Why are zoomers and leftists afraid of cars?

Why are zoomers and leftists afraid of cars?

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>Why do leftists hate freedom?

>listen here goy, you need to give up the right to travel so amazon can ship you their made in china plastic shit cheaper.

ai controlled cars is like fake meat, it's a social engineering scheme to both weaken you and increase profits for the company pushing it.

That makes driving a car sound 1000x more fun than it actually is and I'd be so fucking down to have a go on whatever the fuck it is they're talking about

Because they’re pussies?

Wow how can you even sleep in a building, one wrong move and the whole thing will collapse!

Why is water wet?

People who can’t drive cars have legit mental issues. You’re actually fucking retarded if you’re too scared to drive a car.

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Right? I like my car even more now that I can think of it as a screaming hellbeast. Fuck yeah.

Driving with music is the most peaceful thinking time, sometimes when I need to think I’ll just get on a country road and drive a random direction. Then make my way back

life is "one wrong move and you're dead", might as well get around in a screaming metal hell beast

>Tfw horrible depth perception
>Tfw only ever had a permit and crashed every time I drove
>Tfw 27 and no license and still pedaling to work on my teeny tiny bicycleta

That looks like a shitposter

slow your roll

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They cannot afford them, end of.

I can’t drive because I have no depth perception. But to answer OP question
>autism and mental disorders cause hyper awareness
>hyper awareness is bad for driving because you react too much to every small movement that happens on the road. It causes people to get into accidents by suddenly stopping constantly or speeding up suddenly.
Most young people cannot drive worth a damn.
Also the way they teach people to drive today is a travesty. Many get their licenses barely knowing how to operate the vehicle. This makes aspiring learners afraid to drive even more.

If you dont walk everywhere ur cringe and bluepilled

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>Why are zoomers and leftists afraid of cars?
Zoomers already have visions of peace trucks, they're afraid to put that power into their own hands
Lest they become Ahmed

Why are rightists such faggot trolltards?

M8 Cindy didnt give you your screamin hellbeast? Go down to winz and collect it

I bump into people just on the regular because I can't be fucked to pay attention

I can't imagine myself behind a fucking car

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Same issue with me. My eyes deteriorated very fast. I think it’s genetic. I have a lot of issues judging distance nowadays and can’t even walk up and down stairs anymore because of it without holding a handrail.
I wonder why depth perception issues are increasing though. I seem to see a lot of 20 somethings with issues of movement due to bad eyes.

I’m defined as early Gen Z and myself my friends and all my acquaintances like cars and couldn’t wait to get our licenses

It should be more like “why do city faggots hate cars”? And I kind of understand it te few times I’ve visited a city no driving is not fun in the city it would be fun except the road is jam packed with retards and there’s no open road. City cucks haven’t experienced the freedom of the open road

>tfw get shit from people all the time because I like working with Elapids and Viperids
>dude you playing with your life
>why do you keep these things they can kill you
they make me happy and nobody understands

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How is that not fun?
Automobiles are one of humanity’s greatest, most iconic, freedom encouraging inventions.
>We affirm that the world's magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath – a roaring car that seems to run on grapeshot is more beautiful than The Victory of Samoth-race
>Filippo Tommado Marinetti

They don't want the responsibility or burden of driving a car so they make up stupid excuses.

You’re probably just drunk there Vladimir


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They're afraid of everything.

They're a generation of weak, feminized, sensitive, faithless, disheartened, and broken little things. They're a bunch of great goys.

>yeah I drive an early 00s car son
>I only need mirrors son
>sensors? Rearview cameras? Assisted driving?
>get the fuck off my lawn zoomie

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Why do these faggots always have to use the whole "TWO TON DEATH MACHINE GOING AT BREAKNECK SPEEDS" shit to justify their hatred and fear of automobiles? While their argument might have some validity, they basically repeat the exact same phrases over and over again.

That’s why left wing city cucks hate them. They don’t want people to be free to move around as they please

I couldn’t wait to get my license. Literally I just drove without one for 6 months before I got it. There’s nothing better than having a car of your own you don’t have to wait for someone else to drive you around you can go places on your own schedule not on some government transportation’s schedule your car can’t just be de activated to keep you from going somewhere

Can’t implement a social score system to reduce people’s ability to move around if they all have cars of their own

Unironically this

They live their lives exclusively through screens. This makes reality very scary.

Perigrine falcon can fly at 220mph, that's easily faster than 99% of cars on the road.

That's not true user. I lived in Dallas and didn't get my license until I was 19 or 20 because there were so many cars during rush hour and traffic was rough. I wasn't scared of driving so much as I was scared of other people driving. Took me some time to get comfortable behind the wheel in the city.

Most zoomers who have cars can only afford 00s cars because the oldest of us is 19

If your brain is permanently glued to Facebook on your smart phone then I can understand how concentrating on something else, like driving a vehicle, could appear terrifying

>tfw Driving on an interstate thats under construction while only having had 1 hour of sleep in the past day
It's an adventure!

Seriously. The bells and whistles they put in modern cars are just awful.

fake and wasted just get your vision checked you absolute mongs

The big shitty itself scares me. I’m never fucking living in a city I’d rather go into the woods and try living in a cave than living in a big city

>you gotta pay for car repairs cause accident?
>get git at driving zoomer bitch
>bet your bitchass rides the brakes
>one day I'll teach you how to master the accelerator son, become one with the machine

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removing a tree stump with a peugeot?

I do the same, but with forest service roads. I then stop somewhere in the middle of the forest and get my rifle and targets. Let thinking time begin.

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In the modern era you spend 9001 of your preferred currency to get tested, certified, tested some more, approved, rubber-stamped and finally get your loicense.
Then you pay out the nose to insure yourself just in case you bump the rear fender of a boomer's convertible.
When you finally buy your first shitty banger you have to jump onto a congested road system where the slightest wrong step will at best fuck your no-claims and potentially jeopardise your driving loicense (in shitholes like the UK you even have a trial period of 2 years where it's twice as easy to get it taken off you and have to go through the whole process again) and at worst will get you horribly mangled and strewn over the motorway.
Then after all this half or more of your use (which will suck more shekels through fuel and wear and tear) will be commuting to work and back at the most rammed times of day with the other tired, frustrated wageslaves.

I'm sure driving is enjoyable in places where it's not engineered to suck every last shred of wealth straight out your ass and the roads aren't overcrowded and filled with the legitimately retarded and senile but in packed cities where every accident is just an excuse for more revenue-generating legislation driving is pretty fucking shit.

One of the moments I felt the most free in my life was when I was leaving my job one day and while on the way to my car I thought
>Why am I going straight home? I can go anywhere. I can go to the beach, which is just 20 min away, or visit a friend I haven't seen in a while, or just get on the road and see where it takes me.
It was exhilerating to say the least

Got a 2002 Continental for a couple thousand leafbucks. Tape deck and everything. No cameras or other bullshit, just American highway cruiser luxury with a V8 and a trunk the size of Arkansas.

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Especially the touchscreens. They’re subpar shit compared to even the cheapest phones. If I want maps or something in my car I’ll just use a phone mount and my own phone instead of their unresponsive screens

I outright refuse to drive cars that don’t let me control the temperature controls with physical switches

The only thing I find screens useful for in cars are ones that can display km to empty and outside temp

Two things i think

1. Constant close proximity to a screen for hours on end every day

2. Blue light emanating from the screens burns your retinas

Since #2 is less known ill go into a quick detail:

The wavelength for visible blue light has much more energy. For comparison, it has like 60% of the energy of UV, and most other visible like has 20% of that give or take.

It's like looking directly at a toned down sun for hours on end. It fucks up your eyes.

Imagine purchasing an expensive car.
Imagine purchasing a car because it can reach high speeds quickly, even though you will never actually be able to put that speed to use, except on empty dirt roads where you want to show off to your friends, lest you get buyer's remorse.
Imagine seeing a car as anything less than a tool to go from one place to another.

>nooooo you don't understand because you're NOT A REAL MAN with a REAL MAN'S NEEDS!

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>just accelerator and brakes
If there’s not a clutch in there you’re not one with the machine. Automatic transmission should unironically be banned

People that live in the city are like zombies, trying to justify how great it is and how everything is close by and convenient. I miss the stars and the quiet.

The eurocuck view on cars ladies and gentlemen

Even here you can find a decent car for 2-3 grand they’re not really expensive

Of course they would be.
They want zero responsibility, and 100% safety. If they can pass the blame someone else, they will. Hell, the entire reason their lives are bad is because of everyone else.

Agreed. As another user said, the touchscreen and all that other bullshit is awful and frustrating to use. I have a MK4 Jetta and probably the most advanced part of its infotainment is the double CD/cassette stereo setup. It really isn't a powerful car, but I enjoy it for its early 2000s simplicity.

>taking pride in being a gigantic pussy incapable of having basic skills
>believing that being proud of the fact you need cameras and sensors just to drive a car is a good thing
What a little bitch, holy shit
I bet you still think that participation trophy you got as a kid was a real accomplishment too

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I grew up in the country so driving in the city was terrifying. Especially before we had gps. It's fine now obviously, but when I was 16 getting my permit I was really scared. I totally understand kids being afraid to drive.

Do you know what ploughing a field is you retard and that's not a Peugeot that's a golf

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>riding a literal hell-beast wouldnt be fun

The more connected that rural areas become with high speed internet and online shopping the less attractive and convenient urban life becomes.
Eventually all they have left is their empty virtue signaling about how diverse they are

It’s not convenient though to go places in a city I don’t get this meme. There may be a bit more variety of things to buy but those aren’t everyday items anyway.

I live outside of town and there are 2 options for buying stuff: 5 minute drive to the next bigger town than mine for little things like snacks and gas or 15 minutes “into town” for groceries both of these trips on nice relaxing open highway. If I lived right in the big town like most people in my district do you can be at any store restaurant etc in town in about 5 minutes of driving and none of the driving is nerve wracking just using my moms place as an example she’s right in town

Whenever I’ve visited a city it’s 15 minutes to cover the equivalent distance from my moms to the closest store and it’s not fun it’s shitty just inching along hoping no stupid asshole runs into the back of you and then when you finally get there you aren’t able to get into the lane you had to be in to turn off because there was no opening to change lanes.

I’d rather have a nice 15 minute highway cruise than a 15 minute bumper to bumper madness that turns into 25 in rush hour. Oh and I don’t live so far from town because I’m forced to because of cost whereas in a city people have to live far out because anything that’s within walking distance of anything is super expensive in the city

Thank you for not driving. Your probably saving lives with that decision. Its better to admit you can't rather than drive anyway. I got tboned by an 83 year old megacunt a few weeks ago. Completely blew through a stop sign and hit me. Then her adult children tried to lie to the police and blame me. There are so many people not fit to control a screaming metal hellbeast.

Don't forget the driving test waiting times of over 6 weeks plus you can fail even if you do something that everyone else does when driving normally.
Here is an example of some shitter taking a mock UK driving test.

Responsibility scares them. They never grew up past the video games and saturday cartoons phase.

It's because Zoomers have been conditioned to not make any risks whatsoever, so naturally anything worthwhile would be a threat to their worldview.

Literally all they have to do is try it and they'll no longer be afraid.

Maybe because they are smart?

Even if you don't cruise at high speeds the acceleration will be useful.

Ancient, raw materials are syphoned from deep within the earth, refined, and delivered to a mechanical beast which then generates intermittent explosions and roars loudly as it transports you across the world at superhuman speeds. The mere act of operating a vehicle is a very powerful ritual.

Nice Tractor you got there

>surviving long enough to become immortal AI godhead
big hmmm

They're endless cash crops for the banks. They extort you with this idea that you need (((their))) cars to get around, which means you need to take out (((their))) loans since you probably dont have the money to buy one up front, and you need to pump (((their))) gas into the car every few days to keep it running.

Don't fall for it. Get a bike.

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I was in a car crash at 7, the shit fucked my mind subconsciously and i tense up when i drive so much my body aches when im done

Lifes a risk, carnal.

Leftists ride cuckcicles.

>animu avatar
it's trolling

somebody couldn't pass their road test

1. They hate the thought that someone could live outside the urban hellscapes they've imprisoned themselves in. Basically the crab bucket mentality.
2. They hate the thought that people have independence from government run transportation. That's the stockholm syndrome.
3. They like to project their own weakness onto everyone else.


Very interesting user. I appreciate your take on the state of the future.

your bone and meat is going to die whether a few 1's and 0's represent "your consciousness" on a spinning magnetic disk or not. You will experience death and a coupon with "you are uploaded!' on your fridge isn't going to change that.

Zoomer faggots are too lazy to get their licenses, because they're too busy playing vidya/being faggots. They post shit like this for misdirection, so nobody points out how useless they really are.

>No car for you
>No meat
>No guns
>No freedom of speech
>No heritage
>No culture
>Diversity is our strength
>State is God

Eat the bugs
Ride the electric bus

Shits fun. I have driven so much in my life across the country it's crazy to think people wont/dont/cant drive. It's being free.

Funny thing is I do wear glasses for depth perception. And I do drive when I need to, but for safety reasons I don’t it much. I’m not a safe driver at all, if you want to imagine what it’s like, wear an eyepatch while driving.

> They hate the thought that people have independence from government run transportation. That's the stockholm syndrome.


Having a car is literally the most cucked form of government transport
>Have to suck cops dicks
>Have to abide by all the retarded limits
>Oops didn't wear a seatbelt pay a fine wagie cagie
>Have to put unbelievable trust in your fellow wagies not to crash into you

Everytime you drive a car, is the equivalent of sucking a senators dick

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Who else had a based /ourguy/ father that started teaching you driving at 12?

Sure he'd yell at my sisters and I when teaching us how to drive and make us cry and shit but we're all great drivers now.

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Electric trams and trains ran all over the USA before cars. Back then, only people that belonged in an area could live there. Everything changed with the introduction of land tax subsidies and eventually roads. Anyone who has lived in both countryside and cityhole knows the difference that car density makes on quality of air/life.

As a zoomer who is afraid of driving (although I do drive and have never been in an accident/gotten a ticket) I think it stems from the fact that so little of my life has ever happened outside of my head or not on a screen.

Other than playing sports, working out, and playing outside as a kid, I never do anything with my hands. It's all on the screen or using my mind, so I get anxious whenever I have to do any physical task (cooking for example) and especially ones where the stakes of failure are as high as driving a car.

I rip it at 110+ daily for 10+ years bc I'm badass and rippin it is fun as fuck


why does Jow Forums love freedom and at the same time praises Hitler and authoritarianism?

How far can you move without a car, though? Day of the oil purges cannot arrive quickly enough.

This is retarded but I wouldn't mind automatically driven cars

Holy shit I hope this is just a post to collect (you)s. If not, unironically kys immediately

It's financially cucked and towns built around automobiles have the potential to look gross, but it's convenient and feels free.

And don't you remember that before cars people just had personal wagons and some horses in the wheelhouse?

my mom got in a car wreck, became retarded for life, and left me and my family in one of the most poor and degenerate cities in America to help take care of her. That's why I personally don't like them.

In essence this tweet is not wrong, you have to give up some of your sanity to drive a car.

But it's worth it because it's a convenient means of transportation. And gives a sense of freedom like few other things do.

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