusively comprised of black men

See, that's where you fucked up.

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>I exclusively date black men
>pic related

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Based I exclusively date black men poster

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Nope, she's just more of a generic conservative, the product of boomer Israel loving parents.

>looks at abhorrent post
>checks flag

Checks out

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T. Nigger

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Joking. I'm not into black guys, just messing with you incels. Although I find Denzel Washington really hot but that's about it haha

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For meme purposes desu and since it's so highly talked about

I'll give ya that, Denzel is a fine specimen that doesnt look like an Ape and he hates niggerdom

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your husband does not beat you for this?



An oldie but a goodie

hopefully not. women's opinions don't matter. i come here to escape their bullshit.


>Sorry but I exclusively date black men. I don't want to appear racist on tinder so I just usually post "don't message me if you're under 6 inches"

Old bait, 4/10

Here's proof. I am a girl. AMA

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post feet pls

>that thumb

Sure thing nigel

You're mad because a girl's hands are bigger than yours?

7.5 in wrist fag, I'm on more about your thumb lines kike

what is it with men and feet? are single mums really that abusive?

women = no fun; gtfo if you can't handle the bantz

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