The USA ranks 61st in mass shootings

The news media have been spreading a now debunked study conducted by a very young professor from Alabama named Adam Lankford which claims the USA leads the world in mass shootings and that there is a correlation between the frequency of gun ownership and shootings.

This is a case of gross dishonesty both from an academic perspective and a journalistic one.

Video article:

Just how prevalent is dishonesty in journalism and academia in America today? Can either of these institutions be trusted at all?

Attached: Adam-Lankford-a-criminology-professor-at-the-University-of-Alabama.jpg (680x497, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off faggot USA is #1 in everything

Attached: USA.jpg (550x427, 43K)

We need to do better, those are rookie numbers

What's number 1?

No, they cannot. The media is a leftist mouthpiece and has been completely coopted. How else do you think they all simultaneously report on the same things, with the same words, verbatim in too many cases to ignore.

Also, europeans are your enemy, quit idolizing them.

A glock in every pot, and a shooting in every school!

Probably Mexico.


Murder should be legal.

Attached: 6740212D-E1E6-4A3E-B648-05FCC370F75A.jpg (1242x691, 285K)

A non white country

> Premise A: USA ranks amongst Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali and Thailand
> Premise B: OP things that is something to be proud of
> Conclusion: OP is mentally challenged

Attached: Screenshot_20190913_175425.jpg (1080x598, 95K)

Shut up, discount Italy. Relevant countries only.
Go pass sime pro-abortion laws and let the bigboys talk, ok?

Norway, Switzerland, Finland, and Russia all have higher mass shooting rates than the USA. 171 nations were studied, so we fall somewhere in the middle of the pack.

Maybe you should quit smoking pot and improve your short term memory skills so I don't have to type out the fucking video for you, dipshit.

>discount Italy

Attached: topkek.png (423x500, 313K)

>Just how prevalent is dishonesty in journalism and academia in America today?
I’ve got some bad news for you user...and some even worse news for you

Attached: B9D5A39E-1E8A-46F6-9221-97B47E1273A2.jpg (400x300, 20K)

No. The vast majority of them belong in prisons and mental institutions.

Then the US it is. Got it.

>thailand higher than US
kek even frail little ladyboys are tougher than you faggots

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You have some catching up to do