Occupy Wall Street

I was a kid when this was going on and even then I realized it was absolutely retarded: a bunch of pissed off libs shitting in the streets as if that would change the minds of the richest men in america. These dumbfucks weren't really occupying anything other than the public road way. If they really wanted to make a difference, why weren't they occupying foreclosed mansions stolen from the american people by foreign maritime banking cartels? I remember foreclosures being a huge inspiration for these people turret none of them thought of occupying empty homes and telling the banks to fuck off? The absolute state of it all..

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Occupy Jew Street got a little too close to the truth so it was (((shut down))).

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Well I think it's critical to the safety and future of america for natural born citizens to make blatant and constructive use of all these foreclosures. There's thousands over 500k in my state alone that have been on market for over three years. Banks take the properties for failure to pay taxes, then they theirself pay no taxes. So wtf. Then the infrastructure crumbles and wastes and the bank drops a larger more unaffordable building on it and calls this artificial inflation growth. If they're lucky some chinese investor comes along and buys it out but more often than not some sorry bastard ends up with a lifetime of debt trying to find a safe place to raise their family for long enough to get their kids grown before they end up defaulting. The banks take no risk yet receive all the value in a cycle of usury

I see in the future a bunch of pissed off zoomers and millennials getting fed up with constantly being handed the shit end of the stick.
I see people blatantly squatting mansions no one can afford, great bastions of value sucked from the american people since FDR fucked america to death.
I see houses burning when the piggies show up to kick the natural born citizens out of their birthrite
I see it rapidly becoming too risky, too dangerous, too expensive to make them leave, esp when the alternative is fire in their wake..

Then you are a moron, because OWS talking points were adopted by Dems, leading to an overwhelming victory in the 2008 elections.

I genuinely don't know how grass roots or spontaneous it was. But one thing's for certain Occupy Wallstreet had been infiltrated and it's more vocal people been pushed out by Social Justice Warriors.


Anyone would have won after Bush. Secondly, talking points is literally all they were, smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile speculative stock trading remains untaxed, Israel receives billions in aid, Obama bailed out miserable refuses for corporations, and the american people continue to be crammed into smaller and more expensive housing. Smoke and mirrors, bait for the feds to see who actually had some sort of semblance of organizing skills

How could they have adopted talking points to win an election from an event three full years in the future?

>ceos of banking companies deciding which banking companies get the congress bail out money because congress contracted jamie dimon to be on the oversight commitee for it wasnt worth protesting
they were 100% unironically right about how toxic banks were to society and how much wall street fucked over the average american home owner. heres something else, little known fact. in 2010 there was an audit done that proved that the federal reserve lended 13 trillion dollars in 0 interest money to 6 banks in america and 3 trillion to over seas banks. instead of using this money to issue to the people who needed loans or couldnt withdraw money, most banks actually cut their lending and citigroup, the one that got the most of the 13 trillion cut lending in half. citi group and JP morgan bought US treasuries with interest free money and collected interest on our debt. but i guess you just think occupy wallstreet was a bunch of libtards and our banking overlords who extract 16 trillion dollars from the federal reserve and leech off of our treasury bonds interest rates are the good guys here.

OWS ultimately fell apart when the gays and trannies tried to make OWS about LGBTQ2+ rights
It was the ultimate psyops to kill the movement

OWS still had a big political affect. Also, Bush was the president who signed the Wall Street bailout into law. Like it matters though. Both parties are corrupt and bought, and morons keep happily voting for self-centered boomer scum to continue bleeding us dry as they go to their graves.

He redpilled millions...


the wall street bailout was mere pennies to the lending. 700 billion < 16 trillion

Sorry, I meant Obama's second term in 2012.

It was never grass roots, it was started by the commie leaf organization AdBusters. A lot of genuinely pissed off people latched on to it in the beginning though.

The dems didn't do that great that election though, and Obama won by several million fewer votes than '08 against Mitt fucking Romney.

They changed nothing and it's only gotten worse
Their modus operandi was too weak, too indirect, and everyone in the one percent knew it would fizzle in time because of the lack of direction.
>big political effect
Like what, the detroit auto bailouts? Nothing has changed. It's only gotten worse

OWS actually brought up many valid points about the corrupt banking practices our government is partaking in.
That's why the government injected Marxist shills to destroy the movement from within, just as they did with the civil rights movement. None of the "progressive stack" bullshit was organic.

This, after the great recession and bank bail outs there was a lot of angst. I remember being an unemployed 20yo with too much time on my hands looking at the online propaganda for OWS. It was all anti bank anti fed stuff, then I got to the philly OWS site. Started with a lot of talk about ending the fed ended with talk about racial stacks, environmental issues, and LGBTQ rights. It was wild to see, lot of stories there too between military intelligence, freemasons, and local gangs it was s very interesting few months.

So how long until we stop paying taxes and start occupying mansions? Paedophile billionaires, corrupt practices of usury, and a counterfeit and unconstitutional currency not enough red flags for everyone that indirect action doesn't work?

OWS in effect was the left wing version of the right's Tea Party. Both were pissed that the banks made reckless bets and were bailed out. The problem with OWS was that eventually the LGTB, communists, etc all arrived shitting up the original idea. You can see how the Tea Party was much more successful for a longer period of time, but eventually didn't have much pull after several electoral defeats and Trump's eventual win.

I was there. Jews sent in their drones and started the progressive stacking to shut down white males to subvert the protest. That's where you got the SJW movement today. So the underclass would be more concerned with bathrooms than banks.

I had a screencap somewhere of a guy from plebbit who had a library at the Occupy camp in his city. Some cunts like the nasty bitch in your video stepped in and demanded that he give up his library yurt to make a 'safe space for women'. He protested and said no, and they turned everyone on him and called him sexist or bigoted or whatever, and then people just stacked his books outside and took it over.

Occupy was a big awakening for a lot of people. We started off lefty, then were quickly educated on why we should fear leftist politics more than death itself.

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Well what do we do about it

Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movement had a few things too close in common that made the elite nervous. They must have us divided for them to succeed.

Controlled oppo paid for by the rich as a societal safety valve for stealing your cash. The real armed revolution will not be televised.

Deliberate non compliance would have less casualties. Govt can't do anything if it is broke

Yea we should all "protest" by sitting somewhere for hours lmk how that works out.

Occupy Wall street was pretty much my first real redpill. Say what you want about it, but if it hadn't been for OWS, I wouldn't know half the things I know today because I would have been redpilled much later, or even not at all.

The official OWS website said it was leaderless and non partisan, and they were all about fighting the big banks. I throw myself 100% behind that, but then the lefties and undercover cops started doing a few things and the media blew that up to make it look like 95% of the people there were dirty hippies wanting free money and social justice. It drove me insane to think that so many people had gathered together to use their first amendment right only to be completely slandered (seriously, the dirty hippies were NOT the majority) and even attacked by police without anyone at all actually addressing the issue they were protesting. It was from then on that I dove down the rabbit hole and no longer trusted the government at all.

No, I mean stop paying taxes and occupy foreclosures and improve the land. Invest in portable solar sterling engine generators. Be prepared to destroy whatever you're forced out of. I dont mean sit in the middle of the street and throw a shitfit.

Yet you still pay taxes, probably drive, probably have a license for non commercial use of the public road ways, etc
