I can't stand clown world anymore

We are in hell. I can't stand it. I've lost all hope. There isn't going to be some great revolution or uprising. Things are just going to gradually get worse and worse until we are old men. Why did I have to be born?

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user, step away from your computer and go outside. Reality is waiting for you.

It’s crazy right now, time to sit back and let it come to pass.

You were born to praise God. It’s only going to get worse. But what’s one short life of hell for an eternity in heaven?

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Take the BBCpill. Most white men are practicing cuckolding and its let them vent their anger and frustration out.

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just go unleash hell fren

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Return to Christ my brother. Men will always fail you. Politicians will always fail you. The Lord almighty has not forgotten you. Read Matthew ch 24, prepare yourself spiritually for the coming of our Lord. Every eye will see, every knee will bow, all the tribes of the earth will mourn.

Take the honkpill friend, getting blackpilled and killing yourself doesn't help anyone

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Why stop at cuckolding, why not become a complete faggot for BBC?


Most white men are doing that aswell. It's basically narrowed down to 2 options. Become a sissy for BBC or practice cuckolding.

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Meanwhile in real world:

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Look, things are bad. I’m not going to deny that. But that doesn’t mean you can have a good life. Go outside, get Jow Forums, and be active in your community. you can’t save your country and certainly not the world. But being able to watch your community improve will be better than anything

You must be in Dublin.

kill politicians young man, become immortalized

third position: kill politicians to remind them of their mortality and obligation to their voters

Ive been run down this weekend and dealt with stress when going outside. Peak Doomer things.

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Drink more

i feel the same way user
I feel like god left us here
I dont sense any good in the world anymore
im just here to make money for mr goldberg and then die I guess.
I am boyond the point of anger now, I just dont care anymore, I have given up.

don’t, wasting away with alcohol is pointless, at least try to do some good for your community or just yourself

or murder the people responsible for making your life hell

Ok calm down leaf,

Reality is closing in on me. I used to be able to step away but it's not working anymore. Animal rights terrorists are coming after my only hobby (greyhound racing) and my cousin just came out as transgender. My comfy world is crashing down on me.

Be patient.

You think Mother Nature likes the shit that's going down? Fucking elites think they know better than Evolution aka universal consciousness.

Be patient. The evolutionary spirit is about to step in and fuck shit up. The evil ones will be annihilated. And then the rest of us can go be the decent, productive, innovative, creative humans we were meant to be.

No, face the fucking reality of the matter you cuckolded faggots.

Nothing will change unless these people start dropping like flies.


Oh, wow. I’m truly sorry user, your life is changing, our lives are changing, but resist the temptation for cheap entertainment or booze. I realize that it sounds stupid but things will get better, maybe not soon but eventually they will

Welcome to life. It sux progressively more till u die. Don't be a pussy

Death is inevitable. Pee on your sister hamster, fuck your neighbour and have hookers for lunch everyday. Dont limit yourself

KILL the people responsible, embrace savagery. If you don't stand up to it, let 'em know you're still an ape deep down where it counts, you're just gonna get washed away.

Every satisfaction he attains lays the seeds of some new desire, so that there is no end to the wishes of each individual will. - Arthur Schopenhauer

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>give into degeneracy, don’t think about what your doing, after all your happiness is more important than everyone else
eat shit

Thats right all we'll rape their women in due time with our Palestinian brothers.

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I do the best for my community with my acts every day. But when it comes to the uncomfortable truths about life, people wont and don't want to understand them

Then again, no reason to blame NPCs for being NPCs

Fren, everyone already knew things were going to keep deteriorating.
It's been true all along, even when you didn't know it.

The universe doesn't operate on our time. We operate in its time.
If anything, just hope that you really see an Uber-Happening in your time.

Everything will be alright. Trust God and live like a hero from the old stories.

>mongol invasion
>potato famine
>great plague
>living behind the iron curtain
>the inquisition
>the great depression
And about a billion other things you pantywaist faggot pussies. Get your shit together and do something useful.

Reality is that if I go outside, I'm greeted by hordes of spics who invaded my country and are making me feel like a foreigner in my own land. Something must be done about this.

Fire or noose. Your choice.

Time is an illusion

>thinking things just as bad can't happen now

Are you serious

Not a very nice thing to say, eh?

Get used to it since from here on things will only get worse.

okay, yeah sure, I have money and food
that's great
but we live in a literal hell right now, Even If I DID do something I would be an anti semite or crazy or what the fuck ever else.
if the time comes, believe me, I will be the first one to do something (in minecraft)

Klagt nicht, kämpft!

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Warmongering leaf
Pacifist burgers
We really are living dark times

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Of course they can dickshit. Save this shit for when they do. Of course, you’ll probably be too busy crying under a bed.

Y-yes, j-just go outside.. everything is normal once I g-go outside. T-there aren't hordes of niggers and women in burkas or anything.. h-ahaha

Play videogames
And go on nightwalks with doomer music

Let me guess: you’ve never been in the military, never travelled to any significantly different countries, never been through a natural disaster, never watched anybody die, never been involved in nasty legal business, nor anything else of any significance. You sit around with your thumb up your ass blaming your sorry ass life on the blacks, or the Jews, or whoever the fuck else besides yourself.

My comment was based entirely from the view of human experience. So while I tend to agree, it doesnt practically chsnge anything

This is the safest time in all of human history and you're letting some bug people get to you. Take a step back

If you're truly redpilled, you would be training hard CV every day, because you'll know WW3 is around the corner.

I promise you this pseudo-anons and members of monitoring agencies, in your lifetime you will see WW3. If you prepare yourself, you won't go like lambs to a slaughter.

>T-there aren't hordes of niggers and women in burkas or anything.. h-ahaha

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In 4 days and 18 hours, I'm off probation and can stay drinking alcohol again (random piss tests that detect up to 5 days) after not drinking for 1.5 years. I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO DRINK MYSELF TO DEATH AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS CLOWN WORLD

>muh death is bad
the weak die, the strong live. those were the best times to be alive

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no news or pol for three days you'll feel better

i've been all over the world, lived through many hurricanes, watched 3 people die, testified in fucking agonizing legal battles. it's still the jews you faggot. also niggers are worse than nukes

It's cute that you think your "training" can save you from drone strike and nukes
fucking tard


Actually no faggot, I was 11b for 4 years kys, Ive seen people I considered my brother die, what does that have to do with anything anyway?
I work hard, I have a family, a great job, a wife, and you know what?
im still fucking sick of all of it, Fuck this clown world.


Just curious, is "leaf" American slang for Canadian?

If so thats kinda funny man

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I need a struggle. I can't just spend my life consuming. We're in the most peaceful period in human history, but everyone is lost without purpose.

You don't think that natural selection applies our time?

You're gonna go right back to drinking?

I stopped 3 months ago. I don't know how I made it here, but life is so much better. Don't go back to the bottle, fren.

It's your life though. I've got no power over you.

>It's cute that you think your "training" can save you from drone strike and nukes

WW3 won't involve the use of nuclear weapons, it will still be a conventional battlefield. As for Drones, they don't bother me, they too have their weaknesses.

kek are you serious?

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You can't say it dog imma say it for y'all

Motherfuck the popos
Motherfuck the judge and COs
Motherfuck the DA and POs
Motherfuck the family the witness and all them snitching ass hos


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guys like that can be trans no problem

what if youre like me and youre a massive, ugly, hairy beast? no choice but to man up


Go full supervillain. Basically, don't get caught, ever. Focus on that. I'm honestly thinking about it myself.

Things are so much cheaper than you'd think.

You niggers are just bombarded with demoralization. There's plenty of time guys. Whites are waking up and we will continue to do so as our numbers shrink.

Blacks are 13% of the population and look at th amount of influence they have.

Whites are more aware of things than they were 2 years ago. Calm down and take a white pill. Make red pilled ideas palatable and in the public conscious.

So, you’re just a fucking idiot.

That should be the only choice.
Unfortunately, some young men have literally zero identity and are effectively brainwashed, in every sense of the word.

I drank 750ml to 1 liter of vodka or whiskey a day for 8 years, I much prefer life drunk and can't wait to go back... Ashame, I was months away from dying when I was Court ordered to stop

Alright, you have a reason to bitch.

They're- They're just like us though!
They are!

same. you have to take the long path instead of the short path that arrant and others took. start studying math and science right now and hopefully in 10 or so years you'll have something to show for it

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welcome to pol, did you come from pewdiepies subreddit?

>he thinks we're at peace


>Things are just going to gradually get worse and worse until we are old men.
this fills me with dread

I've experienced all of those things, save the military.

Still dislike the way everything is proceeding.

But you know what they say, ignorance is bliss, yeah?

Meanwhile in reality modern life in the west is as easy as any life form has ever experienced and you've just fried your brain by reading clickbait headlines and memes on here all day every day and need to take an internet break.

easy doesnt mean fulfilling. easy doesnt mean you arent a slave. hell, its not even easy for a majority of people

>life is easy, therefore it's good
NPC-tier. life without struggle is a fucking waste

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Outside is where all the niggers are.

No. I just never come on Jow Forums and I don't keep up with the terms.

I'm also a separate guy from the pseudo-killer leaf.

I am that guy. It's time to start murdering politicians and journalists until they fucking fear us. How many islamic terror attacks after Tarrant, bud?


Get busy.

STFU you retarded fucking boomer holy fuck, ya_justsitbacknrelaxlmao.jpeg fuck you

The world is a joke, stop kidding yourself.

Things are not that bad anyway. Maybe you complain its harder to get married, but that's just false, most men who ever lived got killed or died way before they even got to talk to a woman. Maybe you complain life is harder because of clownworld, but you never suffered a water or food shortage nor ever feared for your life.
The only difference is that now you have more free time to complain about petty things, and are most likely an atheist.

Your life is way way way way way better than the life 90+% of your ancestry could have ever dreamed of having. Enjoy it, and thank God for it.

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Climb a mountain, make some wine, have sex fucking whining loser

And now, PewDiePie with the ADL stunt redpilled 102 million Zoomers.

rememver that bill burr special where he remembered someone's retort that black men get the white women, and someone replied yeah, the ones tat are fat or on welfare

Here. Have a cute classic cat girl.

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