What kind of lines of work can you go into where you're not treated like a slave? I don't care about the pay, but I can't do construction anymore. The type of disrespect everyone gets is ridiculous.
Working in America
104 personal days a year... Sounds like when you are sick you take a personal day
working for yourself
No one is making them work there.
Imagine blaming others for your choices
there's 104 saturdays and sundays a year thats the joke.
fucking boomers day if pillow cant cime soon enough
What a piss poor train of thought. You say this until this is every job and it's a normalized part of society. Imagine actually believing this slave shit is acceptable and you arent allowed to be legitimately declared sick by a certified medical professional, requiring you to slave for your corporate owner.
this sign is fake as fuck, like 3/4 of the shit you find on reddit, narrated with some fake ass “so I saw this today” title.
Try to stop flooding your labour market with subhumans.
what about day of the spelling you daft fucker
This. But it's not as free a feeling as being an employee and just showing up to work. You get to keep all the fruit of your labor, but you spend a ton of time doing stuff for the business without getting a dime for it.
what are the laws in the states on sick leave?
canada is 3 for sick
3 for familial obligations
2 for bereavement
in my experience most companies will just use the 8 as you go unless you specifically ask
What fucking employer asks for a doctor's note?
You can be plenty sick to call off yet not need to see a doctor.
I'll work on holidays and not take sick days.
Thank you.
spelling for you specifically, i hear you can't understand if the documents is more than 56% gramatically correct
When my nephew passed away, I only got 1 single day off because he "was not immediate family" This was at the 2nd largest (((insurance company))) in America.
it’s a joke sign you dumbshit
Don't preach to me when every post of yours is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.
>documents is
>i hear
>for you specifically
You can't even get through one sentence without making an abortion out of the English language
What company is this so we can shame them for being so inhumane?
What do you do for work?
You know this is a joke right?
Like that paper weight hand grenade that says " complaint department: take a number"
Goodest goy right here.
I'm not sure if through laws or through common practice but here:
3 for Bereavement, 2 sick days without a doctor's note 3+ with one assuming you have hours(You'll generally get an occurrence most businesses allow 3 occurrences in a quarter without a written or verbal some will do a half year.)
Family is a state law, so it's treated the same as sickness i believe, take all the time you need but you're going to need some proof and some businesses will punish you if you don't have the hours to cover it because hour fluctuations create a headache for HR as far as your benefits go.
But i am in a state with some of the greatest worker protections in the country so.....
Straight white males can only be neet monks in the kali yuga.
>this sign is fake as fuck
It's probably real, just some stupid joke shit that you buy at some guy's stall in a festival
Mutual respect creates a competent, productive workforce. Managerial disdain creates the toxic sewer we currently face.
I'm pretty sure that's a satirical poster, dude.
As immigration increases, the value of labor goes down. There hasn't been a labor shortage in the US in 100 years. So as you increase the amount of labor available, that labor becomes worth less, so you can treat employees worse and worse. It's just math. They've been trying to turn the US into a slave colony for a while, just see how things are in a couple decades. Even under the "anti-immigration" Trump, we're taking in a million legal immigrants a year. Imagine a tidal wave of third world human flesh just flooding this country. That's basically what's happening.
That's why most businesses allow you to take 2 without any questions. Only national labor/slave drivers require them on the first day.
In australia you are paid for sick leave, if you get a doctors note, and depending on the amount of sick leave you have.
Some companies are different though (mine only requires a note for multiple days or monday/friday)
so glad i turned down that job offer yesterday. reaching year 5 of neetdom soon
>No Thanksgiving Holiday
I'll burn this motherfucker down.
Fuckin dickheads its a joke sign in a canteen. BTW fuck your car chimneys and fire hydrants.
The only time they'd ask at my job would be if it was going to be several days.
it’s reddit tier faggotrt, passed around like an official sign hung up in the Walmart employees cafeteria
lord I fucking hate reddit
>construction worker
Your job is literally to build stuff for Zogs. You deserve to be treated like a slave because you are a slave.
Drs notes is such a kike thing. Employers should trust their Employees. You know who doesn't trust people? Paranoid jews.
What commie shit. Lazy white millennials aren't entitled to a job or to respect. They have to earn it by showing more passion, loyalty, cost effectiveness, and productivity than Jose, Muhammad, or Pajeet. Trump as a businessman understands this, which is why he wants to increase legal immigration and give green cards to H1B workers.
Worse than a slave, he is a robot. Slaves at least can be freed.
Is that why Americans go postal in work?
c suite faggot here
at first, I gave everyone 5 days/year, and noticed that basically everyone took 5 days a year. Three years ago, I just decided to say fuck it and said 'no limit. When you're sick, you're sick'
Now they are averaging under 3 days/year
was an interesting trend, the board was happy
If Jose, Muhammad or Pajeet don't work hard, they get deported. If a white doesn't work hard, he gets fired. Its not fair to natives when you have immigrants who will suck their employers dick if it meant working for pennies in the USA
That pic though.
Imagine thinking green card holders get deported, ever. In practice they are treated like citizens.
>inb4 one instance of a green card holder getting deported
It's news because it almost never happens.
Say disrespect me again and I'll smash your face in with this brick and bury you under the foundations.
GOOKS IN THE WIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fucking dreggs of plebbit which have infested this board are unbelievable.
Listen cunt. We'll have bread or we'll have blood, alright?
Lmao I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
Fuck boomerniggers
Kill yourself lolberg.
Cool. I'll show up to work sick with snot from the flu and before I know it the whole facility will be infected.
Slide thread
>joke poster
>taken seriously by retards on pol
summer might be over burgers exist all year.
And if these businesses with brutal call out policies listed them on the job listing your argument would have merit, but by the time you're seeing these kinds of policies you've already quit your prior job, and are probably in training at the new one...so you're fucked if you decide to leave at that point.
There are still a few jobs out there where the inept/diversity hires can't work or refuse to work. Oilfield hauling is mostly white because shitskin drivers can't get insured to haul dangerous goods because they have shitskin driving records.
I have a teaching degree but I make more than double driving semi trucks offroad than I would if I got a teaching job.
>We need $15 minimum wage
>We need unrestricted immigration
This is the result of the poor work ethic of migrants.
>he works for money
>doesn't find every loophole to jew the state
Paying taxes is cuck behaviour.
>taking boomer humor seriously
Fucking tards, the lot of you
>What kind of lines of work can you go into where you're not treated like a slave?
None, you were always a slave. The scam of calling you worker just dosnt work anymore eh?
>I can't do construction anymore. The type of disrespect everyone gets is ridiculous.
Consider actually acquiring some skills and standing up for yourself sometime.
Sign looks like a joke sign probably hanging in some tiny business office somewhere. Get over it.
Good move. Really interesting to see those results. Tbh if I worked for you I would do the same. If you gave me a set amount of paid time, I'd max it out every year. Leave me to my own devices though, and I wouldn't be pushing my luck.
Agreed. Anyone who says otherwise is either a foreigner or a lazy as fuck incompetent wagey. The American economy is strained right now. You go to work to feed yourself and you elect public officials who stop enabling international corporations to treat your citizens like they do others in other countries. It sets bad precedent, but in the mean time you would be wise to secure a career or become said politicians before mouthing off about the situation. By the time you find a career you will understand the big picture better.
Kek brutal. What company?
Niggers ruin everything!