Western Thought Alpha Thread

Anons, who are your favorite western intellectuals, and why? Which books of theirs do you prefer? And finally, why are you such a faggot?

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I murdered God with a hammer

is that why you're a faggot?

it's why your threads get barely any (you)s

nah its probably because discussing the finer points of black people's dick sizes and the 700th race mixing thread of the day is more Jow Forums's "speed" than books

Pic related beats Nietzsche any day of the week.

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Everything he said would happen in late stage capitalism is happening now.
Say what you will about Communism and its failings. Talk to any major economist today and they will agree that Marx was right about pretty much everything.
If you want to know how to survive the coming economic collapse - and it is coming - read Capital, specifically Volume III

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Kek. Of course schukki. Go back to your computeristic kalifesto

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Sokrates, Aristoteles, Descartes, Montaigne, Kant, Nietzsche
Montaigne is a good antidote if you're too blackpilled after reading Nietzsche

Central banking is at the heart of communism. I wouldn't expect a retard like you to understand that though

Lol, do you read Will to power? Kant was completely destroyed. Bonus: "Kant is a sucker" written by based bydlo on the wall of his former house in Kalingrad.

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he destroyed Christianity
he is much to blame for the European degeneracy of today

Heidegger, James Buchanan(economist), Nick Land and your pic related.

>Nick "Undiagnosed Schizophrenia" Land
OK depressive appreciator of dadaist art

No fucking economists say that. More like laugh at his idiotic “labor theory of value.”

Lol, meme all you want.
- Rate of profit is falling to near-zero [Uber and JP Morgan are just the first victims of this, there will be many, many more]
>See "Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall"
- FIRE is dominating more and more of the economy
>See "Division of Profit Into Interest and Profit of Enterprise, Interest Bearing Capital."
-Home ownership is becoming impossible, followed closely behind by car ownership, we are moving into a Rentier Economy or "The Sharing Economy"
>See "Transformation of Surplus-Profit into Ground Rent."
Even CEOs, especially the smart ones in Silicon Valley are coming to realize that Marx was absolutely correct.
>Free stuff
You should know that Marx was an ardent opponent of government-run social democracy. He would have hated the Soviet Union and he would have LOATHED the EU.
Read "The Poverty of Philosophy " to learn more about that.

He just stated death, and was enough brave for that.

Basically every philosopher had schizophrenia or some mental ailment. So not sure the point.

Unlike Dostoevsky for example, who prefer Christ instead of truth.

The flag name with "negro" in it isn't too intelligent. what a surprise.

Nietzsche and Stirmer are all you need

Calm your panties for fucking once, I'm not a Soviet apologist. I'm saying that Capitalism is evolving in exactly the way Marx predicted.
Marxism-Leninism [the foundation of the Soviet Union and all other communist projects] was a corruption of his ideas. They wanted to create a utopia when Marx never said that a utopia would come.

montenegro means black mountain, (which is a cool name btw) but you wouldn't know that you uneducated dumb leaf :/
Christ is the truth rus user, the only truth

You cant clearly understand Nietzsche without ancient, christian and philosophical background. Also Stirmer is overrated as hell.

It WAS the truth. But the whole 20nt century is nothing but confirmation Nietzsche's philosophy.

>never heard about negative-interest politics and FIAT money
People get pressed out with taxes dues and money-inflation. That's the reason they can't afford shit anymore.
Most economists agree that Marx' concept of "absolute value of goods" is wrong. Therefore his whole thought-building collapses.
This fucking nigger was talking about "opium für das volk" whilst creating the most retarded NPC religion.
But let's try it again, we never tried it...
How many people you wanna kill before you realise that planned-econmy doesn't work.

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>you can't clearly understand nietzsche without
shut up. just buy a companion book.

it's not. people are returning to faith. the love of God is the only thing you can rely on these dark times. He demoralized Europe and killed its spirit with nihilism and atheism. That's why the jews are destroying us so easily.


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Dude, I am trying to explain to you Marx's ORIGINAL theory of the gradual evolution of the global economy and you are still having an anal fissure about how Central Planning doesn't work.
I fucking know it doesn't work. Marx knew it wouldn't work. That's not even the topic of discussion.
Are all Swiss people like this?

he's the one philosopher those don't really help for. most scholar's interpretations of Nietzsche miss the mark at some point or another, even Kaufman's, and he was among the best.

Karl Marx had one of the best descriptions of a problem I've ever seen and one of the worst solutions I've ever heard posed
but I give him a lot more credit as an intellectual than the "OMG CULTURAL MARXIST LEFTWING COMMIE", Jordan Peterson groupies do

>nihilism and atheism
>talking about Nietzsche
>nihilism and atheism

user, pro-tip for the future: when you start talking about something, and you realize you don't actually know basic things about it, shut the fuck up you sped

NO! You blaming the doctor in the plague, just READ IT dont listen faggots and dont see at fedoras. Anyway "god is dead" narrative can be approved by gospel: what Jesus said on the cross?

Thank you for actually understanding what I'm trying to say, FFS

>Marx knew it wouldn't work
He's constantly talking about centralising everything in his kalifesto.
Is that now the new meme:
"ORIGINAL Marx has never been tried"

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Then read some letters form marx to engels. He was full of hate against all authorities and foremost against traditional families. This was all "bourgeousie" in his eyes. He was a fucking psychopath.
He was a cultural-marxist before the term has been created.

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link me to the letters you mean, there are a lot of those. or let me know what i should search for

He was a thoughtful man who understood how to draw logical conclusions from the processes taking shape around him and their consequences

the kids not even arguing for Marxism you dummy, he's arguing that the guy had a good analysis and a really stupid solution. you're restating his argument as though he agreed with any of Marx's posed solutions, but he doesn't, and that's probably just because you're dumb and have no business speaking

>Everything he said would happen in late stage capitalism is happening now.
It's on pupose. (((Keynesian economics))) = 2-stage revolution theory

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>Marx had a good analysis

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I agree with Nietzsche that a new Man who will transcend this goblohomo dystopia will have to be both anti-moralist(anti christcuck slave morality) AND anti-nihilist.
Christkike puppets will betray their people for their faith and therefore couldn't be trusted. Current western masochistic desire to destroy their own people could be 100% traced to the unholy union of nihilistic individualism and christian virtuesignaling slave morality.

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>Marx was influenced by other people
>he is now null and void
honestly kill yourself user

So many.
Rothbard, Frédéric Bastiat, Ted Kaczynski, Elgin Groseclose, Mises, etc.

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Read that book "Death drive in history - aspects of socialism" (pic). He quotes tons of letters written by Marx and Engels.And no, he was a complete maniac.
Marx didn't have a clue about money. Mises was the first who raised that topic.
And fuck off pedophile cultural-marxist

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Based. Add Hayek may be

I think there are more letters than any books or written explanations of his. The guy went after everybody who had ever written anything disagreeing with his conclusions, no matter how small the guy was. Lenin displayed exactly the same pettiness.

Barbarians in the West and barbarians in the East.

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lots of intellectuals did the same thing man. Nietzsche is a hero of mine, and did a ton of petty shit like that. Intellectuals are human beings

lmao. Austrians are econ 101 as an ideology
but his Ultimate Foundations of Economic Science was actually a really good book

Nietzsche was right about many things, if only he could see the world today. It's no wonder he went crazy.

Also, anybody who isn't growing a mustache like Nietzsche's is a faggot.

The dumbest Austrian is way more intelligent than you are

>The dumbest Austrian
whatever you say, leaf

he wouldn't even have gone crazy, I think he'd just be like "yeah, this was exactly what I was talking about." He'd probably cackle

oh shit you're the same leaf from the beginning of this thread. Look at my thread with no (you)'s :'(

How is the side stuff about Nietzsche not turning you off? The guy had a mangled approach to women, worse than any incel today, straw manned his opponents and I think most of this stuff reflects on his view of morality as a tool. Which he then doesn't really follow through in utilitarian sense.

Why is this guy so popular with Americans?

he's popular worldwide
and the "side stuff," you mean his personal life? He was a guy with flaws, man, and he was well aware of most of them. Made constant reference to them in a tongue in cheek way, and didn't base his philosophy off what would be the most hospitable environment for a person of his type. Straw manning his opponents isn't accurate, he was being snarky in most of his writing as a form of critique, but this wasn't straw manning so much as satire
and he didn't think morality should be used as a tool, he thinks it is used as a tool, and that's an important distinction. as for the "doesn't really follow through in a utilitarian sense," I'm not sure what you mean, would you mind elaborating

why do you think he would not have celebrated it

Whittaker Chambers.
You won't understand what commie is all about and what happened last century until you read him.
"Witness" At least read his intro chapter. I think the Pumpkin Papers were probably an inspiration for Q.

celebrated this world? because its a hedonistic mess and makes no attempt to build something in the face of inherent nihilism, rather, it allows itself to be defeated by nihilism's implications. That's 100% what Nietzsche was worried would happen and was hoping people would eventually come about and overcome

Carl Jung. his writings changed my life, i am so lucky to have encountered his material way back like 15 years ago. i have experimented on myself with lots of his theories. Jung really enhanced my life.

im like half falling asleep rn but ill check it out

That's kind of true. His influence on classic philosophy is just overwhelming. You have to read Kant or at least you need to know his positions. Otherwise one should shut up and stop talking about philosophy.

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He's most famous for portraying morality as a tool to be used, but mostly to impose limits on too strong individuals. He's not giving the other side the best portrayal, because if morality is a tool it can be used for everything, depending on who wields the power. It mostly comes off as something to impose a limi when he describes it though. But it's not just something to restrict, but too boost and encourage also. That's why his call to be the best you can be is so strange. Why should you? It's a simply utilitarian approach and he should have constructed his argument in this way.

i think Nietzsche was better than Kant but trying to use that to downplay Kant's importance is stupid, I agree with that

If you aren't using morality as a tool your moral intuitions are being used by someone else who is.

he's arguing that humans should return to more genuine hierarchies, where the leaders are obeyed based on collective assent to the values those leaders espouse and the feeling of triumph the rile up in their subjects. his call to be the best you can be is directed at a small set of individuals Nietzsche thought were actually capable of leading humanity out of nihilistic darkness and returning it to a state of creative play, and he basically wrote everyone off and said "don't read my books, they're not for you."

Basically, think of how modern civilizations operate. They're bloated messes concerned with keeping the show running and expanding the reach with NO other goal in mind. Whereas, in the ancient world (specifically the Hellenistic world that he loved so much), people often went to war for nothing more than passionate belief in their own culture's validity, and a love for their people/culture. That's a far cry from the endless, bleak logic that drives our civilizations priorities. Is that making sense? Its admittedly a scatterbrained, non-systematized philosophy that's hard to articulate

*wrote everyone else off

I like Nietzsche better too. Not only his thinking, also his writing stye, he was a real artist, a pleasure to read.
Kant's huge building is just impressive. And that he managed to lead the philosophy out of its crisis (even there was a new crisisafter that)

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If you go far enough west you end up in the east so technically all intellectuals are western. Can we bring troll science back?

Louis Bonald

writing off any philosopher just bc you don't agree with them is pretty dumb, imo, because its basically one long conversation, they build off of each other and even the shittier ones usually touched upon something novel that the others didn't notice. I like Nietzsche better than Kant, but Kant was necessary for us to get to Nietzsche.

And yeah, a huge part of the appeal for Nietzsche is the writing style. Philosophers are often abysmal writers, but Nietzsche's books are actually a pleasure to read, they're fun

>he was a real artist
I often think of him as the artist's philosopher

is it puerly hedonistic,i doubt that hardly
it may seem like that would be the case,but honestly how can you differentiate between personal fullfillment and hedonistic pleasure when you act as a observer?
everyone who indulges himself in his own world must seem to the outstanding person as someone entirely selfish.
maybe his greatest mistake was to think that his ideals,the undoubtebly greatest parts of our existence would ultimately be the goal for everyone,maybe (and i think more realistically) he would accept every persons own endevours and see our time as a time of self fullfiment, not that that means moving forward as a society ("fullfilling space goals")

eh, most of his writings dont support the view youre taking

>Marx was influenced by other people
> other just random people
>not jew bank mafia
>not Moses Hess, inventor of Communism

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You're right. When you study philosophy you have to take everyone serious when you read them. But it case of Marx i want just ban him, he's too dangerous.
Nietzsche is a bit like Plato, just according to his litrerature skills. Especially when you think about "Symposion", which philosophy and literature at the same time. Nietzsche often dislikes Plato in his writings but I guess he appreciated Plato for his artful style.

After Plato it was all down hill. Western thought sucks because it’s just thought. The entire western system is based on word games. They actively attack and smear anyone who actively does real philosophical or spiritual disciplines

I've always thought that many things that Nietzsche has said were just common sense that everybody should know

The leaf has spoken

>Anons, who are your favorite western intellectuals, and why?
>Which books of theirs do you prefer?
'Genealogy of Morals' because the supreme Aryan man is above petty useless concepts like morality. He BTFO Plato and Aristotle.
>And finally, why are you such a faggot?
Because feminine dominance as demonstrated in Hitler's antics is the best way to convert the masses - feminine dominance and aggression. Whining like a child who demands to get what he wants.

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And you have no retort

Nietzsche is a flaming pile of garbage. Nothing but empty words.

You didn't understand them then. His entire message is centered around finding a purpose in life without the morality Christianity imposed on everyday people. Hitler proposed that fighting for one's own race is the priority, and that is the answer. There are too many lost people and they desire a truly higher purpose, lest they degenerate.

Interesting topic for Nietzscheans: Nietzsche and Wagner. A love-hate relationship

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>maybe his greatest mistake was to think that his ideals,the undoubtebly greatest parts of our existence would ultimately be the goal for everyone

if he would not accept a subjective interpretation of his works done by every subject that reads it,he should not have had the claim to "say in one sentence what another philosopher said in 10"

friedrich is entirely subjective, and subjectivity and self fullfiment are the only 2 factors for the backroot for western society at this point

atheism will lead to either nihilism or mental illness, no third option

somewhat agreed. Plato definitely lead us down a path to faggotry with his faggot ass "Forms"
Hume started to bring us out of it and then Nietzsche full speed anally raped us out of it

Ronald Fisher

your entire position is "books are for queers" and you want anybody to take you seriously, leaf?

he wasn't a standard atheist
more of an agnostic, but the man had a lot of spiritual depth which is just about all you need. he was concerned with nihilism as a cultural force, but was not himself a nihilist

Locke - Second Treatise on Government

Arthur Schopenhauer.
He was a misanthrope, so am I.
Kek. You have to be 18 to post here, you know ?

He hated other Germans so much that he described himself as a Pole

Unironically, nice to see an user who understands. Nietzsche wanted to overcome nihilism. But he didn't overcome it. He ended up with his Zarathustra which is more like visionary poetic dream. He never overcame nihilism, but he tried it hard.


Until I saw this man in a Youtube video I did not even know it was possible to think so profoundly on the great topics of our time. I expect a Nobel in his future at the very least.

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Uncle Ted

nothing wrong with that i suppose

He tried to put a connection between spirituality of Poles in XIX c. (Christ of Nations, developing national ideals despite lack of country, etc.) as opposed ot less and less spirited and restricted lifes of Germans under Prussian dominance.
What is actually interesting, he would be actually accepted by the Poles - at that Polishness was still defined by a language and culture.

That’s not enough to make someone a great Philosopher. Nietzsche became famous after Philosophy had degenerated to just words.

Forms are important. Plato was a real philosopher who actually put his body and mind through trials to develop.

Books are great, but just words is not enough to be a great philosopher.